Clear Your Device History in Windows 10

As you may remember, Microsoft has updated Cortana and Search in Windows 10 version 1903 'May 2019 Update' and has given them individual flyouts and buttons in the taskbar. A server-side change adds a new section to the search pane. My device history and My search history are two features of Windows 10 Search that can improve your search experience by collecting extra data about your device usage, and searches your perform. Here's how to clear your Device History in Windows 10. Continue reading "Clear Your Device History in Windows 10"

Disable Device and Search History in Windows 10

As you may remember, Microsoft has updated Cortana and Search in Windows 10 version 1903 'May 2019 Update' and has given them individual flyouts and buttons in the taskbar. A server-side change adds new sections to the search pane. My device history and My search history are two features of Windows 10 Search that can improve your search experience by collecting extra data about your device usage, and searches your perform. Continue reading "Disable Device and Search History in Windows 10"

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