
Vivaldi 1.3.501.6 features customizable interface themes

A new weekly build of Vivaldi, version 1.3.501.6, brought an unexpected pleasant surprise for all its users. Starting with this version, the browser adds support for customizable themes.
vivaldi 1.3Once installed, Vivaldi 1.3 demonstrates the themes feature from the updated welcome screen:vivaldi 1.3 welcome page

In settings, the user can pick one of the pre-defined themes:

vivaldi 1.3 themesLight theme

vivaldi 1.3 light themeDark theme

vivaldi 1.3 dark theme

Subtle themevivaldi 1.3 subtle theme

Redmond themevivaldi 1.3 redmond theme

Human (ubuntu-like) themevivaldi 1.3 human ubuntu theme

Hot pink themevivaldi 1.3 hot pink theme

Blue print themevivaldi 1.3 blue print theme

It is possible to add a custom theme. When you add a new theme in settings, it inherits the currently used theme's colors and options, which can also be useful when you need to tweak one of the predefined themes:vivaldi 1.3 custom theme 1vivaldi 1.3 custom theme 2

That's it. You can download Vivaldi 1.3.501.6 here:

The complete change log is HERE.

What do you think about this new feature of Vivaldi? Do you like its new themes? Tell us in comments.

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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.

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