One of the new features of Windows 8 is Win+X "Start" menu. It is non-customizable part of the operating system. Win+X Menu Editor is my latest work and it serves to provide you a simple and useful way to edit Win+X menu without system file modification. It keeps your system integrity untouched.

Latest version is, it supports Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10
Read the rest to learn more and see change log and the demo video
Change log
Now compatible with Windows 10 version 1703 "Creators Update".
No more separate builds for x86 and x64 Windows releases. The single binary works in both versions.
Fixed "move to group" behavior: first item in the group was not visible until you restart the app.
Minor changes for better support of Windows 10.
New feature - "Add an Administrative Tools item" allows you to add any Administrative Tools item quickly and easy.
Workaround with Program Files(x86) folder. Now shortcuts to that folder will be displayed properly in Win+X menu.
Bug fixed: if you try to add a shortcut which is already in Win+X menu folder, then application will show you .NET framework error.
- New feature - "Add a Control Panel item" allows you to add any control panel applet including hidden like "Network Connections" or "All Tasks(God Mode)".
- Improved icons resolving for Win+X menu items
- "Add a program" now not a button but drop-down menu.
- Some very minor non-critical bugs are fixed
Fixed a bug with built-in items renaming
- hashlnk is not required anymore, all its functions are ported into the Win+X Menu Editor source code
- Numerous bugs are fixed, such as sorting bug or crash on empty Win+X menu
- Improved "add a program" feature
- New clean and useful UI with hotkeys, new icons
- The ability to move shortcuts between groups
- New feature - "Presets", which allows you to add various commands in Win+X menu, such as shutdown options, calculator and so on.
Fixed a bug with Windows 8 RTM.
Improved *.lnk file handling. You need no rename Win+X menu items anymore, it uses file display name instead of lnk target.
Added support to Windows 8 Release Preview
Initial release
Here is the demo video of Win+X Menu Editor
With Win+X Menu Editor you are able:
- to add new items.
- to remove any item of Win+X menu.
- to change display name of any item of Win+X menu.
- to reorder Win+X menu items.
An addition information
Win+X Menu Editor is based on the hashlink source code by Rafael Rivera. Please respect him.
Main icon is daKirby309's "Desktop" icon + mspaint.exe
The Win+X Menu Editor is available in two editions - x86 and x64. Don't use x86 version on Windows x64.
Starting with version 3.0, I eliminated separate versions for x64 and x86 Windows. From now, a single executable file can be used in both x64 and x86 editions.
Download "Win+X Menu Editor for Windows 10 and Windows 8"
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