Opera 57 has reached the developer branch. The initial release 57.0.3058.0 of Opera 57 is available for download. It comes with a long list of minor fixes and stability improvements. Also, it comes with a new installer.
The official announcement mentions the styling on the Settings page and installer UI changes for all streams.
Here is how the Opera installer looks as of this writing:

The portable version looks as follows:

The uninstaller comes with a new design of the user interface too.

As you can see, the new installer promotes Opera's built-in features like ad-blocker, VPN, extensions and its tight integration with popular messengers.
The complete change log looks as follows:
Show the change log- DNA-58466 Crashes in SkScalerContext_DW::generateFontMetrics(SkPaint::FontMetrics*)
- DNA-70512 Option to select search engine in Ukraine
- DNA-71121 Enable “Installer UI changes – implementation” in all streams
- DNA-71262 Crash at base::DictionaryValue::Iterator::Iterator(base::DictionaryValue const&)
- DNA-71504 “Passwords and forms” section disappeared from settings
- DNA-71555 [Settings] Improve styling
- DNA-71753 focus on UI controls is not hightlighted
- DNA-71754 enter key does not activate buttons
- DNA-71756 uninstall survey page uses a different font
- DNA-71760 win7 error x is cut
- DNA-71777 Disabled state of button missing
- DNA-71787 UI issues on options page
- DNA-71796 USB Installer UI issues
- DNA-71810 Only few controls in installer window are focusable with keyboard
- DNA-71820 Focus Address bar when Address bar is already focused
- DNA-71821 [Mac] Close Other Tabs menu option doesn’t work
- DNA-71825 Create initial Sidebar UI to connect to Ofa / Flow
- DNA-71831 StyledLabel is not keyboard-focusable
- DNA-71841 Unable to set homepage on dev channel with homepage switch
- DNA-71851 Making the install path invalid moves cursor to the beginning of input
- DNA-71865 Merge backup files checked into the repo
- DNA-71867 Synchronise new spell checking list with old Opera settings
- DNA-71873 Define API and structure for plugins
- DNA-71874 Not possible to display third party licenses used by Opera
- DNA-71877 USB installer in opaccessible nested Tired of online adds
- DNA-71880 [Windows] Missing options in user interface section
- DNA-71887 Zoom level shown in the dialog is trimmed
- DNA-71889 [Mac] Zoom level indicator is always shown in a new window
- DNA-71890 Implement ethereum request handler
- DNA-71892 Opauto update current tests to the new UI, part2
- DNA-71895 Remove kFeatureDisableSpeeddialExtensionsOnUpdate
- DNA-71899 [Win/Lin] Zoom level indicator is always shown in a new window
- DNA-71904 Prerendering disabled due to OSX issue. Reenable for other platforms.
- DNA-71910 unify the text on install/upgrade button
- DNA-71914 Windows non-jumbo builds fail to compile
- DNA-71915 [Settings] sync.opera.com links to myactivity.google.com
- DNA-71916 Accept and install doesn’t change to accept and update when typing a path
- DNA-71918 “Show bookmarks bar” context-menu option opens bookmarks page instead of hiding bookmarks bar
- DNA-71921 ToggleSearchInOpenTabs shortcut doesnt work
- DNA-71928 Unnecessary call to CallJavascriptFunctionUnconditionally
- DNA-71934 Check web3js hash
- DNA-71935 Leaks in extensions_unittests
- DNA-71936 Uninstaller fonts on buttons are wrong
- DNA-71944 Update schema to a new version (447)
- DNA-71945 Remove navigator from Browser class
- DNA-71948 Install path input is selected (during input) when it matches the existing path
- DNA-71954 Use old profile in test for few partner bookmarks tests
- DNA-71958 Ugly jump in subpage animation
- DNA-71967 Enter on ‘No’ on confirmation dialog repopens the dialog
- DNA-71968 AddressDropdownControllerTest fails in smoketests on beta branch (desktop-stable-69-3051)
- DNA-71972 [Settings] Don’t change strings on settings/content when options are disabled
- DNA-71988 cryptoWalletPrivate API WP2
- DNA-72023 [Windows] Re-enable goma
- DNA-72044 [Linux] Don’t need to try hiding window frame when maximized
- DNA-72047 Add compatMode to setWalletAddress
You can get this new build from here:
Source: Opera
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Author: Sergey Tkachenko
Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube. View all posts by Sergey Tkachenko