
16 thoughts on “How to make Windows 10 ask for user name and password during log on”

      1. No, it doesn’t, BUT look at the sign in options. You can there choose what account type you are using. (the key is the local or domain account , and the next icon(i think the rename icon) to it is the Microsoft account. Also , you can log in using the local/domain user., just write MicrosoftAccount\ and normally type your password. And also it works with the Home editions.

  1. If I have Don’t display last login username checked my background will fade to the cave when I go to login. What do I do to fix this?

  2. Please help. I used the method to enable the password protection on Windows 10 HOME edition by editing the registry. It worked but now I can’t sign in. I didn’t set up a password when I setup the computer last year and I assumed it would prompt me to do so after following the above method and restarting the computer. It didn’t and now I’m locked out.
    There’s an option to reset the password and when clicked it says to insert a flash drive and try again. I did this but still get the same message saying a flash drive is needed.
    Please help me out here!

  3. Hi Mark,
    if you didn’t set up a password, leave the box blank. simply hit enter after you’ve punched in your username.
    Thanks! =)

  4. I have just made a change on Winaero to show last user and restarted.
    This change to the registry has now not allowed me to logon to my computer that is on a domain.

    Have no access to the RODC administering the computer and I am fearing I have to now reimage.

    The error message I get is:-
    “security policies on this computer are set to show info about the last interactive sign-in,but windows couldn’t retrieve that info. contact your system administrator for help”

    Have been all through the safe mode restarts (options) and the PC refuses to show me any administrator accounts.
    I know that there is an Administrator account on the PC however safe mode tells me that it is not there…

    Can you help?

  5. You should display a warning on this one. I, like another user, checked this and now can’t log on re security policy in a corporate environment. Working with help desk to fix.

    I know this is a use at your own risk program but this setting is dangerous in a corporate environment and there should be a note about that.


  6. Hi,
    I have two accounts on my laptop, one is Administrator and the other is Local Account. I have hidden my Administrator account using RegEdit by creating Special Account.
    Now I want to unhide the Administrator but the limited credentials of Local Account doesn’t allow me to change the Special Account feature in Regedit.
    What should I do?

    1. Go to c:\windows\system32 and shift+right-click on the regedit.exe file. run it as another user, provide your administrative credentials.

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