Almost immediately after crossing 1 billion downloads, Pavel Durov's Telegram Messenger received another major update to version 8.0. Telegram 8 brings unlimited live streams, improved message forwarding, trending stickers, and other enhancements.
What is new in Telegram 8?
Unlimited live streams
In June 2021, Telegram finally received group video calls support, which developers later transformed into a powerful tool for live broadcasts. Telegram 8 makes video calls even better with an unlimited audience. Telegram claims the entire population of Earth can now participate in a single video call.
Message forwarding improvements
In Telegram 8, users have more flexibility when forwarding a message to other people. When you forward a message, Telegram presents you with an option to hide the "Forward Message" label and the original sender's name. Additionally, users can deselect messages or change the recipient in case they tapped a wrong chat.
Jump to Next Channel
If you use Telegram's channels to follow up with the latest news, check out updates from favorite blogs, or just browse memes (subscribe to Winaero), you can jump between channels without going back to the chat list. Once you have reached the bottom of a channel, pull messages up to switch to unseen posts in the next one.
Sticker improvements
There are also a few neat improvements to stickers. Telegram 8 displays trending stickers, and it shows when a person you are chatting with selects a sticker to send you. The idea is the same as the one behind "typing" or "recording a voice message" indicator.
Other improvements
Finally, the messenger now shows unread comment counters and offers several new animated emojis. Because no Telegram update without new animated emojis.
Telegram 8 is now available for iOS, Windows, macOS, and Android. You can read more about all the changes on the official website using this link.
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