
Remove Printer in Windows 10

If you have a printer installed in Windows 10 that you no longer use,  it is a good idea to remove it. It can be a shared printer that is no longer accessible, or a physically disconnected printer. Today, we will review different methods you can use to remove the installed printer in Windows 10.

Rename Printer in Windows 10

When installing a printer, Windows 10 will assign the default name to it. Its default name is usually defined by the vendor and includes its manufacturer name and model. If you are not happy with the default name of your printer, here are a number of methods you can use to rename it.

Add Shared Printer in Windows 10

Windows allows connecting a shared printer connected to a PC on your network. A shared printer can be used by others to send print jobs. It will be visible in the shared network resources of the remote computer, so other users will be able to install (add) it to their printers. Today, we will see how to add (connect) a shared printer to your PC.

How to Share a Printer in Windows 10

Windows allows sharing a printer connected to your PC with over computers and users on your network. A shared printer can be used by others to send print jobs. It will be visible in the shared network resources of your computer, so users will be able to install (add) it to their printers.

Backup and Restore Printers in Windows 10

In Windows 10, it is possible to backup and restore your printers, including their queues, configured ports, and drivers. The operating system includes a special wizard which allows exporting and importing of printers to special file.

Create Devices and Printers Shortcut in Windows 10

Devices and Printers is a special system folder which shows the important devices connected to your computer with fancy icons. This folder was first introduced in Windows 7. Windows 10 comes with this folder in the classic Control Panel. You can create a special shortcut to access this feature faster.

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