Filter wireless networks in Windows 10 to create a black list or white list

There is a secret feature of Windows 10 which allows you to whitelist wireless networks you have in your vicinity. It is useful if you have lots of wireless networks in your area with lots of access points. Every time you connect to your wireless network, you will see a cluttered list of SSIDs (network names). If you will create a white list for these networks, you will be able to filter them and see only your own WiFi.

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Change network location type (Public or Private) in Windows 8.1 and Windows 8

With Windows 8, Microsoft changed the way you define a network type. Earlier, in Windows 7 and Vista, the operating system allowed the user to set the connected network as public or private quickly with one click. However, in Windows 8 and above, the way you are supposed to set your network connection to Public or Private is completely different and very confusing. I would like to share how you can change the network location type in Windows 8.1 and Windows 8.
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How to filter wireless networks in Windows 8 to create a black list or white list

Today, I would like to share with you a secret feature of Windows 8 (and Windows 7 and Vista too) which allows you to whitelist wireless networks you have in your vicinity. It is useful if you have lots of wireless networks in your area with lots of access points. Every time you connect to your wireless network, you will see a cluttered list of SSIDs (network names). If you will create a white list for these networks, you will be able to filter them and see only your own WiFi.

Continue reading "How to filter wireless networks in Windows 8 to create a black list or white list"

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