Get free disk space back after upgrading to Windows 10

If you installed Windows 10 over a previous Windows version like Windows 8 or Windows 7, you might have noticed that free disk space on your disk drive was considerably reduced. This is nothing new. For modern versions of Windows it is the default behavior. When you do an in-place upgrade from a previous version of Windows, setup saves a lot of files from the earlier installed OS during the upgrade and fills your hard drive with files that you might never need again if your upgrade is successful. The reason setup saves these files is so that if something goes wrong during setup, it can safely rollback to the earlier version of Windows. However, if your upgrade was successful and you've got everything working perfectly, then there's no need to keep these files. You can reclaim all the wasted disk space by following these simple instructions.
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Get additional 1 GB of free space in your Dropbox account

If you are a Dropbox user and have an Android phone, here is good news for you: you can get an additional 1 GB of free space for your Dropbox account. Dropbox is currently providing it as a gift for new Mailbox for Android app users. Get it while it lasts.
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