
Some USB printers print random text after installing Windows updates

Microsoft recently confirmed a glitch affecting some USB printers connected to Windows 10 (22H2) and Windows 11 (22H2/23H2) systems after installing updates released since late January 2025. The issue, triggered by problematic patches in the updates, causes printers supporting USB Print and IPP Over USB protocols to randomly print garbled text and network commands (e.g., starting with "POST /ipp/print HTTP/1.1") when turned on or reconnected.

Windows 11 Bug Banner

After installing the January 2025 Windows preview update (KB5050092), released January 29, 2025, or later updates, you might observe issues with USB connected dual-mode printers that support both USB Print and IPP Over USB protocols.

To resolve the problem, Microsoft deployed a fix using Known Issue Rollback (KIR) technology, which remotely disables the faulty non-security updates. The fix will automatically apply to consumer and unmanaged business devices within 24 hours. If you are affected, restart your PC as soon as possible to let the KIR fix do its work.

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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.

One thought on “Some USB printers print random text after installing Windows updates”

  1. Hello, I wonder if it’s possible (or useful, at least for me it would) to add a command menu to windows explorer shell: “Permanent delete file”. The same as delete, (or remove, I don’t know how it’s in english, it’s not my windows language), but not to send the file to the recycle bin, but permanently deleting it. I know how to programmatically implement it for a particular extension file format, but globally and in your app would be more interesting. Thanks.

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