
Download AIMP3 skins

AIMP3 is probably the best freeware audio player. It easily outsmarts Winamp. It is lightweight, not resource-hungry, supports over 40 audio formats, can record internet streams and do much more. I would like to share my personal collection of great skins I have for AIMP3.

I have several reasons to have AIMP3 installed. Here is the check list of my favorite features of this awesome player:

  • Skins and plugins
  • Ability to create bookmarks and queue playlists
  • Ability to customize hotkeys, depending on personal preferences
  • Multiple user profiles - each user will have separate settings
  • Audio grabber and audio converter . Audio Converter supports various formats like wav, ogg, mp3 and wma.
  • When the player is running, it is possible to see the full track information, just hover your mouse over the player's icon.

You can download AIMP3 from its official site.

Download AIMP skins

aimp_00431aimp_00417 aimp_00420

You can download some skins from my personal skins collection available here:

AIMP3 skins

Note: I am not the author of any of these skins. All credits go to the respective authors of these amazing skins. All of the skins are available for free on the Internet. You can see each skin's details to see who is the author of that skin.

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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.

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