Back in December 2020, Telegram received a big update with the new voice chat feature for groups. Today, the messenger got another major update with “Voice Chats 2.0.” The update focuses on new features for voice chats in groups and now in channels. Here what is new in this release which basically turns Telegram into a Clubhouse clone.
Unlimited voice chats
The latest update lifts the limit on how many people can listen to a voice chat. Previously, a maximum of 200 000 could join a voice chat, but now you can broadcast to millions of users. Telegram says this feature is a “public radio reinvented for the 21st century.”
Recorded Chats
Chat and channel administrators can now record their voice conversations. This feature would be useful if you have an interesting guest or just want to preserve a conversation. After recording, admins can publish chats, so those who missed the live event can follow up.
Rise Hand
Listeners can also raise hands to participate in the conversation. This is yet another feature obviously inspired by Clubhouse. Admins can see the list of those wanting to speak and check their bio text. Telegram says this feature might help administrators to decide whether to allow a person to speak or not.
Separate links for speakers and listeners
The link invitation system gets a significant boost with a new feature that allows creating different invite links for listeners and speakers. With this update, admins no longer need to unmute speakers when they join.
Join As
Users can now join a voice chat in a channel using their personal accounts or channels. “Join as” is made primarily for celebrities and public figures who do not want to draw too much attention to personal accounts.
Other updates
In today’s update, there are some minor quality-of-life improvements as well. For example, you can now cancel message forwarding or select a different chat. Also, you can now resume the voice message playback from where you left it off. Finally, Android users can customize Telegram gestures and choose which options appear after swiping left.
You can download the update from Play Store on Android or the App Store on iOS.
Source: Telegram.
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