Initially, Google planned to end Chrome support on now-deceased Windows 7 in July 2021. Later, the company changed its mind and granted the browser another six months of support. Now Google is extending Windows 7 support again. This time, by a year.
According to the official documentation, Chrome will remain supported on Windows until January 2023. That gives businesses paying for extended Windows 7 support from Microsoft another year of updates for Google Chrome. Here is the updated message on the "Chrome Browser System Requirements" page:
"Chrome is extending support for Windows 7 through January 15, 2023 for critical security and stability updates."
On January 15, 2023, Google will stop issuing security and stability updates for Chrome. That does not mean the browser will stop working, though. Users can continue using Chrome beyond the specified date at their own risk.
Currently, to use the most popular browser in the world, you need a computer with Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, or Windows 11. Chrome also requires a CPU with the SSE3 instruction set support (Intel Pentium 4 and newer).
Microsoft Edge is another Chromium browser with Windows 7 support, but the software giant is yet to announce when it plans to drop the aged operating system. It is probably safe to assume that Microsoft will follow Google and stop supporting Edge on Windows 7 in 2023.
Microsoft ended mainstream Windows 7 support in January 2020. While regular users can either use an outdated system or move along to something newer, business customers can pay Microsoft for additional three years of security updates and fixes.
With each of three years of ESU (extended security updates), Microsoft increases the price businesses need to pay to keep their Windows 7-based systems secure.The updated Chrome support policies now align with those from Microsoft.
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