
Change Window Background Color in Windows 10

How to Change Window Background Color in Windows 10

In Windows 10, you can change the window background color which is white by default. It specifies the background color for classic system dialogs,  lists, the document area background color in text editors, and more. The color can be changed from the default light gray color to any color you want for all Desktop apps you have installed at once. Let's see how it can be done.

Change Button Face Color in Windows 10

How to Change Button Face Color in Windows 10

In Windows 10, you can change the button face color which defines the face color of a 3D element. In a general case, it specifies the background color for classic system dialogs,  page controls, tab controls, and for a number of other controls like a grip resize button. The color can be changed from the default light gray color to any color you want for all Desktop apps you have installed at once. Let's see how it can be done.

Change Highlighted Text Color in Windows 10

How to Change Highlighted Text Color in Windows 10

In Windows 10, you can change the highlighted text color from white to any color you want. The color can be changed for all Desktop apps you have installed at once. The procedure is very simple. Let's see how it can be done.

Change Window Text Color in Windows 10

How to change Window Text Color in Windows 10

You can change the default window text color from black to any color you want. The color can be changed for all Desktop apps you have installed at once. Let's see how it can be done.

Show or Hide Window Contents While Dragging in Windows 10

You can configure the Windows 10 operating system to show an outline border of a window you are dragging instead of the contents of the window. This change improves the OS performance a bit, as the OS shouldn't redraw the full window image. Here are two methods you can use to change the dragging behavior.

Disable Drop Shadows for Desktop Icon Labels in Windows 10

Your Desktop is a special folder which shows your background wallpaper that you have chosen and your files, folders, documents, shortcuts and all such items you have stored. It appears every time you sign in to Windows. Today, we will learn how to enable or disable drop shadows for Desktop icon labels in Windows 10. We will review two methods, including the GUI, and a Registry tweak.

Disable Translucent Selection Rectangle in Windows 10

The translucent selection rectangle represents the selection when you left-click and hold the left mouse button, and then drag the mouse pointer over items in File Explorer or on the Desktop to select them. It has a border of a solid color, and filled by a translucent version of the same color.

Change Translucent Selection Rectangle Color in Windows 10

The translucent selection rectangle represents the selection when you left-click and hold the left mouse button, and then drag the mouse pointer over items in File Explorer or on the Desktop to select them. It has a border of a solid color, and filled by a translucent version of the same color. Here is how to change it.

How to reduce title bar height and size of window buttons in Windows 10

Many users are not happy with the default appearance of window title bars in Windows 10. It is too tall and the window caption buttons (minimize, maximize, close) are quite large. If you want to reduce the title bar height and make window buttons smaller in Windows 10, here is how you can do it.

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