How to Run File Explorer as Administrator in Windows 10

As you may know, File Explorer in Windows 10 runs with the least privileges - only enough permissions that apps need to run are granted by default. This security model was introduced in Windows Vista and is called User Account Control (UAC). As a result, you see a lot of UAC confirmations when trying to browse certain folders and modify files. If you need to operate with protected files, or files owned by another user account, it can be time saving to run File Explorer as Administrator.
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Enable Delete Confirmation in Windows 10

In Windows 10, when the user is deleting a file or a folder, there is no confirmation prompt appearing on the screen. Instead, the File Explorer app directly sends the selected objects to the Recycle Bin. If you are not happy with this behavior, you can change it. Here is how it can be done.

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Show Full Path in Title Bar of File Explorer in Windows 10

In Windows 10, it is possible to make File Explorer show the full path to the opened folder. This will also display the full path to the folder on the button in the taskbar. Here is how to enable and use this option.

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Add Control Panel To This PC in Windows 10

In Windows 10, the ability to quickly open the Control Panel from the Ribbon user interface has been eliminated. The button to open it was replaced with Settings. While many options in the classic Control Panel are currently available in Settings, the Control Panel still has dozens of exclusive applets which have not been not ported yet to the modern Settings app. You might want to add back the Control Panel to This PC. Here is how.
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Remove Open in New Window Context Menu in Windows 10

By default, the File Explorer app in Windows 10 has the Open in New Window context menu item. If you find no use for this context menu item, you might want to get rid of it in order to make your context menu more compact and clear. Here is how it can be done.
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Open Each Folder In New Window In Windows 10

You can configure File Explorer to open each folder in a new window. This can be done without using third party tools. Today, we will see how you can do it.
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Disable Thumbnail Previews in File Explorer in Windows 10

In Windows 10, File Explorer is able to show small previews for image and video files you have stored on your disk drive. To speed up this process, it uses a cache file hidden in the user profile directory. When a file is cached, File Explorer reuses the thumbnail from the cache to show it instantly. You might want to disable thumbnail previews in File Explorer if they are affecting performance in folders with large number of items.
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Disable Automatic Folder Type Discovery in Windows 10

Windows 10 is known for automatically changing the folder view depending on the contents of the folder. While this is useful in some cases, it can be a very annoying feature for users who prefer to configure their folder view types manually. Some users do not like the operating system automatically adjusting the view and overriding their preferences. Let's see how to disable automatic folder type discovery in Windows 10.
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How to Rotate An Image In Windows 10 With File Explorer

If you need to rotate an image, Windows 10 allows you to do it without using third party tools. The built-in functionality will allow you to do it quickly. Let's see how it can be done.
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Remove “3D Print with 3D Builder” from the context menu in Windows 10

If you have Windows 10 Anniversary Update installed, you might notice that it has a new context menu item for images. It is called "3D Print with 3D Builder" and launches the bundled app "3D Builder". If you are not going to use 3D Builder, you might find it useful to get rid of the context menu command. Here is how.
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