If you are a Windows 10 user, you may already know that the latest operating system from Redmond comes without the classic Windows 7 games. They are no longer included with Windows 10. Here is a Windows 7 Games package which solves this issue.
To get Windows 7 Games for Windows 10 Creators Update, follow the instructions below.
- Get the ZIP archive with Games from the following link: Download Windows 7 Games for Windows 10, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1.
- Unpack and execute the file Windows 7 Games for Windows 10 and 8.exe.
- Follow the installation wizard and select the desired games you want to get in Windows 10.
You are done! Go to the Start menu and play your favorite games now.
This Windows 7 Games package is compatible with all builds of Windows 10, Windows 8.1 and Windows 8.
The package installs games in your operating system's language. The following games are available:
Spider Solitaire
Chess Titans
Mahjong Titans
Purble Place
Internet Spades
Internet Checkers
Internet Backgammon
and of course the shortcuts to them in Games Explorer
The online games are also included.
Games support the complete set of MUI (language packs), so they will run in your native language. The following languages are supported.
That's it.
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It does not work with creators update, the downloaded file is the old one, which worked on past uptates, but does not work on creators update. The pack installs, but clicking on a game does nothing.
Which exactly build you are using?
It works like a charm in my 15063.13
My build is 15063.rs2_release.170317-1834 (15063.13 like yours). I tried all, like cleaning old files, etc.
I just checked everything once again.

All games work.
My setup is: Clean install, Defender is enabled, UAC is enabled.
Maybe it is something specific to your setup.
It should be something specific then.
When i click on a game the circle above the mouse appears and start running, as if the application started, but nothing happen, no game on screen, no game on task manager either.
I give up, thanks for your patience.
I found that I had to uninstall the games before updating to Creators Update.
After that, all games worked.
In Windows 10 after the Creator’s Update there seems to be a problem with some DirectX 9 based applications. There are two options to allow this game package to work:
1. Copy the file d3d9.dll from your Windows/System32 folder into each folder that contains the .exe file of the game you want to play (for example: Program Files\Microsoft Games\Minesweeper if you want to play Minsweeper).
2. Find the application that breaks DirectX 9 and close it (might need to restart without the application running on startup). In my case it was RiverTunerStatisticsServer (v. that comes bundled with MSI Afterburner.
Copying the d3d9.dll into the games folder worked like a champ!
I’ve been redownloading this package every time Windows 10 does an update and it has worked fine every time till the most recent update. Now I cannot get the internet backgammon, checkers or spades to work. I’m getting error 0x80041004 no matter how many times I start the game, this error comes up.
I’ve uninstalled and redownloaded and reinstalled at least 4 times with same results. What do you suggest?
I have to check the issue myself.
Please be patient. I will try to do this asap.
I am having the same issue as Annie. “Internet” backgammon and spades don’t work. “I’m getting error 0x80041004 no matter how many times I start the game, this error comes up.” Any help would be appreciated. This has been going on for some time, and continues after re-install.
The game servers are turned off by Microsoft. The Internet games are no longer work.
Thank You for the info!
No Reversi?
Have you seen Reversi in Windows 7?
Yes, my wife uses it.
I see. But Reversi wasn’t included in Windows 7 Game set. You must be installed it separately.
Yes, from a Romanian developer. I believe you have mentioned him before. If you want I can email you the link. I have it in onedrive. I can’t get it to run on anything above 7. It includes all in Gaming Zone.
Quite late in seeing this post, Sergey.
Reversi was dropped in the change from Windows 3.x to Windows 95.
I still have a copy of ALL the Windows 3.x games, and could successfully run them in Windows 7.
Having had to very recently do a major system upgrade I have finally wound up with a Windows 8.1 64 bit system, and with that found that the OS will point blank refuse to allow to run, a lot of the really old games and programs.
Thank you! You guys rock! It works like a charm for me (64-bit Win Pro 10, just got the Creators Update so I did a search to update my favorite Win7 games and came up with this site). Thumbs up!
Hi Sergey, Does this fix the Null Pointer fatal error when using ctrl + z in Spider Solitaire on win 10 creators please?
I doubt that. I also don’t believe that this issue can be fixed.
Sadly, we have no source code for any of these games.
Looks like the Fall Creators Update broke this :(
Reinstall the package.
Reinstalled without problems in Fall Creators Update. All is working again.
Windows 10 update removed all games. With this installer games are back
Latest Fall 2017 Update removed all the games. My current Win10 build is 15063.540. I reinstalled games but not able to start any of them. Copying d3d9.dll to game folder does not help :(
Yes, fall update breaks this again.
Try uninstalling and cleaning up afterwards (I use Revo Uninstaller to make this clean up easy – the free version works just fine).
Afterwards, just install the package.
Works great.
I upgraded Windows yesterday and Games broke. The graphics are 50 shades of grey. I put the d3 dll everywhere and it didn’t work. The game found my previous scores, but the graphics are screwed up.
Hello Ken. Which build you are running now?
How do I find out?
I found it. 10.0.16299 Build 16299
strange. the games work here in 16299 without issues.
try to reinstall them once again?
I don’t know why, but it works when I disable the Nvidia graphics card.
I got it fixed! I had to completely reinstall the Nvidia software.
I’am so greatfull for downloading the most wounderfull games thanks you
I updated windows 10 yesterday 5/7/2018 or this morning; and now the GamesExplorer is out. The games are still there, but it’s like the games explorer doesn’t exist. Any ideas? please help. Having the hub access is really helpful.
The game explorer folder was removed. See Say goodbye to the Games folder with Windows 10 Spring Creators Update
Thank you for the link. Wish they had kept it. Just glad to still have the old games.
Hello, I’m having an issue where the games are all listed in Win10, but they do not open. They don’t do anything. you click the link, and it acts like it’s going to do something, but nothing happens. I’ve tried a repair and reinstall, but still nothing. Ideas?
Ensure that you have the latest version of the installer. It includes a fix for the situation you described.
I downloaded the latest version i could find yesterday, and did a full uninstall and reinstall but still have the same issue. Is there an updated version to the one from yesterday?
hmm not yet. The version available on the web site is expected to be compatible with all released builds of Windows 10.
Ok, that’s what i had thought. It did work until the latest round of Windows updates came across. Not a Feature Update, but just regular updates.
Did you have any thoughts on what the issue might be?
I just recently upgraded from Win-7pro to Win-10pro. To the dismay of my grandchildren, their favorite games are gone. After some searching, I came across winaero.com site and your information concerning the topic. What I want to know is can I download the ‘complete set of Windows 7 games available for Windows 10’ to an external hard-drive or thumb-drive. Then play it on my upgraded Win-10pro laptop? Additionally, do I also need to download the “Windows 7 Games for Windows 10 Creators Update” to the external drives for the games to work?
My Windows 10pro is version 1909 OS 18363.535… if you need that info to answer.
Well, you can download the games to any drive you your choice, and then install it in v1909.
// I’ve been redownloading this package every time Windows 10 does an update and it has worked fine every time till the most recent update. Now I cannot get the internet backgammon, checkers or spades to work. I’m getting error 0x80041004 no matter how many times I start the game, this error comes up. I’ve uninstalled and redownloaded and reinstalled at least 4 times with same results. What do you suggest? THanks. Annie //
Hi Sergey,
I have been having the same issue as Annie. Prompt box goes to error 0x80041004. Would love to get to play this version of Backgammon again. Tried reinstalling, same problem.
Please help. Thanks
Please can you add Microsoft Tinker (as supplied with Windows Vista Ultimate) as another tick box option in your setup package for the Windows 7 games for Windows 10 package? I know it was a Vista game and not a 7 game, but it did integrate with the Game Explorer originally (I know the GE no longer works) the same as the above games. I have successfully ran both Tinker and the editor in Windows 10 v21H1 64-bit, with both being set to Windows Vista SP2 compatibility mode. I have a complete set of installation files for them – fully virus-checked and not ad-loaded – that I would be happy to share with you in order to facilitate this inclusion.