PowerToys 0.81 include a new AI-powered Advanced Paste feature

Powertoys Advanced AI Paste

The new update of the PowerToys utility for Windows (version 0.81) introduced the Advanced Paste function, which allows you to quickly convert the contents of the clipboard using artificial intelligence. For example, developers will be able to copy source code in one language and paste it at the desired location in another language.

If Advanced Paste is enabled in PowerToys settings, you can invoke it with a hotkey. For that, press WIN + Shift + V. The dialog box has a few presets, such as plain text, Markdown, and JSON.

To enhance the paste option with AI, there is a special setting, Paste with AI. It adds a textbox to the window for entering a description for what you do with the clipboard contents.

You can request a summary of text, translation into another language, code generation based on data from the clipboard. You can ask it to rewrite the text in a different style, modify the data structure in natural language, and so on.

In this case, the app will send everything to  OpenAI servers. Obviously, this requires paid access to the OpenAI API. You must fill in the OpenAI API key, and have some credits in your OpenAI account.

Other changes in PowerToys 0.81

  • New utility: Advanced Paste, an AI powered tool to convert your clipboard content into another format.
  • Command Not Found now uses the PowerShell Gallery release and now supports ARM64.
  • Fixed most accessibility issues opened after the latest accessibility review.
  • Refactored, packaged and released the main Environment Variables Editor, Hosts File Editor and Registry Preview utilities functionality as controls to be integrated into DevHome.

🔽 You can download PowerToys from the Microsoft Store or GitHub. The winget -s msstore powertoys command will also install the app suite on your Windows 11 PC. Finally, existing users will receive the new version automatically via the integrated updater.

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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.

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