Telegram for Desktop has received pinned multiple messages

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A new update of the popular messenger, Telegram, adds a set of the cool features to its Desktop app. The changes include the ability to pin multiple messages, and send media files as albums and playlists.

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The Telegram Messenger app is very popular on both Desktop and mobile. Telegram Messenger has been available on multiple platforms for years now, including Android, iOS, Windows PC, and Linux. From all the modern messengers, Telegram has most lightweight Desktop app and nice features like history synced across all your devices, large file transfer (up to 2 GB), free stickers and a lot of other features often implemented better than in similar apps.

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Starting in Telegram 2.4.5, you can use the following features in the Desktop app on Windows, Linux and MacOS.

What's new in Telegram

  • Pin several messages in any chat, including one-on-one chats.
  • Jump between pinned messages or open them all on a separate page via the top bar.
  • Send several music tracks as a playlist.
  • Send several files as an album in one chat bubble.
  • Send a 🎰 emoji to any chat to see if you hit the jackpot.
  • Hide Telegram taskbar icon on Linux in Settings > Advanced.

The app installs updates automatically. If you didn't receive the update automatically, you can download it manually from its web site. The actual version as of this writing is 2.4.7, which has got a few reliability improvements and minor bugfixes.

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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.

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