PowerShell is an advanced form of command prompt. It is extended with a huge set of ready-to-use cmdlets and comes with the ability to use .NET framework/C# in various scenarios. Windows includes a GUI tool, PowerShell ISE, which allows editing and debugging scripts in a useful way. If you are using it frequently, you might find it useful to add 'Edit with PowerShell ISE as Administrator' to the context menu.
Tag: Powershell
Create a User Account in Windows 10 with PowerShell
Although the concept of multiple users sharing one device or one PC is getting rarer by the day, there are still cases when you have to share PCs. In such a situation, it is useful to have multiple user accounts on a single PC. Recently, we saw how to create a new user account in Windows 10. Sometimes it can be useful to create a user account with PowerShell. Here is how it can be done.
Create Shortcut to Run a PS1 PowerShell File in Windows 10
PowerShell is an advanced form of command prompt. It is extended with a huge set of ready-to-use cmdlets and comes with the ability to use .NET framework/C# in various scenarios. When you double-click on a *.ps1 script file, it opens in Notepad or other app associated with this file type. Sometimes it can be very useful to create a shortcut to run your PS1 script file directly.
Generate QR Code with PowerShell in Windows 10
PowerShell is an advanced form of command prompt. It is extended with a huge set of ready-to-use cmdlets and comes with the ability to use .NET framework/C# in various scenarios. PowerShell allows creating QR codes to share information between your devices and with other users.
Find Your Windows Upgrade History with PowerShell
Every time you perform a build upgrade in Windows 10, the operating system stores some bits of information related to previously installed operating system versions in the Registry. By fetching this info, you can see a list of builds that you installed to come to the currently installed version of the OS. This can be really interesting, especially if you have upgraded your Windows 7 or 8.1 OS to Windows 10 and then joined the Windows Insider Preview program. The list can be very long.
How to Fix Install-Module is missing in PowerShell
Microsoft's PowerShell is able to download and install extra modules from an online catalog. With a couple of commands, you can extend the functionality of the PowerShell console, add new cmdlets and features. The ability to install extra modules is provided by the Install-Module cmdlet.
How to Change PowerShell Execution Policy in Windows 10
By default, PowerShell restricts running scripts on end user PCs. This setting is good from a security point of view. However, if you are using a lot of scripts that you have downloaded or coded by yourself, it can be really annoying. In this article, we will review how to change the default execution policy for PowerShell scripts in Windows 10.
Change network location type with PowerShell in Windows 10
In one of my previous articles, I wrote how you can change the network location type (Public or Private) in Windows 10. Today, I would like to share with you how it can be done with PowerShell.
Create A Restore Point in Windows 10 with PowerShell
If you use the System Restore function in Windows 10 to revert your operating system to the last known stable point when it was working correctly, you might be interested in creating a new restore point with PowerShell. This can be useful with various automation scenarios. Also, you can create a special shortcut to execute the PowerShell command and make a new restore point with one click.
How To Restart Computer with PowerShell
Windows offers you many different ways to restart the computer. It can be done with the Win + X menu, with the Start Menu, with the console tool shutdown and even with the classic Shutdown dialog. Let's see one more method. Today, we will see how to restart your computer using PowerShell.