User Account Control, or just UAC is a part of the Windows security system which prevents apps from making unwanted changes on your PC. When some software tries to change system-related parts of the Registry or the file system, Windows 10 shows an UAC confirmation dialog, where the user should confirm if he really wants to make those changes. Thus, UAC provides a special security environment for your user account with limited access rights and can elevate a particular process to full access rights when necessary. However, many users are not happy to see these UAC prompts and prefer to use Windows 10 with the classic security model, i.e. by creating limited and administrator accounts like in Windows XP and earlier. If you are one of those users, here is how to disable UAC and get rid of its popups in Windows 10.
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Tag: disable UAC
How to tweak or disable UAC in Windows 8.1
In Windows Vista, Microsoft implemented a new security feature called User Account Control (UAC). It tries to prevent malicious apps from doing potentially harmful things on your PC. Before the administrator-level (elevated) action is allowed, UAC asks permission from the user to go ahead with it, or cancel the request. UAC has some settings which can affect its behavior. In this article we will look how to change those settings or disable UAC completely.
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