
How to run Internet Explorer without addons

Addons are an important part of any modern browser. Using addons, it is possible to extend and modify features of the browser. In Internet Explorer, addons are implemented as special applications with start with IE and provide toolbars, buttons and handlers for various multimedia content. Some common add-ons are Adobe Flash, QuickTime, and Silverlight. Another example is the Classic IE addon, which is part of Classic Shell, which restores the caption to the title bar, and page loading progress indicator bar and security zone to IE's status bar. If you have many addons installed, it can affect the browser's performance and also cause stability issues. If your IE is crashing or slowing down, it is useful to run the browser in the addons-free mode to troubleshoot and fix problems with addons.

ie addons disabled
Internet Explorer has a special command line argument, -extoff, which tells the browser to start in No Add-ons mode. In this mode, all addons are disabled and the browser will notify you about this.
To run IE in No Add-ons mode, use the following command line:

iexplore -extoff

Note the hyphen before 'extoff'. You can type this command directly in the Run dialog (press Win + R shortcut keys on the keyboard and press Enter after entering the above command).
iexplore extoff
It will work even if you don't type the full path to IExplore.exe because Windows comes with a special run alias for Internet Explorer.
You can create a shortcut to this command and assign a global hotkey for this shortcut to open IE's addons-free mode directly, as described here: Add global hotkeys to launch your favorite applications in Windows 8.1.

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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.

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