In this article, we'll see how to pin Regedit to the Start menu in Windows 10 or any such programs which do not have a shortcut in the Start menu. This trivial procedure is made more difficult in Windows 10 and you may find that you cannot easily pin it in the latest version of the OS. Let's see what's the problem.
Category: Windows 10
How to Move Off-Screen Window Back To Screen in Windows 10
It probably happens to all of us. Sometimes an app starts normally, but its main window appears off-screen. This often happens with portable apps, when you run them from a flash drive on a display which has lower display resolution than the previous one. Here is how to resolve this issue.
How To Set Custom Icon For Removable Drive in Windows 10
Today, we will see how to set a custom icon for your removable drive, e.g. your USB flash drive, SD Card or an external HDD drive to quickly differentiate these kinds of devices when you connect them to your computer. All you need is Notepad and some nice icon file. Here we go.
How To Change Game DVR Capture Folder in Windows 10
As you may already know, there is a built-in Game DVR tool in Windows 10 which allows capturing screenshots and recording gameplay videos for games you play in the OS. By default, this content is saved on the system drive under your user profile. Here is how to change the Game DVR Capture Folder's location in Windows 10.
How to Restore Power Plan Default Settings in Windows 10
By default, Windows 10 come with three power plans: High Performance, Balanced, and Power Saver. These plans are designed to quickly let you switch a group of hardware and system power settings (like display, sleep, etc). Your PC can have additional power plans defined by its vendor. These power settings affect how long your battery lasts and how much power your PC consumes. It is possible to customize these power plan settings. In this article, we will see how to revert your customizations and restore the power plan defaults in Windows 10.
How To Remove Pin to Quick Access Context Menu in Windows 10
The Quick Access location is a new folder in Windows 10's File Explorer. It is where Explorer opens by default instead of This PC. Quick Access shows recent files and frequent folders in a single view. You can also pin various locations inside Quick Access. There is a special context menu command "Pin to Quick Access" available for certain file types. It allows the user to pin them to the appropriate folder for faster access. If you find no use for Quick Access, you can remove the context menu.
Always Connected PCs are first Windows 10 ARM Devices
Along with OEM vendors like ASUS and HP, Microsoft announced a new generation of PCs. Powered by energy efficient ARM SoC Snapdragon 835, they run Windows 10 and can last up to 20 hours without charge according to Microsoft. Real world performance and battery usage under heavy conditions remains to be seen. Also, how Windows performs on ARM compared to iOS and Android is also an important benchmark.
Microsoft Releases Whiteboard Preview App for Windows 10
Microsoft today announced a preview version of their innovative Whiteboard app for Windows 10. It is a new Office app for freeform digital canvas whiteboarding which brings real-time collaboration to Windows 10 devices.
How to Add or Remove Bluetooth Taskbar Icon in Windows 10
In this article, we will review different methods to add or remove the Bluetooth icon from the taskbar in Windows 10. If your device comes with Bluetooth, a special icon appears in the notification area (system tray). You can hide it in order to keep the system tray less cluttered, or add it for faster access to the feature if you use the Bluetooth options frequently.
How to Clear Recent Colors in Windows 10 Settings
If you have changed your Windows 10 taskbar and window color several times, the colors you have used will be shown on the Change your color page in Settings. If you want to clear previously used accent color history, Windows 10 provides no option for this task! In this article, we will see how to remove previously used colors in Windows 10.