Vivaldi 3.5 is now available, here are the changes

Vivaldi Browser Icon Modern Version

Vivaldi 3.5 is out, and includes a number of improvements made to keyboards shortcuts, menu customization, and more. Also, it now includes a QR generator for URLs.

Vivaldi Banner 2

Vivaldi was started with the promise of giving you a highly customizable, full-featured, innovative browser. It looks like its developers kept their promise - there is no other browser on the market which offers the same amount of options and features. While Vivaldi is built on Chrome's engine, power users are the target user base, like the classic Opera 12 browser. Vivaldi was created by former Opera co-founder and developed keeping in mind Opera's usability and power. There is also a mobile version of the browser, also powerful and feature rich.

Vivaldi 3.5 comes with the following changes.

Improvements made to tab management

With Vivaldi 3.5, you can

  • make the browser open a new tab in the background by default.
  • clone tab in the background

There is also a refined look of the tab stack preview popup, which renders better tab previews for more tabs in the stack, and includes a tab thumbnail image, its title, and domain.

Media playback improvements

Vivaldi has now includes Widevine certificate keys, which will allow videos to play on premium streaming services like Amazon Prime HD, Spotify, Peacock TV, and others. Widevine is a Chromium content decryption module that supports DRM-protected video content on Windows and macOS.

Please note that for Amazon Prime HD to work, click on the lock in the Address Bar → Site Settings → “Clear Data”. After this, a re-login is required.

URL sharing via QR code

Vivaldi now allows you to quickly create a QR code for a page. When scanned with a smartphone or other device, it allows the device to recognize and copy the encoded web address.

Besides reading the QR code directly, you can also save it as a PNG image. It is possible to enable or disable the QR code generator in Vivaldi by using the option “Settings > Address Bar > Address Field Options > QR Code Generator”.

New Menu customization options

In this version of the browser, shortcuts assigned to a global command will also be shown in the context menus (right-click menus). You can open Settings > Appearance > Menu, select a context menu, and add a command from the Application Commands that have a shortcut to the context menu. That menu will now show the shortcut for that action.

Single key navigation

As you may already know, it is possible to enable single key navigation in Vivaldi. When this mode is active, you can press Z to go to the previous page, and X to the next page in your navigation history. It is also possible to switch between tabs by pressing 1, 2, etc, without holding the Ctrl key. In Vivaldi  3.5, there is a clash resolved for this feature. For example, if you need to enter a credit card number that has the number 1 in it, it will not switch to a previous tab which is what the default keyboard shortcut “1” has been assigned to.

Other notable changes

  • Google Hangouts, Google Cast, and Google Cloud Print can now be disabled entirely in settings.
  • A new option to always display the close tab button, to make closing tabs easier on touch screen devices.
  • A language setting has been enabled that allows you to change to your preferred language, as supported by certain websites.

You will find download links on the official web site.


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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.

2 thoughts on “Vivaldi 3.5 is now available, here are the changes”

  1. Thanks Sergey! Installing while we speak. Didnt find Mail, Calendar and Feeds interesting hence not using.

  2. Thank you for the article.

    I have been trying to activate the Google Search Suggestions in the adress field using “” in the Settings but it does not work.

    Any idea how to get it done? (Vivaldi’s newest Version on WIndows 10)

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