In the latest release of Internet Explorer 11, as the recent leaks show, there is a compatibility feature called Enterprise Mode. Using Enterprise Mode, corporate users will be able to extend the compatibility view feature with their own customized settings. Let's see how we can activate it in the recently leaked Windows 8.1 Update 1 build.
Translate text to and from other languages offline using Bing Translator app for Windows
If you have a business need to translate text in international languages regularly, there are plenty of free online services today as well as paid app solutions for desktop and mobile. Google Translate is one of the most popular ones and also has Android and iOS apps. Microsoft Translator has also been long available. For Windows 8, Microsoft has an app called Bing Translator. I explored some of its features.
[Review] What’s new in Windows 8.1 Update 1
Today, a preview build of Windows 8.1 Update 1 leaked to the Internet. Windows 8.1 Update 1 is a rollup of several updates as well as some new features which Microsoft plans to offer to Windows 8.1 users. While this update has nothing new of significance for regular Desktop users, it contains few notable changes to the Modern UI, the way it integrates with the Desktop and to Internet Explorer 11. I have successfully installed the leaked '6.3.9600.16596.WINBLUES14_GDR_LEAN.140114-0237' build inside the latest VirtualBox and would like to offer you a brief overview of the new features in this build.
Get the classic Open With dialog on Windows 8.1 and Windows 8 using OpenWith Enhanced
In Windows, when you double click a file, it opens in the default program which is registered to handle it. But you can right click that file and choose Open With to choose another program to open it with. Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 made some changes to the Open With dialog and turned it into a floating Metro style window. Let us see how we can get the Windows 7 style classic Open With dialog back.
Enterprise Mode Unlocker for IE 11 in Windows 8.1 Update 1
My friend PainteR has discovered a way to unlock the secret hidden Enterprise Mode of Internet Explorer 11.0.3 in recently leaked Windows 8.1 Update 1 6.3.9600.winblues14_gdr_lean.140114-0237. So we decided to release a simple tool wich allows you to get the Enterprise mode with few clicks.
Just run it to unlock the secret hidden Enterprise mode!
Download Enterprise Mode Unlocker 1.0 for Windows 8 Update 1
Enterprise Mode Unlocker 1.0 for Windows 8 Update 1.
Enterprise Mode Unlocker 1.0 for Windows 8 Update 1.
Supports ONLY recently leaked build Windows 8.1 Update 1 6.3.9600.winblues14_gdr_lean.140114-0237. Run it to unlock the secret hidden Enterprise mode!
How to enable titlebar in Firefox 28 or above with Australis UI
As you might be knowing, starting from version 29, Mozilla plans to ship Firefox with a new Australis UI, which is already available in the Nightly Builds of Firefox. Recently we covered how to disable Australis and restore the classic theme in Firefox. In the latest builds, Mozilla has added a native option to enable the titlebar for the Firefox window. When the titlebar is enabled, it shows the current page title and browser icon. To enable it, follow these simple steps.
How to tell if Windows 8.1 runs in UEFI mode or in the Legacy BIOS mode
Many modern PCs run the installed OS in UEFI mode. But almost all of them have a fallback mode which allows the hardware to be configured in the legacy mode called 'BIOS' mode. Here is how you can tell which mode exactly is used on your Windows 8.1 PC.
Always on Top tool for Windows (Alternative to PowerMenu)
Windows has always had the ability to make any window the topmost one ever since Windows 3.0. Once you make a window the topmost one, other overlapping windows will always show below that window in the Z-order. It is possible to make a window the topmost one programmatically but Microsoft felt that if this control was given to end users, then application developers would misuse it to make their programs always on top. Still, third party tools can easily use the Windows API function to change this. Let's look at two ways to make a window on top.
How to change the font or font size in Classic Shell Start Menu
If you use the Classic Shell Start Menu, you are not restricted like other Start Menus to a limited number of customization options. Classic Shell was built for letting you customize every aspect of it. While most settings in Classic Shell are present in the graphical settings user interface, some settings are part of the Skin files. One of them is the Start Menu font and font size. As screen resolutions and pixels per inch increase, there is a need to make the font larger if the default size is too small for you at 1080p and higher resolutions. While the Skin options in Classic Shell allow you to make the font size larger at 1 pt, if you want to make it still larger or completely replace the font with your own favorite font or change its formatting such as Bold, Italics, follow this guide.