Linux Mint 19.2 Will Bring Improvements to Cinnamon and Nemo

Cinnamon is Linux Mint's flagship desktop environment. Started as a Gnome 3 fork, now it is fully independent. Cinnamon brings modern technologies to the Linux desktop while retains the classic desktop paradigm with the taskbar, the app menu, and traditional window management. In addition to the new features revealed with the GitHub release of Cinnamon 4.2, there are a number of other improvements made to this DE and its primary file manager, Nemo. Continue reading "Linux Mint 19.2 Will Bring Improvements to Cinnamon and Nemo"

Cinnamon 4.2 Desktop Environment is out

Cinnamon is Linux Mint's flagship desktop environment. Started as a Gnome 3 fork, now it is fully independent. Cinnamon brings modern technologies to the Linux desktop while retains the classic desktop paradigm with the taskbar, the app menu, and traditional window management. A new version of Cinnamon DE is available, featuring a number of new features and improvements.

Continue reading "Cinnamon 4.2 Desktop Environment is out"

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