
Set Do this for all current items checkbox by default in Windows 10 copy dialog

When you copy or move multiple files and folders from one location to another, a conflict resolution dialog may appear on the screen in Explorer. If some files or folders already exist in the destination location, Windows 10 asks what to do with such files, i.e. overwrite, copy with a different name or skip them. There is a checkbox called 'Do this for all current items' which is always annoyingly unchecked by default. Using a simple trick you can make this checkbox on by default. This improves the usability of File Explorer in Windows 10.

Windows 8.1: How to enable Do this for all current items checkbox by default in copy dialog

In a recent article, I covered a simple trick to always show more details in the copy dialog of File Explorer. There is another trick which allows you to improve the usability of File Explorer in Windows 8.1. In this article, I would like to share a tweak which allows you to enable "Do this for all current items" checkbox by default. That checkbox is presented in the copy/move file confirmation dialog or in the conflict resolution dialog of Windows 8.1 and Windows 8.

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