New Outlook will replace Mail and Calendar for some users already in August

Microsoft earlier announced that the support for UWP Mail and Calendar apps for Windows 10 and Windows 11 will cease by the end of 2024. They will be replaced by a new Outlook client for Windows, which has been in testing for several months. Some users will get the new app already in August.

Starting in August 2023, Microsoft will automatically migrate certain Mail and Calendar users to the new Outlook for Windows. However, users will still have the option to switch back to the legacy applications using a button in the toolbar area.

The learn more link will take you to a blog post on Microsoft's website where the company explains benefits of the new app, and why you should switch to it.

Beginning in 2024, new Windows 11 devices will be shipped with the new Outlook for Windows as the default mailbox application free for all to use. The Mail and Calendar applications will continue to be available via download in the Microsoft Store through the end of 2024. On existing devices, users can switch to the new Outlook for Windows from a toggle in the Mail and Calendar applications.

Finally, the new Outlook app will come by default with all new devices with Windows 11 preinstalled. The classic Mail and Calendar apps will remain available on the Microsoft Store, but it is unknow for how long the company is going to support those.

It's important to note that these changes do not impact the Outlook desktop app which is part of Microsoft Office.

Sources: Jerry Nixon, Brandon LeBlanc

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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.

One thought on “New Outlook will replace Mail and Calendar for some users already in August”

  1. So we’ll have Outlook and Outlook, with no way to tell them apart, without opening both. Thanks, Microsoft. They should call it Outlook Lite or, get this, Outlook Express.

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