How to automatically set the window border color as the Start Screen background color

There are two completely different environments in Windows 8.x, each disjoint from the other: the Start Screen and Modern apps is one, and the Classic Desktop is the other. They look completely different, but there an optimization you can do to make them feel more coherent. While Windows 8.1 introduces an option to use the Desktop background for the Start Screen, Windows 8 RTM has nothing to offer you to make the Start Screen look closer to your Desktop. Today we will learn how to make Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 use your window border color as the background color of the Start Screen.

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How to apply the Start screen background color as the window color in Windows 8.1

With Windows 8.1, you are able to use the Desktop background image as the Start screen background. This personalization option is available right after the installation once Windows gets activated. However, not every user prefers to use the wallpaper as the Start screen background. Instead, what if you could read the Start screen's color and set it as the color of your window frames of desktop apps and taskbar? If you sync the Metro and Aero colors, it gives you a more harmonious look and feel. I have coded a tool to do just that. To automatically set the color of the Start screen background as the window color, follow these simple steps.

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