I am happy to announce that Winaero content is now accessible via Telegram! If you are a user of Telegram Messenger, you might find it useful and convenient to read our articles and news there.

The Telegram Messenger app is very popular on both Desktop and mobile. More and more users over the world are finding it a superior alternative to WhatsApp, Viber or Facebook Messenger. That's because it works independently on PCs and mobile devices without any SIM card requirement like WhatsApp. The team behind it is also working hard on adding more and more clever features to all versions of their clients.
From all the modern messengers, Telegram has most lightweight Desktop app and nice features like history synced across all your devices via the cloud, large file transfer (up to 2 GB), free stickers and a lot of other features often implemented better than in similar apps. Your media shared via Telegram is stored in the cloud which means even if it gets deleted from your device, you can download it again.
Telegram supports channels and groups besides regular one to one messaging. You can join a channel to stay up-to-date on all the events announced via that channel.
Winaero on Telegram
You can find the official Telegram channel for Winaero here:
Additionally, you can stay in touch with us using the following options:
These pages publish our latest tutorials, software updates, and news.
Finally, if that's not enough, you can follow my personal accounts:
I will be happy to answer to any of your questions related to my software and/or this web site. If you have questions about Windows 10 or need to see specific tutorials, feel free to suggest us topics so we can serve you.
Support us
Winaero greatly relies on your support. You can help the site keep bringing you interesting and useful content and software by using these options:
Awesome thank you!
Very handy Sergey! Following! ;)
Thank You.
Thanks for following! I hope to stay interesting to people :-)
social media sucks. where is the regular email option or even send me a telegram message? jeeze.. who want’s to log into an echochamber like twitter just to say hello?
kudos on the telegram channel – great idea!
the email subscription option is on the right.
on the “About us” page you will find my personal email
Dziękuję ! :-)
Już zainstalowałem “Telegram”.
Trzy dni temu trafiłem na Winaero i nie odrywam oczu od ekranu.
Jestem internetowym żółtodziobem i od trzech lat próbuję się czegoś nauczyć poprzez “klikanie” bo nie znalazłem tak wspaniałej strony, gdzie wszystko byłoby tak czytelnie i zrozumiale wytłumaczone.
Żałuję, że nie znam angielskiego. Korzystam z translatora Google i – o dziwo!… – tłumaczenie jest na tyle dobre, że dociera do mnie to, co czytam.
Nie wszystko rozumiem. To z powodu braku wykształcenia i wiedzy w tym przedmiocie. Ale już po tych kilkunastu godzinach ustawiłem sobie laptop dzięki znalezionym TUTAJ wskazówkom.
Przepraszam, że tak się rozpisałem, ale jestem bardzo szczęśliwy, że mogę korzystać z publikowanych tutaj wiadomości.
Pozdrawiam bardzo serdecznie <3
Thanks for your kind words! I am very happy to get a feedback like this!