Run Speech Recognition at Startup in Windows 10

Windows provides both a device-based speech recognition feature (available through the Windows Speech Recognition Desktop app), and a cloud-based speech recognition service in those markets and regions where Cortana is available. Here is how to make it automatically run at startup for your user account.

Enable Speech Recognition in Windows 10

Windows provides both a device-based speech recognition feature (available through the Windows Speech Recognition Desktop app), and a cloud-based speech recognition service in those markets and regions where Cortana is available. Here is how to enable the Speech Recognition feature in Windows 10.

Continue reading "Enable Speech Recognition in Windows 10"

Unlock Extra Text to Speech Voices in Windows 10

New versions of Windows often add new text-to-speech voices. Windows Vista added Anna which was retained up to Windows 7. Windows 8 also had new voices, David, Zira and Hazel. Windows 10 features a set of additional voices which you can use with Narrator and Cortana.

Continue reading "Unlock Extra Text to Speech Voices in Windows 10"

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