Read Frequently Asked Questions for Winaero Tweaker.
q. What is Winaero Tweaker?
a. Winaero Tweaker is my latest software which consolidates all the tweaks from my smaller, standalone apps. It has an easy to use UI to access all the features from a single app.
q. Is it freeware?
a. At this moment, it is free of charge. This can change in the future because it provides great value but at this moment I have no such plans.
q. How do I obtain and start Winaero Tweaker?
a. You can download Winaero Tweaker by downloading the ZIP file. Extract all the files from the ZIP to a single folder and then run WinaeroTweaker.exe.
q. What is the WinaeroTweakerHelper.exe file?
a. Some operating system options require a background process to be continuously running to monitor those changes. For example, if you change the wallpaper or the theme, the taskbar in Windows 8 will automatically become translucent. If you previously made it opaque using Winaero Tweaker, it needs to make sure that the Taskbar turns opaque even after you close the Tweaker app. So, WinaeroTweakerHelper makes such tasks possible by running in the background and consuming a minimal amount of memory.
q. Why is WinaeroTweakerHelper.exe 32-bit even though the Windows OS I am running is 64-bit?
a. It needs to be 32-bit. It is required by Windows API implementation, see THIS for more details.
q. Why does WinaeroTweakerHelper.exe run at Windows startup?
a. You enabled some features in the Tweaker which caused the helper process to run when you sign in to complete those tasks. For example, you may have turned on "Make taskbar opaque at startup":
q. Hey! Why does Winaero Tweaker try to access the internet or "phone home"? Does it collect any personally identifiable info?
a. It does nothing except check for updates. You can disable it from the Tools -> Preferences menu. Thereafter, Winaero Tweaker will not connect to the Internet.
q. Where's the apply button that was on Boot UI Tuner/Close Threshold/Window Borders/Any other app combined with tweaker?
a. There is no such button in Tweaker for most of its settings. They are applied instantly after you change the appropriate setting and you don't need to click any additional buttons. It is better for your productivity.
However, for some features, an additional confirmation makes sense. For example, changing the shortcut arrow requires a restart of Explorer, so it is better to let the user perform this action manually to prevent any inconvenience.
In most cases, you don't need to click any 'Apply' button or anything else. Just change the settings you want according to your preferences.
q. How to uninstall Winaero Tweaker?
a. Winaero Tweaker can be installed as a portable app:Delete the folder where you extracted it to remove it. If you are unable to delete WinaeroHelperTweaker.exe, kill it from Task Manager.
If you have installed it using the Normal mode, go to Control Panel - Programs and Features - Uninstall a program. Uninstall the app there:
q. Will updating Tweaker over the existing installed version cause me to lose my settings?
a. It won't. You can safely install the app over any previous version you have installed.
q. When will feature XYZ be implemented?
a. I am developing ALL my apps in my free time. So, your favorite feature will be implemented whenever I get time to code it.
q. Can you please add feature ABC?
a. I am always listening to your suggestions. Feel free to leave a comment.
q. After the Aug. 2 2016 update ("anniversary update", version 1607) some features disappeared from Winaero Tweaker. Why?
a. Microsoft has changed Group Policy and locked some options to Enterprise and Education editions. Unless you are running Windows 10 Enterprise or Education, you can't get features like "Disable Lock Screen" and "Disable Unwanted Apps". See this article for reference: Microsoft locks some Group Policy options to Enterprise editions in Windows 10 Anniversary Update.
q. Is it a virus? My Microsoft Defender/Malware Bytes/Some other AV software flags it.
a. This is a false-positive. It happens from time to time with a variety of security software, and not only to Winaero Tweaker. Almost all tweakers are a special software that change system settings or its behavior, often using undocumented or hidden options, sometimes using Group Policies or documented APIs.. This is mainly the reason for such reaction. Also, I have expressed my opinion regarding the situation in this post.
In short, no, it is not a virus, not a potentially unwanted software, but I always assume that you know what you are changing and for what. If you have any doubt, don't change the option. Click on the "See how it works" link on the specific tweak's page in the app, and read carefully what it does.
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How about the ability to swap out individual system icons for theming?
In past, i wanted to create a separate app for this.
And i am thinking that it will be too huge app to become a part of tweaker.
I need to think about.
We created many custom icons for our projects and games. Windows had difficulty displaying these and would often only show a blank generic icon. We had a complex work-around that ran in the bootup to try to fix this, but that usually required a reboot and didn’t always work. We think the problem may have been a memory pool limitation.
It would be nice to be able to use a large number of custom icons without issues.
Apologies for using the reply to ask a question. I have a question about WinAero Tweaker but cannot find any way of submitting it on your website. Can you let me know how to do this ?
This has probably already been suggested for Winaero Tweaker. Can you please find a way to remove that aggressive, persistent, intolerable, “Try the new Outlook” toggle in Windows Classic Mail and Calendar apps. I don’ know if can ten more months of its aggravation and I shudder think what it will look like in December 2024.
Regards, Richard
I don’t see well. I find Winaero’s fonts far too small to read. This is despite setting scaling and other enlargements. Please might it be possible to use a bigger font – say Trebuchet 16 point?
Thank you.
I will eventually add a font option to the app.
Hi, with the change of the themes a while back, you can no longer apply your colour of choice to the start menu and taskbar if you use light mode in Windows 10. Could you please enable this somehow, through the Winaero tweaker?
I think this is one of the most disgusting examples of Microsoft’s overbearing behaviour, where you can’t even choose colours. One of the devs even commented on the lack of the option with something along the lines of “if we see a demand for it, we may re-enable it”, which is only another example of their disgusting attitude.
Spelling error in program
File Explorer -> Enable Recycle Bin for removable **drivers** (should be **drives**)
Why isn’t in Winaero Tweaker the Russian language?
why it should?
I will add russian later.
OK, but another languages? Will be implemented the language script(or so)?
Will be the same way as for other apps.
Сергей, мне импонирует то, что вы делаете!
Однако добавить русскую локализацию Вы, если не ошибаюсь, года 3 тому назад обещали, но … увы.
If we already are running Classic Shell in Win 8.1, is there any conflict also running this?
No, you should not get any conflicts.
I only suggest you not to use Winaero Tweaker to make the taskbar opaque in that case. Use the Classic Shell’s built-in ability to make it opaque.
Yes. I already noticed that the Opaque does not “stick.”
This is interesting. I tried to do it only with Classic Menu>Windows 8.1 Settings. That DID make it opaque, but does not change the background to a dark gray,
^^That is necessary–I cannot read the ‘normal,’ but awful white text on light gray background. When I set transparency disabled in Classic Menu, AND *ENABLE* it in Tweaker, then I get White text on black (wonderful! and necessary to be ale to read anything there)–but suddenly later it will revert.
Do you know any combination of settings that will get the dark background to stick?
Nope, I even not noticed such UI effect.
Dear Mr. Tkachenko:
Thank you for writing Winaero XMouse Tuner and Winaero Tweaker.
A competitor to Winaero XMouse Tuner, Joel Purra’s “X-Mouse Controls” tool, is now open-source. I wonder if you too might please release the source code of Winaero XMouse Tuner or even Winaero Tweaker to the public?
Kind regards,
I support this.
In today’s zero trust world – open source all the way.
the Winaero Tweaker does not work in windows 10 I get this error msg
could not find part of the path c:\windows\system32\resources\themes\aero.theme
in fact i looked for the resources folder in the system32 folder and there is not one
any reason it is looking for something that is not even there?
Fixing right now
Thanks for the excellent Winaero Tweaker, hope you can add Win 10 privacy settings. A note on the UAC setting: looks like there are two ways to disable it, the “hard disable” way and the “softer” Windows Control Panel way. Seems Winaero uses the first method, a consequence of which is the inability to use Store, for example. Maybe you could revert to the default Windows way which still prevents UAC from being annoying?
A post on this: http://www.еightfооftware-аррs/2З921-cant-run-apps-uac-turned-off-post2ЗЗ522.html#post2ЗЗ522
Well, this is very reasonable request.
I will think about it.
Can you implement changing the UI Font types in the way “Windows 8 Font Changer” does for Win8?
well, I already implemented most of its settings.
only the message && statusbar fonts are missing.
will add to the next release.
Why isn’t in Winaero Tweaker the Aero Glass for Windows ?
Because Microsoft never put in full Aero for Windows 8, 8.1, or 10, just the “Aero Lite”. This is (Probably) something that cannot be fixed
hey i used it on win 10 and activated dark color scheme.
after switching back to white all the fonts in explorer look very pixy, i had clear type deactivated and have to activate it again but still not very suffuciant (not like before: standard win10 + deactivated cleartype).
also if i activate color bars it changes the background – what the f****
it would be cool to change the background picture of the logon screen instead of a plain color.
shows that this is working
Running Win10 Pro x64. Shrinking title bar and scrollbar. Have aero light default enabled. Problem is on standby/restore, logout/login or restart, title bar and scrollbar go back to original size. WinAeroTweakerHelper.exe is NOT running on startup. Should it be?
nope, the Helper app is not required to set metrics.
It fails for many people actually, I am trying to find why.
I prefer a solid colour background but when I then use your app to add coloured title bars the background reverts to a picture. If I then change back to solid background the title bars go back to white. How do I get both?
Apply colored title bars and go to Settings – personalization – background. Set solid color there.
Sorry, I should have been clearer. I set solid colours in the personalisation part of settings, as you say. I set coloured title bar in your app. Whichever is the LAST action I take undoes the other one. So I can’t have a solid colour background AND coloured title bars. I could well be doing something stupid, but I can’t see it.
let me see. one moment pls.
I set the title-bars to be colored, but after reboot its back to normal windows 10.
Did I overlook something?
Can you please DISABLE WinAeroHelper from running in the background? I’m 100% fine with renabling my taskbar transparency when I change my theme (which isn’t frequent) and I hate unnecessary stuff running unnecesarely in the background -_- Old OpaqueTaskbar was good as it asked of you “do you want to keep it in memory after restart” on which I gladly replied “HELL NO! Just change my taskbar to opaque and shut down -_- ” I want to use the opaque taskbar option but as long as the process is there I can’t.
Hey Sergey,
Any interest in releasing Winaero Tweaker as an open source application? I am interested in building a similar app for making some customizations to how Windows 10 works and figured it might be easier to extend your app vs. trying to build everything from scratch.
I am sorry, I have no such interest at this moment.
Hi, each time I use WinAero Tweaker to adjust things, the X in settings (and in other apps like VBA) get very big. If you email me, I can reply with screenshots so you can see what I mean, and hopefully you can tell me how to restore those to normal size. The titlebar and it’s X are desired size. Only other X’s in other places are huge. Please advise.
Hello. I am wondering if you could add the feature of Centering the Titlebar title.
Since you already added an option to change its font, I don’t think it would be that hard for you to add.
It is certainly one of the downsides to using Windows 10 over Windows 8.1
Thank you for your time.
Well, it is defined by the theme/visual style. It cannot be changed by metrics or with Registry.
when changing the font for any thing using this software fter clicking the apply button it says not responding
please help.
I know about this issue.
Probably you are running Windows 10?
It appears for some users in random period of times. The new UI of Windows 10 blocks Windows Tweaker from doing the metrics trick. I am trying my best to find the solution.
Hi, Sergey. I downloaded Winaero Tweaker but tried removing it, but it’s not going away. I deleted it off my computer, restarted my computer, redownloaded Winaero Tweaker, and deleted it again, but it’s still there. I ended the processes, too. What else can I do? Sorry if this seems a bit silly, I don’t know much about computers.
Hi Carol.
End the process “WinaeroTweakerHelper.exe” too. Then remove all files of WinaeroTweaker. It should be enough.
Hi Sergey,
is there a way to keep Winaero Tweaker in the system tray?
At present – as far as I can tell – I can only keep it running by minimizing it which takes up precious real estate on the taskbar. When I click on the X it stops running.
Well, if you really need it, I can add such feature.
Not a big deal.
How do I change windows startup sound? Can’t yu do that anymore? I can’t find the option
I cannot do this in Windows 8+
Thanks to Microsoft.
Why isn’t in Winaero Tweaker the Russian language?
Why it should be there?
the world ISN’T all english!!
Hey, I downloaded Winaero and it works perfectly, yet I cannot find where to change the start up sound. The icon is non-existent although everything else is where it should be. Is there a solution for this?? BTW I have Windows 10.
this feauture works only in Windows 7. Just because Windows 8 and above does not allow to patch sounds in the shell32.dll file. Windows 10 also does not allow this.
I added two “Custom Accents” using Winaero Tweaker
Now I want to delete them. How can I do that?
Press “reset defaults” on Tweaker’s toolbar.
excellent! thanks for your fast answer! great service
another question: is it possible to set via winaero that all folders in Windows Explorer (also as “Open” and “save as” when MS Office is used) be viewed with the layout “List”?
It is not possible yet.
I have not implemented such a feature.
Hello there! Your work is great! I have an issue though, when using the app in windows 10 when I try to set a custom accent color to say black, it shows a preview thumbnail for the color in the windows personalization settings panel but when you click on it to set the color it only changes the titlebars and taskbar to blue?!?!?!? I’ve tried it on all manner of installs with the same result. Any way to fix this issue? Thanks for your time! I’ll donate if you can show me a fix. Great app man!
Try to add not black but very dark grey instead.
Windows 10 is known to be adjusting the accent color by its own.
Yeah I tried it, seems that windows automatically sets it your color to the nearest matching color in the default color sets… I guess microsft has something against people coloring their own windows? Or am I just doing something wrong here? maybe i could use a custom theme instead?
do you have an option to customize the Context Menu when it is used at basic features, for example at Windows Explorer?
it will come to tweaker in the next release.
If not, then in release after next.
when is to going to come that release and which is the way to know about it?
don’t disable the built-in update check in settings – it will notify you automatically.
When? Well, it is a good question. I am a bit limited with my time, can’t finish it for last couple of weeks. I am trying my best to release it as soon as it possible.
is it possible to set up Winaero to open “Save As” at the MS Office and to have at the right side the recently used files and folders?
MS Office is in Seattle. Winaero cannot open a Save as there from Russia.
I’dI appreciate if we keep this thread professional.
My same question in other words: when opening MS Office (or I imagine would be the same for the case of Window Explorer) is it possible to customize the left panel?
The left pane has a Favorites/Quick access section that you can customize. It also has “Recent places”.
how can I do that?
Drag a folder to Favorites to pin it. Right click a pinned folder to remove it.
ok, I knew that.
Is there a way that automatically it can be accessed to the latest files? like a folder of recent files?
Go to C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent and drag “Recent” to the Favorites pane. For folders you already have “Recent places”. Now you have both recent files and folders there.
how can I add that to the “Save As” in MS Office?
Hi Sergey,
Is it possible to change the “dreaded white backgrounds” in all folders to a colour of choice?
It was possible in 7, using Ave Folder Background.
Not sure if it works in Windows 10.
There is no such a feature planned for tweaker yet.
Hi, I just downloaded WinAeroTweaker, but why I can’t change lock screen in Windows 10?? And why is the ctrl+alt+del thing is still there if I delete it?? BTW I still like your app still ;)
Добавь экспорт и импорт изменений в файл/из файла.
Add the export and import of changes to / from a file.
This feature is already planned.
Found bug in Winaero Tweaker under Windows 7 (awesome much-needed program, BTW. Thank you).
Desktop and Taskbar –> Open Last Active Window
clicking the checkbox for Switch to Last Active Window in Group throws an exception (“parameter is incorrect”).
See the end of this message for details on invoking
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.
************** Exception Text **************
System.IO.IOException: The parameter is incorrect.
at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.Win32Error(Int32 errorCode, String str)
at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.CreateSubKey(String subkey, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck permissionCheck, RegistrySecurity registrySecurity)
at 9{%daf%n5|GO0\.dJ<`#(^\\t\*".(Boolean )
at System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox.OnCheckedChanged(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox.set_CheckState(CheckState value)
at System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
************** Loaded Assemblies **************
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5485 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework64/v2.0.50727/mscorlib.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/Winaero%20Tweaker/WinaeroTweaker.exe
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.8686 (QFE.050727-8600)
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5491 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5495 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/Winaero%20Tweaker/WinaeroControls.DLL
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5494 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.8692 (QFE.050727-8600)
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_64/System.Data/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 3.5.30729.5420 built by: Win7SP1
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Core/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 3.5.30729.5420 built by: Win7SP1
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml.Linq/
************** JIT Debugging **************
To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this
application or computer (machine.config) must have the
jitDebugging value set in the section.
The application must also be compiled with debugging
For example:
When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception
will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer
rather than be handled by this dialog box.
Thank you for your report.
The bug is fixed, please re-download the app.
It was a typo in a string, I accidentally pressed some key and saved it.
I get the following error when I try to install tweaker
Unable to execute file in the temporary directory. Setup aborted
Error 5: Access is denied
Any thoughts to get around this? I have tried using the Administrative User and get the same error.
Thanks for your help.
For some reason, it has no access to your %temp% directory.

Check out its NTFS permissions.
According to Procmon, it tried to do the following:
Winareo Tweaker a very useful program. One suggestion:Give the option to color fonts for Icons.
Windows 10 does not provide this and many people could use the change in color.
This would be good for the next update.
Thank you for the program.
In Windows 10 Home edition the Network Drives over UAC option does not appear?
It is not edition. It was a bug in Windows 10, so I disabled the feature after a certain build.
Now it is resolved, needs to be re-enabled again in the Tweaker app.
Thanks for reminding, I will do.
I really appreciate the work you have put into the Winaero App. I installed it on my Windows 10 PC to change the default font to Helvetica Neue Light but it has not changed the default font throughout the entire operating system. For example, the Start Menu, Windows Apps, Sign In and Lock Screen still show the default Segoe font. Is there any way to completely replace the Segoe font throughout the entire Windows 10 operating system?
“Winaero Tweaker can be installed as a portable app”.
For me this is misleading because from a “portable app” I do not expect to write to Windows registry and this is what WinaeroTweaker actually does, it writes to:
A truly “portable app” would store its configuration files inside program folder and not in Windows registry. In my opinion “Portable mode” should enable such an option.
I do not see TakeOwnershipX in WinAero Tweaker. Perhaps it just hasn’t been implemented yet? Thanks for all your work.
I am working to merge them. It is in my TO DO.
Thank you very much for this app. I have been trying to use the “customise This PC” feature to add a documents file, and it appears to work, however the folder is always automatically filled with the documents from my OneDrive, even though this is not the folder I selected.
Oddly, the properties of the new folder show the correct number of files, even though they aren’t present.
Any ideas how to get around this problem would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
First of all, I will try reproduce this issue tomorrow.
I will reply here.
Can you tell me why when I open Elevated Shortcuts, it does not show me the form. There is a similar program, UACpass, that is reacting to this same issue and not working. I am trying to track down the issue on one computer. Two others work fine. I am guessing the programs are not able to verify the user as an admin but I have no idea what you are looking for to do that. I am an admin and I am in the admin group. Is there something else that might cause this?
No error message? Nothing?
not a thing. It just opens with the Elevated Shortcut page, the See in detail link below that and the Description section immediately below that – no form.
Everything behaves exactly like the computers that work except I get no form. I opened it under a std user acct and it asked me for an admin p/w. I entered it and it opened. When I opened Elevated Shortcut it showed no form. The other computers show the form if I do the same thing so it is something after the admin verification. Whatever is trying to put that form on the screen is running into a roadblock. It seems to think it has succeeded which may be why no error is issued.
Thanks for your help
it must have something to do with the GPT drive as I clean installed it again and it does not work with nothing else loaded on the system.
Does anyone else have this working on a GPT drive??
What is shows?
Thank you so much for this program. I have a problem in that I can’t turn off Winaero’s automatic updates. I getan unhandled exception. “Destination array is not long enough to copy all the items in the collection.”
Thanks. I look what I can do.
Thanks a lot for this tool : it does the job for any admin account and it’s quite beautiful.
However, I’m trying to change “This PC” settings for my standard account.
The problem is, when I start the tool, it requires to be run as an administrator (it seems to be hard-coded, not in the XML manifest inside the exe file). If a cancel elevation, an error is shown and the tool stops.
As a result, “This PC” settings apply only to the administrator account, not for the standrad user I initialy targetted.
This as a normal behavior of how I configured UAC.
I don’t have any UAC consent, I need to enter administrator password. So the process is not from me with elevated rights but from administrator himself.
So, finally, my question is: How can I start WinAero Tweaker without any elevation, in order to apply “This PC” settings to current user ?
I understand many feature would NOT work in restricted account, but some settings do not require elevation.
Thanks for considering this.
That is really strange.
Winaero Tweaker is designed to start elevated, you are right.
But it is ABLE to tweak the CURRENT USER account instead of the Administrator’s one. The behavior you described must be a bug, not a “feature”.
Can you tell me what you exactly were trying to do with This PC?
Did you try to add/remove folders?
Can you possibly tweak Winaero Tweaker to allow the user to not only choose a system font, as you can now, but also allow the user to change the font attribute, such as bold and also change the font size? I am currently using version and am also a member of the Microsoft Windows 10 Insider program and currently have Windows 10 Pro version 16170 installed. It seems that when I change from the default Segoe UI font to anything else the colon between the hours and the minutes display on the taskbar will always show a graphic rectangle instead of the colon. Nothing critical, just bothersome.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Steven Haberkorn
I had the same thing happen with the clock when I updated from Anniversary (Build 1607) to Creators (Build 1703). It was so annoying to me, I went into recovery in Windows settings and selected “Go back to an earlier build” to get Build 1607 back again… and problem solved. Won’t update Windows until this bug in Winaero Tweaker is confirmed to be fixed.
Unfortunately, it is not a bug in the app.
This is how Windows 10 processes the new font. I haven’t found a solution yet.
Suggestion for Aroa tweaker. if it possible add lock option on window to prevent them form repositioning and resizing. dunno if it possible at all but such a option would be handy. as I use a lot of different windows on my second screen I do not wish to resize or excedenlty drag them around. so option to activate such option in menu of right click titel of window would be very welcome.
if not possible to bad. if it is could you add this?
Are you open to discussing the method used in Winaero Tweaker to change registry values? I would have simply asked if the source were ever going to be made available but noticed that it was already asked towards the top of the comments section, not seeing a date I assumed it was recent.
Thank you for Winaero Tweaker! Since Windows 7 we lost all the visual modification like the Font, size and color in the Apparence and Display. The only element that is still missing in the Winaero Tweaker is : change the color of the “selected item”, tool tips and hyperlinks. IT would be great if it is possible for the next version. Thanks again!
Okay, let’s see what I can do with this option.
I absolutely love winaaero, as I am an avid Windows tweeker. However I can’t seem to get the Xmouse features to stick – every time I restart my laptop the settings seems to revert. I am running Windows 10 Pro on a Lenovo Thinkpad T510. Any advice would be much appreciated.
I will look. Maybe it is some bug.
Where is the help in Winaero Treaker?
I used the scroll bar part but it only changed the size in the Internet browser “Chrome”, everything else stayed the same in Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and other parts of Windows 10.
I want to change the width of the scrollbar on everything…….
Thank you, great program so far.
unfortunately, it is not possible to change the scroll bar width for UWP apps.
Thank you Sergey.
Hey, download link for old task manager to Windows 10 is not working anymore. Please fix it.
The link worx here.
If not, try to download it from this share: Old TM
Is it just me or did Creators Update remove a lot of the windows menu display customization? I used to be able to right click desktop, ‘display settings’ (or ‘personalize’), and I could get to: Cleartype settings, dpi for fonts, and some menu\font\border custom sizing. I am not sure if WinAero has replaced the classic options, or they (Microsoft) are trying to phase out all those pesky configurations, and go the way of their ‘tablet UI experience’ they seem so convinced is a winner.
Is there any tricks to get these old applets back? ie. are the previous .exe or .msc still somewhere in win system32\ etc?
Look please:
Add classic personalization Desktop menu in Windows 10
Commands in the reg file and personalization panel are updated.
Winaero Tweaker is on its way with the proper classic applets supprt.
I’ve Uninstalled Winaero From Windows 10 (pro 64 (Version 1703 Latest Build) but still retain the settings from Winaero Tweaker. Bold fonts, inactive color,etc. Nothing major, I just assumed the settings wouldn’t stick. Am I lead to believe that I need to reinstall Winaero Tweaker, disable the settings to default then Uninstall? Seems cumbersome. Notice slight longer boot time on ssd but its to be expected. Winaero is the best nonetheless.
Well, this is by design. When uninstalling, the app keeps tweaks you made. Who knows, maybe you like them? So it doesn’t even try to reset them.
Unfortunately, you need to get the app installed again to reset the system font.
I am sorry for this inconvenience.
Rebooted so changes will Take Effect and when i try to start Winaero it Wont Start now
Error Log
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.
************** Exception Text **************
System.IO.IOException: The parameter is incorrect.
at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.Win32Error(Int32 errorCode, String str)
at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.CreateSubKeyInternal(String subkey, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck permissionCheck, Object registrySecurityObj, RegistryOptions registryOptions)
at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.CreateSubKey(String subkey)
at ‘(Lq# ^g\,FrwIL!18!\.;y(q~\..(String )
at ‘(Lq# ^g\,FrwIL!18!\.;y(q~\..()
at ‘(Lq# ^g\,FrwIL!18!\.;y(q~\..(Object , EventArgs )
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnCreateControl()
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl(Boolean fIgnoreVisible)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl()
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmShowWindow(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
************** Loaded Assemblies **************
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.7.2053.0 built by: NET47REL1
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework64/v4.0.30319/mscorlib.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/Winaero%20Tweaker/WinaeroTweaker.exe
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.7.2053.0 built by: NET47REL1
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Windows.Forms.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/Winaero%20Tweaker/WinaeroControls.DLL
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.7.2053.0 built by: NET47REL1
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.7.2053.0 built by: NET47REL1
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Drawing.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.7.2053.0 built by: NET47REL1
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Configuration/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Configuration.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.7.2053.0 built by: NET47REL1
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Xml.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.7.2053.0 built by: NET47REL1
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/Accessibility/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/Accessibility.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.7.2053.0 built by: NET47REL1
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_64/System.Data/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Data.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.7.2053.0 built by: NET47REL1
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Numerics/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Numerics.dll
************** JIT Debugging **************
To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this
application or computer (machine.config) must have the
jitDebugging value set in the section.
The application must also be compiled with debugging
For example:
When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception
will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer
rather than be handled by this dialog box.
Can you tell please which tweak you have applied?
Is it possible to change the font for the taskbar buttons in Windows 7? I want it to use “Segoe UI Symbol” which has emoji.
I posted this question several months ago with no reply. Start Menu, Windows Apps, Task Bar Context Menus, Sign In and Lock Screen still show the Windows default Segoe font after changing all fonts in every category of Advanced Appearing Settings of Winaero Tweaker Please explain why it doesn’t completely replace the Segoe font throughout the entire Windows 10 operating system?
Sorry for this.
Some UI elements have the hardcoded font. They do not respect the option (for example, most of the built-in Universal apps ignore it). That’s why some parts of Windows 10 still use the Segoe UI font.
Thank you for the prompt reply. What other way can I change the default font in these hardcoded font sections?
Also I would like to bring to your attention that when users with customs system fonts update from Anniversary (Build 1607) to Creators (Build 1703) it causes the colon in the clock in the task bar to display a rectangle (as if it is an unknown character. I am not the only one to report this as Steven Haberkorn also has posted this issue above and I know of 3 other people had the exact same problem. I had to go back to build 1607 because this annoys the hell out of me seeing the clock like that. Is this a bug in Winaero Tweaker
I’ve replied to the previous comment
Thank you, really appreciate your effort. In that case, I will remain on Windows Build 1607 until you find a solution. As the clock displays properly on that build.
Thank you for this incredible program! I love my Surface and Windows 10, but Microsoft keeps removing features I need to be able to see and use my computer, drastically interrupting my workflow with every update. (Size 9 font? really Microsoft?). I used Winaero just now to adjust many of my settings, and was liking it so much I was considering making a donation. When I came to the ‘Windows Photo Viewer’ option, that was it. Your program is loaded with many great features, but that one, paired with the ability to decline updates, has to be the best–it will save me much time and frustration. I happily made a donation just now, keep up the good work!
Thank you very much Karen for your kinds words and support.
Hi I love aerotweaker, but I have the following problem after the latest Windows10 update:
When I enable Aero Lite as the main theme, the colours of the text in the taskbar turn black. This is very difficult to read. The text used to be white. Even with Aero Lite enabled. Now it only becaomes white again if the win 10 default theme is active.
Can you please implement a way to change the colour of the taskbar text? I still want to have the window borders so have to keep Aero Lite enabled.
Thanks Sergey,
After fiddling around with Winaero Tweaker I have got a slight problem. If I click the start button (Windows 10) and write an UNC path I normally get up an explorer window with that directory, but it doesn’t work anymore, I just get an error message (error code 0x80070002). It pops up instantaneously, so it doesn’t even try. Exact same UNC path when input in the path field of an already open explorer window works fine.
I first thought this was related to me ticking the “Disable web search in taskbar and Cortana” so I unticked it, but that doesn’t seem to help. Can’t find any other option that seems even removely related. Any ideas?
I shutdown and restarted the system and i must have accidentally choose ‘other user’ option… How can i find, or what is the pre-determined login for other user on start-up???
You must have enabled the ‘hide last user name’ option
When trying to set SegoeUI Semibold as the system font, I get the Semibold italic version of it from some reason.
That’s unfortunate because I want to have a thicker font for those system menus for accessibility reasons.
I tried quite a few things to get this working and for fonts like Arial Black it works but that one is too thick.µ
Any idea why?
Currently, I have no idea.
Feature Request:
Please add the tweak for long filename support in Windows 10.
This allows dir\file paths to go over the default 260 character limit.
Hi S, I originally installed WT to increase font size in my browser’s Title Bars, without success! Can’t seem to find anywhere a way of doing this. Whilst going through the other WT menu options, I decided to try the Aero Lite theme, which enabled ok, but now I cannot revert to the Windows default I had originally – nothing happens after I click either “set Windows default theme” or “reset this page to defaults”. The thick green arrow changes to a thin blue one but that is all – the Aero Lite theme is still with me! Any suggestions for either or both of my difficulties please?
I have just started to use this software. I have installed version on a Windows 10, Fall Creators version, 64bit laptop.
I normally have my desktop set to a ‘Solid colour’, however when I use Winaero Tweaker to ‘Enable Coloured Title Bars’ the desktop reverts to a picture background. If I subsequently reset the desktop background then the Title Bars become a dark grey colour (from blue).
I found it best to manually set the title bar from Windows Settings option. Then use Winaero Tweaker to only set the ‘Inactive Title Bar Colour’.
I think it is the “Automatic Accent Color” feature that changes the color. I need to check it. But I am pretty sure.
I need urgent help. Is there any support for Winaero tweeker? I enabled “Show info about the last interactive sign-n” and now it is impossible for me to log into my PC because Windows does not want to let me, saying …Windows couldn’t retrieve that info. And, it just comes back to the password field. Windows 10 pro.
That is really strange. Start the OS from a bootable USB drive, mount the windows\system32\drivers\config\SYSTEM file and remove the registry option.
Articles for reference:
Windows Registry Editor for dummies
How to install Windows 10 from a bootable USB stick
Show the last logon information at every logon in Windows 10
any possibility of making both the setup (which can be used in a portable “just extract” mode, which doesnt need admin) and Winaerotweaker itself (which certainly wont need admin for everything) only elevate if needed?
this would be awesome.
Something obviously happened because I can’t log in Windows anymore. I had user/password free login before. Now I see “Other User” on the login screen and Im asked to type user and password, which I don’t have. What now?
You’ve hidden the last user name from the login screen.
Type your existing user account name (and your password if it is set) to continue.
Dear Mr. Tkachenko,
I would like to thank you too for Winaero Tweaker.
One Prolem I cannot resolve is:
All my Icons are white (a white field on top of the orig. Icon) after closing and uninstalling Winaero Tweaker.
Please help.
It is very easy to fix this issue.
Open regedit.exe
Go to the key:
On the right, delete the string value named “29”. Or, change its value to the desired shortcut overlay icon.
You can refer to this post.
For some reason, the shortcut overlay icon file cannot be found on your hard drive. Deleting the 29 value will restore the default overlay icon.
Finally, press Win+R and type/paste this command to the Run box:
ie4uinit -show
. This will refresh your icons instantly.installed winaero tweaker and it is working for many borders but for with office applications Word and Excel the borders are not changed. What did I miss? Should it work for those applications? Thanks.
Word and Excel (recent versions) draw their own window frame.
Great software! A question, is there a CLI to be able to deploy changes to several PCs through a deployment software (like MS SCCM) ? Or is all tweaks only reg edits?
Thanks in advanced!
Most of the tweaks are just Registry tweaks.
Greetings. The Winaero Tweaker’s Customize This PC Folders does not appear to have some of the features of the superceded This PC Tweaker. Is there any information on if or when that will be remedied?
Hello Donald,
Which features of PC Tweaker you would like to get in Winaero Tweaker?
I would like sizing capability (10, 12, 14, etc) added to the ‘system font’ choice in the Advanced Appearance Settings section, just as you do for the ‘menu’ choice. The default size of 9 is simply too small, especially if using a 2560 X 1440 (The Optimal setting) for my Thinkpad X1 5th gen.)
After carefully reading the ‘system font’ explanation, I think I have misinterpreted its purpose. What I am truly seeking is for Windows 10 to reactivate the ‘advanced font settings’ capability as it was before the Fall Creators Update. I’m at a loss as to why they removed that capability and simply make everything bigger scaling, particularly when the display world in going HI-Def.
Thank you for your response.
Don Coker
Ok, good to hear.
Thank you for your feedback Don!
Hey :)
Love the program but I get an exception when I click on ‘Customise This PC Folders’ as following:
See the end of this message for details on invoking
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.
************** Exception Text **************
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at WinaeroTweaker.Classes.ThisPCTweaker.GetThisPCFolders()
at WinaeroTweaker.Pages.pageThisPCTweaker.ReadSettings()
at WinaeroTweaker.Controls.PageTemplate.PageTemplate_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.UserControl.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl(Boolean fIgnoreVisible)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl()
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmShowWindow(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
Hope this helps :)
Also, what are the chances I can fork the repo?
It’s time to review this page once again. Thanks for the report.
What repo you are talking about?
Hello Sergey,
i would like to say “Winaero Tweaker” is the best tweak utility ever
Can you add a feature automatically loading exported changes by a file?
I like the idea. I will consider adding it.
there is a small bug for the option “Taskbar Visible with Touch Keyboard”.
it creates a DWORD “TaskbarAvoidanceEnabled”, but it should be DWORD “Enable”.
thanks for this nice tool.
Here’s another M$ annoyance that crept in with the 1803 update.
* Suppose that you have multiple desktops, and press Win+Tab on a desktop with nothing running.
* You get the multiple desktops thumbnails in a row at the top, then underneath there is the annoying message:
“Use your PC more to see your activities here.”
Could you possibly add tweak to get rid of this message?
Every major update there are all these irritating details. Why is M$ doing such things?
Two further problems, both coming from Internet Explorer, which I unfortunately still have to use for some clunky websites:
1. When I launch IE 11 (version 11.48.17134.0, on 64-bit Windows 10.0.17134.81, update 1803) after a reboot, it throws up a small window asking me whether or not I want to us the recommended settings. Those ‘recommended settings’ involve sending information off to M$, so I always decline. But there is no way to stop the window coming up, or to answer ‘No’ once and have that answer made permanent.
2. When I launch a page using IE after a reboot, a second page comes up saying, ‘You should try Microsoft Edge’. I don’t want to try M$ Edge, and I don’t want to waste time over and over again closing the wretched page. At other times a banner headline comes up saying, `Try Microsoft Edge’, and I have to click ‘No thanks’ to get rid of it.
A reasonable person would think that after all the revulsion to Bing that M$’s constant nagging caused, they would no longer be doing this sort of thing. Why does M$ constantly do things that irritate its customers and turn them away in mistrust from M$ products?
If you could remove these two annoyances, that would surely deserve yet another ‘Service to Humanity’ Award, of which you already have many.
Please add Bookmarks to the Import/Export feature. Each Bookmark should be individually selectable as current individual tweaks are. Regards, Don
“SegoeUI Semibold as the system font, I get the Semibold italic version”
I am also finding this an annoyance; SegoeUI Semibold was what I used before the latest windows 10 update.
I can set custom fonts for everything like menus, status bar, title bar (though sometimes they take a few log-outs and ins to take effect) but now the appearance of the font of file explorer itself (the system font, iirc) refuses to change.
The default is ugly and it’s driving me mad!
Thanks for reading my whinging. I love winearo tweaker, I really do. Damn M$ for having to “improve” things.
Thank you for this program, it’s saved me so much aggravation with updates. I’ve tinkered with the other settings and now seem to have killed all my windows apps, the store and calculator which I need back. I’ve reset all the settings and hope I’m not completely out of luck breaking it. Any ideas?
Winaero Tweaker is NOT ABLE to remove or disable the Store apps.
The only thing it can turn off is the store app lookup for the Open with dialog, which is harmless and uses the official group policy option.
You issue is not connected with the Tweaker app. You might be combining Winaero Tweaker with some other software which removes the apps.
Hello Sergey,
I have just tried to use Winaero Tweaker for the first time, but immediately after launching the program, the following exception is thrown:
See the end of this message for details on invoking
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.
************** Exception Text **************
System.IO.IOException: The parameter is incorrect.
at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.Win32Error(Int32 errorCode, String str)
at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.CreateSubKeyInternal(String subkey, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck permissionCheck, Object registrySecurityObj, RegistryOptions registryOptions)
at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.CreateSubKey(String subkey)
at WinaeroTweaker.Classes.TweakerFavorites.PopulateFavorites()
at WinaeroTweaker.MainForm.PopulateFavoritesToNode(String RootNodeName)
at WinaeroTweaker.MainForm.AddNodes()
at WinaeroTweaker.MainForm.MainForm_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnCreateControl()
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl(Boolean fIgnoreVisible)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl()
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmShowWindow(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WmShowWindow(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
************** Loaded Assemblies **************
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.7.3132.0 built by: NET472REL1LAST
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework64/v4.0.30319/mscorlib.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/Winaero%20Tweaker/WinaeroTweaker.exe
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.7.3151.0 built by: NET472REL1LAST_B
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.7.3056.0 built by: NET472REL1
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Windows.Forms.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.7.3056.0 built by: NET472REL1
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Drawing.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/Winaero%20Tweaker/WinaeroControls.DLL
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.7.3056.0 built by: NET472REL1
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Configuration/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Configuration.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.7.3160.0 built by: NET472REL1LAST_C
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Core/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Core.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.7.3056.0 built by: NET472REL1
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Xml.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.7.3160.0 built by: NET472REL1LAST_C
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_64/System.Data/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Data.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.7.3056.0 built by: NET472REL1
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Numerics/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Numerics.dll
************** JIT Debugging **************
To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this
application or computer (machine.config) must have the
jitDebugging value set in the section.
The application must also be compiled with debugging
For example:
When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception
will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer
rather than be handled by this dialog box.
If I click “Continue”, the program windows opens, but this exception is thrown upon almost any operation with the program. I am using Windows 10 1803 x64 build 17134.228 (the latest stable version). I also use several other utilities to tweak the system, but this should not do any problem, I suppose. The program seems great, but with this problem, it is not usable for me yet.
Is this in Winaero Tweaker version 0.11.2?
Anyway, I will check everything in the code.
Yes, it was this version.
Hi Sergey Tkachenko!
First of all, I’d like to thank you for your glorious program making System customisation as convenient as possible.
Sadly I encountered an Issue, which is that as I change my Fonts through Winaero Tweaker I get some sort of weird Box as if the required Character (“:”) wouldn’t be available in the Task Bar Clock. I tried it with a bunch of different Fonts, as shown on the screenshot below I tried it with Arial as well and there still is that Box.
It might be an issue you can’t really do anything about, but I’d appreciate any kind of assistance. :)
greetings from Germany.
Hello Victor,
It is a well known issue with custom fonts. Someone at MS want us to use only the Segoe font family.
The only way to get rid of the box is to reset the ‘System Font’ page in Winaero Tweaker to defaults.
I cannot install WinAero Tweaker in Windows 10.
I get the error message: ShellExecuteEx failed: code 8235
I’ve run Windows 10 DISM tool for fixing problems with installing programs, no good.
Is there some way I can install this program?
It looks like the installer is blocked by SmartScreen.
Try to unblock the file.
Tweak check-box keeps unchecking itself:
Every time I check ‘Network/Make Network Computers Visible” the box unchecks itself when I click on another item or close the program. The only reason I can think of why this happens is that the function was previously activated and does not need to be activated again. Is this correct? If it keeps unchecking itself, is this tweak working, or is there a problem? Explain why this happens.
I will check it.
Any further update on this?
I am facing the same problem.
Is it possible to add a feature to change the default double click action for a Network Storage device in file explorer from “view device webpage” to open (to view the shared files on the device).
Sorry if what I’m asking for is confusing; pretty much what the linked forum thread is about (came across that thread while trying to figure out how to do it):
It goes without saying that your work is appreciated. :)
Fantastic program – makes windows usable – thanks much.
OS is W10 1803/09
Seem to have found a quirky little bug. Recently went to open Winaero and it would not open – instead only a pop-up saying:
“This file does not have an app associated with it for performing this action”.
Long story short took a while but basically backtracked (after uninstalling/reinstalling Winaero no sucesss) everything i had done on the machine and finally found the problem. I had used this reg-edit:
…to remove ‘Run as Administrator’ from right-click context menu (works on .exe files).
The reg-edit worked but turns out that it breaks Winaero. Undoing the reg-edit (using the ‘add’ file from the same source to put it back) and voila…Winaero was back (glad much).
anyway just wanted to report that to you fyi
Can the winaero settings be scripted or saved to a file and then deployed to other pc’s ? This would save having to setup each pc individually
Otherwise its super awesome !
I will add something like this soon.
You say that I can install Winaero Tweaker as a portable app i.e. just extract the files. I presume this would enable me to put it on a USB stick, for example. That being the case, why do I need admin rights to do the install? It asks me for an admin user/password (which I don’t have) before I get as far as choosing what kind of install I want. This is even the case if I run it with /SP- /VERYSILENT /PORTABLE /DIR=. This is on Windows 10 Enterprise, version 1709 (build 16299.1029).
Hello! And a HUGE and sincere ‘Thank You’ for this absolutely essential program!
: ) I don’t know WHAT I would do without it, truly…
Just one thing, and in my searching it appears that to do this may be very difficult. There is one post about it above that one fellow asked. It is this:
I used to use IconID to change the text colour of the Icons on the desktop. But, after ‘upgrading’ to Windows 8.1 (from 8) it stopped working and is no longer updated. In LOT of searching, it LOOKS like there is no easy way to do this, and for the life of me I cannot find a particular registry key that controls this.
ANY chance at all do you think of finding a way to change the Desktop Icon font colour…? I always had it set to Red with IconID and it looked great against my dark backgrounds! :D
Thank you so kindly for all your effort, work, and time spent on this WONDERFUL program!
Thanks for this very nice software !!
One tiny request, I don’t know if it could be done easily or not:
Would it be possible to reorder the Navigation pane elements (custom ones and newly added ones) ?
Thanks !!
I’m running Windows 10 1903 and changing the startup sound doesn’t work– if I try to change it, Winaero Tweaker throws a “Failed to set the new sound.” error message. Is there something I’m doing wrong or is there something else I can do to change the startup sound?
it is not you. it is changes in 1903. I will try to fix this issue.
I have two suggestions:
1. in main page of website of winaerotweaker , provide some kind of info or maybe channel or forum to make feature requestes. Maybe Github? Gitlab? Reddit seams to be provided, but there is no community and looks like a mess.
2. feature request: WinaeroTweaker would have something like indicator of new added options/features. Like in Windows Start Menu, there is “New app installed or colored name” so after update is clear what was added and wasn’t used yet. Would be also particular layout like “Bookmarks” but with “what’s new”.
Thanks for good work.
Getting System.IO.IOExceptions because of “Wrong parameter” at
WinaeroTweaker.Classes.TweakerFavorites.IsInFavorites() and
WinaeroTweaker.Controls.RemoveFromChanges() whenever calling
Registry.Users.CreateSubKey() until now.
I put some try/catch blocks there to temporary handle the exceptions but you might give that a look sometime again. I run Windows 10 64-bit 1903
Hello, can you help me, after every restart , my font sizes go back to default ones … I tried everything. Windows 10 1903 version.. It all worked flawless up until recently :(( .
Great program, please help
I will check out what is going on
Thank you very much … I’m struggling with it 5 days now.. I tried new OS installation, same thing.. 1903 is doing the problems… I tried numerous things from internet , registry entries which change font sizes.. They also get back to default after shuting down the pc … It always reset registry somehow :(
Thank you again, Bojan
Hello dear friend. Any news on 1903 not keeping font size ?
It is a work in progress.
Finally I was able to carefully test the feature.
It works in my test labs, in both 1903 and 1909.
Could you please tell me when exactly it resets the font for you?
When I shut down the pc, and turn it on again …
Sometimes, after restarting , it doesn’t reset…
Also a note: I’m using tv as second display (laptop display is 1366x 768 resolution, and tv is full hd) I don’t know if that can mess up the settings …
Maybe it is related to the second screen. I will check!
Also a note. Font size in ”new” settings of windows 10 is always ok.. Only font size in explorer resets …
Hi Sergei … This looks like a very nice app.
I have a question though. What do “Reset All Tweaks” and “Reset to Defaults” do? I’m afraid to click either one because I don’t want to reset my PC to Windows defaults. So what’s the difference? Does one of them set the defaults to your recommendations or to the settings as they were when WInaero was installed or to when it was just opened? Maybe this could somehow be documented within the app.
Thanks … Jeff
Reset to defaults: – restores the default Windows behavior for the current tweak. It does undo for the open page.
Reset all tweaks – does above for all tweaks you have applied in Winaero Tweaker. You will be prompted to choose what to revert.
Installed Winaero Tweaker to create easy access to local Documents and Pictures in This PC section of File Explorer. The shortcuts were created, and if you asked the File Explorer how much information is in local Documents/Pictures folders, it gave accurate information. But the link actually takes me to my Documents/Pictures folders on OneDrive. It opens into OneDrive instead of C:/Users/Name/Documents or C:/Users/Name/Pictures where I set the folders to open.
How do I fix this issue?
Hi Sergey,
Wonderful program!
Very needed.
But when I downloaded it, and at long last could change the fonts in
many areas, at least now I can read some of the texts I could not really before.
BUT, when I tried to open Outlook, it wouldn’t.
Tried a few things, looked on the net for a solution, nothing so far.
After deleting Winaero Tweaker, all was good again.
As an added bonus, the font changes I applied were still there!!!
What can I doe to download WT and be still able to open MS Office programs
such as Outlook?
Kind regards,
Karel Zegers
Hello Karel,
I doubt that Winaero Tweaker can affect Outlook.
It doesn’t share anything with it. It doesn’t use its file or Registry.
You can try to install it again and see. If Outlook works now, it will continue to work.
It must be something else, not winaero tweaker.
Your outlook is stuck.. Do next:
1. Right-click the Start button, and click Run.
2. Type Outlook.exe /safe, and click OK.
I love WinAero Tweaker and how easy it makes these changes. However, I’d really like to know what is being done to my system and if there’s any way to do some of them manually or automate outside of WinAero Tweaker for when I’m changing a lot of machines (whereas I prefer to just use the WinAero GUI for my personal machine). Is there any documentation of which registry keys it is editing for each tweak or other files it is changing? It would be great if that were built right into the program or documented on a website. Alternately, are they all hardcoded into the program executable, or are the options data-driven in any way where there’s some data files somewhere that describe what it is doing for each tweak?
Every single tweak includes a blue link named “See in detail how this tweak works”.
You are not the first person who are interested in learning what’s under the hood.
Just click on the link on the appropriate tweak’s page before you change anything and see what it does.
Donations? – lol – I found it. Just flew by it the first time. My bad.
Hi Sergey
Thank you very much for sharing! :-)
I have a suggestion: For the shutdown menu, in addition to the checkbox to turn the feature on, also have a column of checkboxes for each function. Hibernate / Hybrid Shutdown / Full Shutdown / Force Shutdown Immediate / Restart / Force Restart Immediate / Sleep / Reboot to Firmware / Reboot to Advanced / Logoff User / Logoff Other Users / Switch User / Disconnect RDP / Abort Shutdown / etc
I make no demands, I am thankful for what you have already shared
Have a great day! :-)
Please consider writing something that will allow the programs list on windows start to be changed. Rather like the excellent WinX utility. I would dearly like to be able remove many items on the list that l do not use and that windows does not allow me to uninstall. “Your phone” being just on example. Equally, it would be useful to be able to add or change this list, like windows 7 used to permit.
Thank you for creating such an extended piece of freedom.
If you could find a way to enable to have the analog clock popup from the taskbar like before the Anniversary Update that would be amazing. I noticed all around the web that there’s no option after the update to find anything that works.
So Winaero would be the only provider for that too.
I never liked software to be restricting since it’s their duty to follow our commands.
Have a nice day/week/month/year/life!
The Windows version will not change, on my desktop, after the November update
A known bug in Windows 10 version 1909
French version? Possible please ? When ?
I hope to get MUI working this year.
How can i tweak Winaero Tweaker ?
I could change the system font family, even if not the font size, but Winaero still displays very, very little chars indeed !
I love your work. Usually it is perfect but I am currently having a problem with the classic task manager that is driving me crazy. I haven’t seen anything else about it so I decided to ask you directly. For several months it worked perfectly on my Dell Latitude 5591. Suddenly it lost all functionality and its headings are User, ID, Client Name and Session. However, if I change my profile it works perfectly. I haven’t been able to uninstall and reinstall it. Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks for everything,
try to check which columns you have enabled under view – select columns in the main menu.
Great program! It really makes it easy to take care of the pain-in-the-ass stuff you forgot you even customized on your system setup, but now you just restored your system and you have to go around and figure out how you hid that drive, you don’t want the damn quick access menu, or you like the drive letter to be on one side of the other. I gave you $5 because you probably saved me an hour, plus I made a few extra little TWEAKS I’d never even considered. One request: I really just want an easy way to display the recycle bin in Windows Explorer, can you tweak that next?
Added to my to do list.
Hi, mabye you add a feature whit that one can apply the settings from the *.ini-File silently via command line. Would be great. Tags: unattended, silent, import
this would be soooo nice!
Hey Sergev!!
Im A Very Anxious Person, I Know Im Only 14 years Old But I Just Done A Fresh Install On Windows 10 And I Wanted to Know If This Is Safe, Becuase I HATE third Party Appllications Becuase I Always Feel Like They Are Syping On My Google Account(HEAVY BREATHING).
Plz Respond And I Hope This Winaero Tweaker Is Legit And COOL Becuse I Love It SOOO Much.
Thanks In Advance!
Well, I never considered tweakers as ‘safe’. They are for users who know what they want and what they do.
Speaking about spying: no, I do not collect any info from users’ devices. There is no telemetry in Winaero Tweaker.
Thanks For The Quick Reply!!
Now Im Always Going To Use Winaero Tweaker To Its Fullest!
This Is Awesome And Thank You for Making This Tweaker, I look Foward To Donating In The Future!!
Also Another Question…
Whenever I Open The Application Then It Shows Me A Prompt And In That Prompt It Shows Publisher: Unknown, Why Is That?
because I didn’t sign it.
Great program, thanks!
One problem that I could not find was the background of the Windows Explorer workspace. White background dazzles. Installed a nice Mac_osx_soft Theme for Windows 10 1909, but the background there is also white.
In regedit changed color
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Colors \ Window
Color has changed in Word, Notepad, Q-Dir. In Explorer, unfortunately, it remains white.
There is a solution?
If I enable the Aero Lite theme, I get the window borders that Windows 10 (1909) so desperately needs. But, as a side effect, when dragging a file, the box that Windows displays during the drag no longer has a transparent background. This makes it harder to drop in the right place. Is this something you can control?
hi, using your program. Like it. Great!
If I use the program search box on the main menu to search “advert” I get an unhandled exception error:
See the end of this message for details on invoking
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.
************** Exception Text **************
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at WinaeroTweaker.MainForm.OpenPageFromSearchResults()
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView.OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ProcessKeyEventArgs(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView.ProcessKeyEventArgs(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmKeyChar(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
************** Loaded Assemblies **************
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.8.4180.0 built by: NET48REL1LAST_B
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework64/v4.0.30319/mscorlib.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/Winaero%20Tweaker/WinaeroTweaker.exe
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.8.4001.0 built by: NET48REL1LAST_C
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.8.4150.0 built by: NET48REL1LAST_C
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Windows.Forms.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.8.3752.0 built by: NET48REL1
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Drawing.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/Winaero%20Tweaker/WinaeroControls.DLL
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.8.3752.0 built by: NET48REL1
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Configuration/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Configuration.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.8.4180.0 built by: NET48REL1LAST_B
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Core/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Core.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.8.3752.0 built by: NET48REL1
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Xml.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.8.4121.0 built by: NET48REL1LAST_C
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_64/System.Data/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Data.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.8.3752.0 built by: NET48REL1
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Numerics/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Numerics.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.8.3752.0 built by: NET48REL1
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml.Linq/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Xml.Linq.dll
************** JIT Debugging **************
To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this
application or computer (machine.config) must have the
jitDebugging value set in the section.
The application must also be compiled with debugging
For example:
When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception
will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer
rather than be handled by this dialog box.
I have never used this above program so I was wondering if I could ask a question about Winaero tweaker Does Winearo tweaker does it make the scroll bar in the latest Browers like Firefox and Google chrome will Winaero tweaker will it make the browsers right scroll bars bigger and the arrows that go up and down in the browser Bigger
Thanks for help.bigger.
Hi, Winaero Tweaker is a brilliant program. However, if possible, I would like to request a feature. I request a feature that allows a user to enable or disable all Windows Spotlight features and remove it from the lock screen settings if possible. This should be used by users who notice that Windows Spotlight is broken on their computer. I do not know if this is the right place to request a feature or if such an action is allowed.
If it would be possible, I request 2 features:
1. Add tweak to always display File Explorer search results in Details view.
2. Add tweak to move the Details pane of File Explorer from the right side to the bottom (like it is in Windows 7).
Thanks, L.
The latest version or windows changed the battery saver settings
before it was a slider from 0-100
now it just has: never, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, always
so maybe winaero tweaker could have a option to pick exact %?
I suggest adding an option to delete the Windows page file on shutdown. It’s a very simple tweak which can be enabled or disabled by changing HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\ClearPageFileAtShutdown. It is useful to increase privacy, in case hackers try to access the page file EVEN WHEN THE COMPUTER IS OFF; however, it does come at a cost of a longer shutdown time.
In the latest version of Windows, Microsoft (in their infinite wisdom) decided to remove the “Tablet Mode” switch from the Action Center if you don’t have a touch screen. Not “hide it by default”, but remove it completely.
However, Tablet Mode was also awesome as a “Big Picture” mode on a home theater media center so Microsoft is just limiting their usefulness for no apparent reason. Last I checked, it is possible to add back this Action Center tile with a registry tweak. This would be an AWESOME addition to Winaero Tweaker. If not on the action center, a a toggle to the desktop context menu might be a good alternative.
My operating System is Windows 10 which is automatically updated from time to time by Microsoft.
I have used the Tweaker “Advanced Appearance Settings” to make preferred text changes in “Icons”, “Menus” and “Windows Title Bars”.
My new text settings work fine for the “Desktop” and all other applications except those in “Microsoft Office”.
“Excel” and “Word” do not display any of the text changes I have defined, and I would be grateful for an explanation / work around to resolve this issue.
The latest Microsoft Office apps do not respect that setting any longer.
The draw the title bar on their own.
Can I write three or four lines under the windows 10 desktop icon instead of the default two lines under the icon?
Nope you cannot
That’s a limitation in the OS.
Greetings Sergey,
Thank you for providing us with this valuable tool for free.
I noticed months ago, that if I enable “Settings” in the context menu, none of the settings subsection items work anymore, only the general “Settings” at the top opens the Settings home page. I have recreated this problem on different computers. I thought maybe one of the Windows updates broke it, but even after updating to version 18.0 it is still not working. Do you know why?
Could you please tell me what is your Windows 10 version?
I use Windows 10 Professional 20H2 on several devices.
All of them are 19042.630 or newer. This problem did start with a much earlier update though, maybe with 20H1.
Thank you very much. I will try to reproduce the issue here. For the worst case I’ll change the method I use to open Settings pages from the context menu.
Hi, just out of curiosity, were you able to reproduce the behaviour I described?
Yep I am able. The fix is on the way.
Is it possible to translate the software into other languages?
For example, I am willing to translate into Hebrew but I do not know how to translate
I would love for guidance
How do you remove a “bookmarked” item?
Press on the same “add to bookmark” button. It will become not pressed.
Running Windows 10 ARM preview on Parallels Desktop on Apple M1 MacMini (Apple Silicon) . Would love to see an ARM-enabled version of Winaero Tweaker, because Windows is just as annoying on ARM as it is on Intel. :)
I finally am resigned to switching to Win10, though I love win7 and wish I didn’t have to…
Fortunately, I have Winaero Tweaker, which is solving many problems for me!!
However, I have one awkward issue with it…
I am using WindowBlinds to manage the user interface on my win10 machine… the only problem with that program being that it does not give easy control over screen fonts!! But WTweaker is magical!! It lets me configure all of the fonts that I really care about, giving me a machine that is nearly as beautiful as Win7 was!!
So here’s my request: right now, any time I want to switch to a different WindowBlinds theme, I then need to fire up WTweaker and set all my fonts again, and then logout/login. It’s not a terribly difficult process, but what would be nice is if I could define the five standard fonts that I use (Icons, Menus, Message Font, Statusbar, [maybe] System), in WTweaker, somehow, then when I want to restore them, I do… well… “something”… either define a script that I can have WT run from the command line, or have some way to define my standard fonts in WT, or whatever other method might be created.
Is there some existing way to do this?? If not, I request that you ponder some way to add such a feature in the future. Again, it’s not terribly difficult, it would just be a nice thing, so not worth twisting yourself around backward, but I would certainly be grateful!!
Why is the info about Windows displayed on the Desktop by Winaero different to the “About” page in settings?
Ask Microsoft.
It is they draw the defective Windows version on desktop, not me.
20H2 reports that it is 2004
1909 reports that it is 1903
I can’t do anything against it.
Regarding the alt-tab window switcher…. in a new Win10 install, so good to have this Win7 functionality back! I’d pay for it if you decided to offer it that way.
But apparently missing:
Alt-tab in Win7 enabled arrow keys (up, down, left, right, while alt was pressed) to move among the table of windows. Perhaps there’s a way to turn this on with Winaero that I haven’t figured out If so, pls let me know; if not, it’s something to consider as an add-on. I typically have a dozen or more windows open, and the arrow keys would increase speed in moving among them..
With Winaero Tweaker 19.0 on Win 10 20H2, I find that Disabling Web Searches messes-up the search function in windows explorer. Search items are no longer saved. Disabling the item in WT and rebooting restores all search functions.
Thanks for the report.
I will try to find a solution if it exists.
I thank the author for such a wonderful program. Success and prosperity!
(Благодарю автора за такую замечательную программу. Удачи и процветания!)
Thanks for your kind words!
Thx for this fine tool!
Is there a way to autoimport Tweaks like “cmd.exe /s WinaeroTweaker.exe /import awesometweaks.ini”?
There is no such an option yet, but we are fighting with power and steel.
Fighting for metal
that’s all that’s real.
Still no Command Line Option?
I want to start by saying I love your program! I had previously used it with Windows from Hell, erm…Windows10, and recently installed it foe Windows 8.1. My problem seems pretty unique…I changed the fonts and apparently the font I chose, despite showing all characters in the preview, doesn’t have them all. The colons, semicolons and such are just showing up as empty squares. Also, the arrows on the drop down menus, and on the apps page have disappeared as well as the descriptions of what each is….Anyway, not complaining about that, figured I’d just pick a different font and be good. Herein lies the problem…I chose a different font, restarted, nothing changed. So, I tried it again thinking I had missed a step, Nope, still nothing, Then I selected “restore all appearence tweaks to default” (not sure how it’s worded), closed Winaero, restarted. Nothing. Once more,, I did it again to be sure it wasn’t operator error. Still no changes, Finally, I tried the “UIndo All Tweaks” option – twice – to no effect. I thought about uninstalling and reinstalling, but That’s a pain in the @ss, so, here I am. I apparently can’t undo ANY of the tweaks I’ve made, and I’m wondering if an uninstall will even help..? Any Suggestions?
Thank You,
Hi Jodi
The issue you are talking about must be triggered by a non-default system font.
Ensure that you have reset it.
I’d like to see a feature to restore Recent Folders and/or Recent Items to the navigation pane in File Explorer in Windows 10. It’s possible to do this via registry editing but it requires a lot of tweaks to let you access it in the Save File/Open dialog, and Windows can revert the changes on updates. It’d be convenient to have an app which can do this automatically.
Hi, for some reason Winaero Tweaker doesn’t save the tweaks that I have activated and keeps disabling them. 2 of them includes changing the scrollbar size and do this for all current items. Any ideas?
I used the Account fixer and have ended up with eight accounts.
Listed as.
Administrator ———————————– Not being updated
APF_TEMP_AminDesktop_984K7EN —- All files and folders are going here
Default ——————————————– Not being updated —- Not needed
Maine —- This is the local account —- All files and folders are going here
Maine 000 ————————————— Nothing going here —- Not needed
Maine 002 ————————————— Nothing going here —- Not needed
Public ——————————————— Nothing going here —- Not needed
I only need the Administrator account and the Local Account both with Administrator privilege’s
Dell Ispiron 5769 —- 64 Bit —- Microsoft Windows 10 —- 10.0.19042
Can you help me with this? E-mail —-
Try opening computer managment, System Tools, Local users and groups and then manage the users.
Great program!
The “Redefine Keys” is not working with the “Mute Volume” key on my MS keyboard. I notice there is no option for redefining “Volume Up” or “Volume Down”. Would love to see this. Win10/64/Pro When “Microsoft Mouse & Keyboard Center” is installed, none of the keys can be redefined in tweaker (not surprising).
For the xmouse feature on win 10 19042.804 64 bit, with do not raise enabled, frequently the first time the mouse hovers to a new window, that window is nevertheless raised. This seems to happen most frequently when the mouse hovers over a modal dialog, but it happens with normal windows also.
Thanks for this excellent tool.
Feature request.
It appears that the ‘reset all tweaks’ feature resets all tweaks to the windows default, or at least what winaero tweaker thinks the default was. (Because a new update of windows might change the defaults.)
The big problem for me — an inveterate tweaker — however, is that some of the registry settings that are reset were previously changed by me, and not by winaero tweaker, and they get reset to their default values, not the values to which I had previously changed them.
I think it would be better if winaero maintained an “undo” stack — which it seems to do for individual features — and a global “undo” returned values to where they were before winaero tweaker tweaked them. There could be a separate command to “reset everything to windows default values.”
I strongly agree with your opinion.
I would like to know if there is any Winaero Support email address. Please add the feature of checking device temperature and Task manager in Winaero Tweaker.
Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to open the task manager.
It will also show you the GPU temperature.
What about the support email address?
There is no such thing as support email address on winaero.
This website is of a great help for me.
I really like your website and your work. Please create a new category named as Opera GX Browser and Post interesting topics about Opera GX Browser. Thanks for the Winaero Tweaker.
Winaero Tweaker always forgets the settings I made. After reboot, the font-sizes I set with Winaero are lost and set to default. Why?
Un muy grande agradecimiento a Sergey Tkachenko Por tan excelente programa, me gusta mucho aprender no tengo recursos económicos pero leo mucho y encontré su creación, poco a poco lo traduciré al español porque no entiendo ingles, pero lo poco que he visto su programa es de Sabios felicidades mis respetos
saludos de José De México
Google Translate:
A very big thanks to Sergey Tkachenko For such an excellent program, I really like to learn I don’t have financial resources but I read a lot and I found his creation, little by little I will translate it into Spanish because I don’t understand English, but the little I have seen his program is Wise congratulations my respects
greetings from José de México
Thank you sir for your kind words!
При включении Aero Lite в Win10 часы и индикатор раскладки в таскбаре отображаются черным шрифтом на темном фоне и практически не видны, тогда как иконки белые.
Thank you for this awesome program. I have used it on every PC I install for my family for a few years. I would like to report a small bug.
“Find Lock Screen Images” will save pictures to a hardcoded C:\Users\USER\Desktop. I’ve changed the “Desktop” location natively via the “Location” tab in the “Properties” Menu of the Desktop folder. For example my Desktop is D:\Desktop
I was going to say you should use %USERPROFILE%\Desktop however that does not work. The following PowerShell command did work to find the path:
Perhaps you could modify the program so that it “finds” the Desktop rather than hardcoding the path. Or even use the Pictures folder, as that would make more sense. Or, let the user choose the path and create your “LockScreen Images by Winaero Tweaker” inside the chosen folder. Or…. given how flexible your program is…. have a button for each option (lol)
Thanks for the feedback.
It looks like I forgot to update the code which detects Desktop for this very option.
I will fix it.
having the toughest time recently with Winaero, ive been using your work for many years bow i cant even remember how long never had issues, recently i got a new pc i run Winaero on it everything was fine, shortly after it stopped running with the error “the parameter is incorrect”, ive been chasing this for a week now and no resolution in sight, i even reinstalled the system fresh without updating and sure enough it runs one time ok than i get the same error “the parameter is incorrect” again, what am i doing wrong? i downloaded most recent build as well as tested with earlier build i been running for the past year both fail, all the while on my other pc’s they work flawlessly, i cant for the life of me understand what is going on with this brand new pc why wont Winaero work?
When exactly it crashes?
I want to undo all changes made by WinAero Tweaker. How can I do that?
Actions > Reset all tweaks.
I already did that, but some things like the title bar are different.
And the scroll bars too.
In no admin account, settings:
– Show seconds on clock
– Show windows version on desktop
Can’t be applied.
Some workaround for this..?
In no admin account, settings:
– Show seconds on clock
– Show windows version on desktop
Can be applied but they dont take effect on standart user accounts.
Some workaround for this..?
…Can be applied but they dont take effect on standart user accounts.
Lord Corporation
Your app is really amust have :-). Would you add the desactivation of WinSAT, please ?
Best Regards
Hi Sergey,
I can’t find any way to contact for requests so I try this.
On my last windows installation I was able to hide “Control Panel” from the windows explorer pane.
Now after I set up a new laptop I can’t find that setting anymore?
Best regards,
Is there a “RESET” feature to undo all the changes made? Besides the “Recent changes’ tab.
I can’t remove the recommendation little window that follows everything I type. lol
yep, the “reset all” feature will reset all the changes.
I’ve used Winaero for years. Thanks for your work.
For a while now, The Windows 10 “Version on the Desktop” information is not being listed accurately.
Winver shows “Microsoft Windows 10 Professional (x64) Build 19042.1348 (20H2)”
My desktop shows “Windows 10 Pro build 19041.vb_release.191206-1406”
Thanks again.
That’s a bug in Windows. It draws wrong version on Desktop, and Microsoft appears to be not interested in fixing this.
There is a current issue with Microsoft forcing the use of Edge to open certain URL links instead of the default browser. Winaero Tweaker does this too. Clicking on any link within the app causes Edge to open ignoring my default browser app preferences.
Hi, I want to report a few small issues I encountered with Winaero.
Network section –> ‘Export Specific Firewall Rules’; kept hanging when I selected all Firewall entries for backup. I waited over ten minutes and I had to close the program off with Task-manager.
PS it would be better if there was a ‘Select all’ checkbox, instead of single-handedly checking them.
To expedite this process I selected Ctrl A (All) and then the program froze.
In the Menu section –> ‘Navigation’;
I see two entries for ‘Information’, which both lead to the main ‘System Information’ page.
That’s all I have to report, hoping it get fixed in future updates.
PS kudos for providing such a great program Sergey, it’s much appreciated, thank you!
Cheers Carlo.
Hey, here is a feature I was thinking about;
On windows 11 taskbar, enable right clicking anywhere to open the context menu, instead of default right click only on start button to open that.
There is already a feature of having windows 10 taskbar, I know. I’m suggesting to have this tiny feature on Windows 11 taskbar, without changing it.
Hello Sergey, ist it possible to enlarge the font in Winaero? This little font is very exhausting for my eyes.
Thanks and best regards Andreas
Great app. Just found it today. Seems like a must have for anyone using Windows Windows 11
I downloaded your app after upgrading to Windows 11, realizing the option to stop grouping taskbar icons together is no longer available. This great app of yours fixes this
One tiny problem though is that it seems to only apply to the main monitor. My icons are still grouped together on my two other monitors.
Keep up the good work
Greetings from Denmark
I can’t seem to change the system font to anything else. I make the changes in Winaero and after I sign off/on, nothing changes. All my text in browsers (including this page) and some programs are showing the same font that is difficult to read. I’d like to change it. Any ideas?
can you add the tweak explained in httрs://www.оnmsft.соm/hоw-tо/hоw-tо-revise-windоws-10-stаrtup-delаy-tо-pоssibly-speed-up-stаrting-yоur-cоmputer ?
the gist is:
Windows 10 has a feature that waits approximately ten seconds to open your startup apps when your computer turns on. The “startup delay” is meant to allow your desktop and Windows app services to finish loading, which can make the apps and services run more smoothly. However, if you have apps or services you want to start up immediately when Windows 10 starts, there is a Registry edit you can use.
It is already in Winaero Tweaker for ages.
I didn’t find where to report bug within the app, so leaving a comment here. I found that “Add Windows Terminal Cascading Menu with Profile” does not work with drive root path. When right clicking at drive root and open wt here, I got an error message like:
[error 2147942667 (0x8007010b) when launching `%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe’]
Could not access starting directory “C:””
Appearly, there is an additional quotation mark that shouldn’t be there. So I tried to dive into registry to find out the reason. Note that”open windows terminal as admin” works correctly, and I noticed the shell command in registry for admin/non-admin is different, using “cmd /c start wt.exe …” and “powershell …” respectively. So I tried to copy and modify the command from the latter and apply to the former, but no success – I am not professional at handling Windows shell entries.
If you can reproduce the error, could you post a fix? Thank you so much for the awesome software.
Thanks for letting me know. I will check the bits.
Hi, I am running windows11 pro. microsoft keeps asking me to finish setting up my microsoft account. I don’t want a microsoft account. I have a local account setup. I want it that way. is there a way with your tool to stop this nagging? Please email me.
See this post: Disable “Let’s finish setting up your device” screen in Windows 11
Hello, I noticed that disable telemetry option reset to off after a while even though I never disabled it and the app runs as admin.
Hi, is there a one click to block the windows 11 upgrade?
Hi thanks for the software !! Is it possible to change desktop icon Font colour to any colour ? many thanks
The appropriate setting is now ignored by Windows.
How do I increase the size of the font on just the Winaero Tweaker window in Win 11? All of my other programs are good, but the Winaero font is too small.
ver. 1.4 on my tablet I set my font to be 14 pts in the registry, the top of the winaero is okay to read, like FILE / ACTION etc, The font on the left side window and right side is like 1/3 k the size of the menu. I see you can make the ICONS larger, but why not the font, like other programs allow. In fact, the font in this message box is larger than in winaero and I am at 100% in chrome, which is the default. I think the font is smaller in the latest version than previous versions. How can I make the font larger. everyone at our house says it is too small, even on the big screens.
about the font being small, email me and I will send you a screen shot.
after install window 11 update 22H2, windows explorer doesn’t work anymore if classic taskbar is enabled. any idea what the problem could be? after disableing classic taskbar back to standard windows 11 taskbar, explorer works again…..
Hello. This tweak is broken in 22H2 and needs to be revised or removed.
I hope you have given this issue some thought and plan on fixing the tweak (soon!). I would really hate to see it permanently removed. I miss the Classic Taskbar, 3-line date/clock, double height taskbar, and the ability to add back the Quick Launch toolbar to it!
Please do not remove this tweak!
Sergey Hello,
I’m Paul in Palm Springs, home of the newly wed and the nearly dead. Thank you for your generosity in making this program freely available. I’ve found it extremely useful.
As age fades my eyesight I’m finding it more difficult to see and read Tweakers menu. Is there a way I may increase the size of font/text within Winaero?
Again, thank you.
In Gratitude,
Hello Paul
I will add some option to the app
Thanks for your service; I just discovered your app. I too have trouble with the small font size; have you added an option to make it bigger yet? If so, can you explain how to access it.
FYI – new computer running Windows 11 Pro. Downloaded & ran Tweaker. Selected Classic Taskbar. Got it. But could not open the 4-blue squares icon in the task bar; could not get anything by right-clicking it either. Could not open File Explorer. Some of the regular program files opened, but did not try all. Had to do a system restore to correct problem. Have always liked your programs in the past, but won’t be running them anymore.
I am using a dark mode for both Modern UI (Acrylic) and classic (9x) but the menu on the left of Winaerotweker is forcing a black font, can you use system font please.
I used to have the taskbar on the left side in Win10.
When searching for Windows11 taskbar position change winaero tweaker is often mentioned.
But after installing the tool there seems to be no possiblity for that – was the feature dropped?
The tweak no longer works in 22H2+. You can use the ExplorerPatcher free app.
Sir any support for Windows 11 ARM CPU?
Time will show.
ARM64 was working fine for me on build 1.40, but not I installed 1.55 today and it says only supported on x64/x86. Please provide for ARM64.
May I ask what is your device?
It would be nice if you could download it. I keep getting Error 403 – Forbidden when I click the download button
The download works for me. Have you tried the mirror website?
Winaero Tweaker > Home > Information > System Information …incorrectly reports my OS Version as Windows 10 20H1,
But my system is 22H2
It needs to be updated. I will fix the app soon
I can’g get Start up sound to change. I’m on Win 11
Hey, I updated to windows 11 today and I immediatly found something that I would *love* to see become a part of winaero tweaker: the possibility to disable specific animations. In my case the monitor connect animation, incredibly annoying
Hope that one of the updates disables widgets – as it disables half of the desktop for a few seconds or minutes.
OneDrive for Business names folders like “Name – Company Name Possibly Very Long” and I was hoping there would be a tool in this great Tweaker app to rename these folders. The process seems to include possible registry tweaks, folder rename, ini file changes etc. It would be nice for example to be able to make it “Name – CNPVL”. The name change would be customizable. So someone could be “Name – Microsoft Corporation” to “Name – MS Corp” or whatever. Thanks for considering.
Hi, excellent program, the only “problem” is that if I use the portable version and I put a tweak in the favorites when I change the computer I can’t find any favorites anymore. There is a solution?
Hi, excellent program, the only “problem” is that if I use the portable version and I put a tweak in the favorites when I change the computer I can’t find any favorites anymore. There is a solution?
It would be nice if there was a way to make the fonts in Winarotweaker Menu
larger. I am using version with a display of 1920 x 1080 … Can you add
this feature or tell us where we can change it without it changing sizes of other
items in Windows 11 Pro ? …. Otherwise a good program … Thank you
Winaero Tweaker
Thank you for this wonderful program.
Can you please indicate what the default setting is in each of the tweak options so that users can know at a glance if they have previously made changes to a setting or in some cases if they would like to change the setting back to the default. Over time it’s impossible to remember what changes a user has made.
Secondly, when doing an export to backup settings in an .ini file, are we supposed to only backup those changes we’ve made or are we supposed to backup all the settings? Don’t know if I’m doing it correctly, I export all settings [changes I’ve made and default unchanged] but I think the export process will only export user changes…not 100% sure. I can’t remember what changes over time have been made so I export all tweaks and then when necessary import all tweaks. This should restore my changes plus all those unchanged tweaks. Does this cause a problem?
Can you kindly give more detail to this process.
Thank you again, Dave.
Hello sir
1) I will consider adding some indication for default values. However, clicking the “reset this page to defaults” button will always set the default value for the current tweak.
2) To see all the changes you made, click Home > Recent changes in the left pane.
3) Import-export only operates with the changed options. It doesn’t export or import tweaks you have not changed.
Thank you for your response, to clarify…
1) I didn’t realize the reset only affects the tweak on the active page.
2) This too I didn’t realize.
3) Since import-export only operates with the changed options and it doesn’t export or import tweaks you have not changed then wouldn’t it make sense when doing a backup of your tweaks to export to .ini all the available tweaks showing in the available list so you would be able to restore if necessary all the tweaks ever made?
I am setting up my new Windows 11 system and I used Winaero Tweaker to change the system font. However, after doing this, the Windows start menu is slow to open but also crashes when I put my cursor on the search box.
Win 11 23H2 (OS build 22631.2715)
Reset the tweak to restore the default font.
I did this but I thought you might want to know as I have seen on another forum and discovered that it was due to changing the font for “Segoe UI Light (TrueType)” which caused the taskbar and search box issue.
Hello, I noticed that the tweaks i set are still happening even after i uninstalled Winaero, I enabled Full Context Menus in Windows-11 and the tried to disable Full Context Menus and it wouldn’t disable, I tried uninstalling Winaero but the tweaks were still there, How do i fully disable Winaero Tweaker?
Obviously, uninstalling the app won’t reset tweaks. It is not how things were supposed to work.
To re-enable the more context menus, you have two options:
– Remove the check mark from the appropriate option.
– Click “reset this page to defaults” in the toolbar when you have the menu option page open.
Import/Export seems broken in
I upgraded my current to and it kept my setting fine. I then exported the settings. It creates an ini file with 4 lines:
ProductName=Winaero Tweaker
If I Import with 1.60.1 a valid ini file saved with 1.55 it throws errors for all of the changes.
Log file:
2/7/2024 10:16:55 AM Something went wrong during import
Component: pageDarkColorScheme
Operation: Import
Error: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: type
2/7/2024 10:16:55 AM Something went wrong during import
Component: pageAdsUnwantedApps
Operation: Import
Error: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: type
Hope this helps.
Thanks a lot. I will look into
Could you please add a “Tablet Mode” tweak? Like the one that was in Windows 10 tiles. They completely removed it from Windows 11 and I seriously would love it back as I have a Lenovo flex laptop and the flip sensor is broken, so the laptop doesn’t go into tablet mode nor shut off the keyboard when I flip it. An icon on the desktop to click and shift to Tablet Mode manually would be of HUGE help!!
Many thanks and much love!!
Could an option to not create a Start Menu shortcut be added to the installer in a future release? As I have my Start Menu shortcuts organized into custom folders, the option to not recreate them when installing updates would be useful.
Yes ok
Please help! I want the button: Open Windows Defender Settings – command
how do the button to open win defender settings?
Cann our tell me, cmd command? or powershell?
in winaero TWKR, i want know, i google, and AI-chat but cant open my program button use.
How to open with command the settings?
I have replied to you on Telegram
This has been asked but got no reply. I have this issue also >>>
Winaero Tweaker always forgets the settings I made. After reboot/restart or updates to my system, the font-sizes I set with Winaero are lost and set to default. Why?
Quite possible that the settings are getting reset by some other app, or maybe Windows itself.
Could you please specify what Windows version you are using?
Windows 11.
windows 11
I will check here on my Insider Preview
In windows 11 the ThumbnailPreview folder icon overlay hide 50% of the image. Is it possible to change that icon to the old style or remove the hiding overlay completely.
Peter Johnson
Maybe you can help me with the following.
In windows 8, 10, 11 there is a white lightning flash when you open a window. It is not there in windows xp and windows 7. It is only there when the high contrast theme is used and that darker colors are used!
When a folder window is opened then windows 10 starts to build the colors of that window, it starts with white! In xp when you open a folder on the desktop it just starts with the color of the background of the desktop. But in w10 it starts with white. Not everybody notices it because a lot of people use the original
theme of windows and in that case almost everything is white. The problem is a bit solved when the windows
animations are all on but I don’t like those irritating animations. Even now when people start using black themes microsoft hasn’t done anything to change this. It seems hard coded in the product.
Link to a youtube movie made by someone where you can see that it starts building the window with white.
Discussion at microsoft.
Winaerotweaker has all kind of precious tweaks it could help a lot of people when this problem is solved.
Could you help me solving this problem?
With kind regards,
Context menu additions that require Admin (e.g. System Environmental Variables) don’t prompt for UAC; instead, they just open a console window with an Access Denied message. I would expect a UAC prompt. Is this a new bug? [I am the Administrator, running WinaeroTweaker v1.63.0.0 on Windows 11 23H2]
Maybe a bug. I will check the things.
Is there any option in Winaero to hide or remove the Safe Mode option from the Advanced menu? I want to hide it because I use the app blocker Cold Turkey, and I am easily able to bypass it by switching to Safe Mode.
Hi Sergey,
One of the first things I do when I set up a new Windows machine, is to install your wonderful tool!
Unfortunately, on my new Surface pro 11 (ARM-Snapdragon X Elite) I have this error message:
“This program can only be installed on versions of Windows designed for the following processor architectures: x86 x64”
Do you plan to make winaero tweaker available for ARM architectures?
Thanks in advance!
I have such a plan for sure.
Whenever I go to the download link or mirror it says 503 forbidden nginx?
I have tried enlarging fonts in Win11. WinAero can enlarge many fonts, but the font used all over and inside the WinAero main screen, I do not know what it is called, remains tiny!
I seem to be unable to enlarge that single font which remains tiny in most programs!
So, Winaero can not enlarge font it uses to show all the text?
“Classic ribbon menu” not working Alt+D short cut
OS : Win11 23H2
Winaero TK :
Windows 11 / Enable Ribbon /
permanently Enable classic file explorer with ribbon
Please open-source this application!
I have many features that I would like to enhance and propose.
For example: “New Menu in File Explorer” should have the option to create a .txt file.
Even if you do not care about collaborating with other people, you would receive more users if the source code is available and auditable.
Thank you for building and supporting this app!
Hello Sergey
Thanks for creating such a great program. Do you plan on localizing it to other languages in the future so that non-English speakers can also use it?
Best regards
It’s a very good app. I increased all important fonts in my Windows 10 system. When I tried to increase them with the Windows settings “Ease of Access”, they changed the gui sizes of all browsers, which is super inconvenient. Thank you very much.
The only font I can’t increase is the font of tooltips in the taskbar (and maybe other places). Maybe you will consider this feature in future.
Impressive Winaero Tweaker apps! Very Very Thx.
and.. I found simple bug.
my OS : windows11 23H2 (Build 22631.4602)
WT Ver :
“Enable Ribbon” feature working fine.
but, “Address bar’ short-cut (Alt + D) didn’t working.
I hove fix :-)