
Play Something is a new YouTube feature to randomly play content

Reports on the Internet indicate that YouTube is currently testing a new feature called the Play something button. It allows users to randomly play content when they are unsure of what to watch on the platform.

When users click on that button, YouTube picks random videos, providing a spontaneous viewing experience. This feature is currently available in the  mobile app for select users, and it can be accessed while scrolling through the main page's content feed.

YouTube Play Something

The Play something button mostly directs the user to Shorts videos. But  occasionally it also launches different full-length videos. However, YouTube has not provided any information to the media regarding the functionality of this button. It remains unclear whether the algorithm takes into consideration the user's viewing history when suggesting random videos.

Interestingly, Netflix introduced a similar feature called Play Something in 2021. By selecting this option, users are presented with unfamiliar shows and movies for their viewing pleasure. Additionally, Netflix allows users to continue exploring other random content by clicking the Play Something Else button.

Nextflix Similar Option

The Play Something button was initially tested by Netflix in 2020, as the company recognized the growing issue of making choice tiredness among users. Now, with this feature, users can simply start Netflix and effortlessly enjoy something new. Looks like YouTube just follows the successful pattern.


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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.

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