How to rename the OS in Windows 10 boot menu

With Windows 8, Microsoft made changes to the boot experience. The simple text-based boot loader is now disabled by default and in its place, there is a touch friendly graphical user interface with icons and text. Windows 10 has this as well.

In a dual boot configuration, it shows the operating system names. If you need to rename this OS entry in a dual boot configuration, it is not made easier by Microsoft. Let's see how it should be done.
Continue reading "How to rename the OS in Windows 10 boot menu"

How to remove the Windows Rollback option from the boot menu

After you install Windows 10 build 9926, you might be noticed a new item in the boot menu named Windows Rollback. It can be used to uninstall Windows 10. Instead, you might be interested to remove that boot menu entry.

Continue reading "How to remove the Windows Rollback option from the boot menu"

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