Edge 110 is the first stable version of the browser to feature Drop, an easy to use integrated sharing service. It is something like "Saved messages" in your Telegram app, as it shares files only with you. Drop opens a panel where you can compose a note or add a file that will be shared across your devices. Obviously that you have to use Edge with a Microsoft Account on all those devices. It also uses OneDrive to store the files and notes. Drop supports both desktop and mobile devices.
It is indeed a convenient way to quickly transfer some document or idea from your smartphone to your laptop, or vice versa. It saves you tens of clicks, especially if don't have a OneDrive/GDrive or anything like that installed on some of your gadgets.

By default, Drop is not enabled in Microsoft Edge 110. Even more, for some users it is not visible in the browser's settings. Microsoft rolls out it gradually, so that's why not everyone has it right after upgrading to the latest Edge version.
If you want to get the Drop feature right now under your fingertips, there's an easy way to enable it. Just do the following.
Enable Drop in Microsoft Edge
- Open a new tab in Edge.
- Paste edge://flags/#edge-drop into the URL box and hit Enter.
- Select Enabled from the drop-down list next to the Enable Drop flag.
- Restart the browser. This will add the "Drop" option to the toolbar settings of Edge. If you already have it there, then you can omit this step.
- Now, click on the menu button or press Alt + F, and select Settings.
- Select the Appearance section on the left.
- On the right, scroll down to the "Select which buttons to show on the toolbar:" section, and enable the Drop button, as it is disabled by default.
- Finally, click on the Drop toolbar button with the paper plane icon. You now have Drop enabled!
You are done! Here's a brief reference on how you can use the new feature.
How to use Drop
Make sure that you are signed in with a Microsoft Account into the Edge browser. Also, ensure you have enough free space on OneDrive, as Drop will use it to store your shares.
Now, open the Drop panel using the toolbar button you have already enabled in a previous chapter, and drag some file into it, or compose a note using the provided text area.

All your other devices that have Edge installed will show a notification about a new file or note. They will be synced automatically.
WAlso, if you open OneDrive, you will notice a new folder, named Microsoft Edge Drop files. It contains all the files you have uploaded using Drop.
If one of your devices is a smartphone, you can access the files as follows. To view the Drop files in Edge for Android, launch the Edge browser, and tap the three-dor button to access its menu. There you will find the Drop icon.
That's it.
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Great guide, but Drop is not showing for me in the toolbar options in settings even though it says it’s been enabled in the page that edge://flags/#edge-drop took me too. It says enabled, it prompted me to restart. Tried a couple times, but I don’t have Drop as an option to add to the toolbar. Suggestions?