Enable Lazy Frame Loading in Microsoft Edge

How to Enable Lazy Iframe Loading in Microsoft Edge Chromium

If you are using the newest Microsoft Edge browser, which is Chromium-based, you reduce the page loading time by enabling lazy image loading. It defers the loading of images until the page is scrolled down to them. Additionally, you can turn on the same behavior for iframes. Continue reading "Enable Lazy Frame Loading in Microsoft Edge"

Enable Lazy Image Loading in Microsoft Edge

How to Enable Lazy Image Loading in Microsoft Edge Chromium

If you are using the newest Microsoft Edge browser, which is Chromium-based, you can enable an interesting feature that decreases the page loading time. It defers the loading of images until the page is scrolled down to them. Continue reading "Enable Lazy Image Loading in Microsoft Edge"

Enable Lazy Loading for Images and Iframes in Firefox

How to Enable Lazy Loading for Images and Iframes in Firefox

An interesting feature is coming to Firefox, which will significantly decrease the page loading time in the browser. A native ability to postpone image and iframe loading is already landed in the Nightly version of Firefox 75. Continue reading "Enable Lazy Loading for Images and Iframes in Firefox"

Enable Lazy Loading in Google Chrome

As of this writing, Google Chrome is the most popular web browser. It is available for Windows, Linux, Mac and Android. It includes an interesting feature - lazy loading of images and frames - which is not enabled by default. Today, we will see how to activate it in order to load to load web sites faster.

Continue reading "Enable Lazy Loading in Google Chrome"

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