Opera 48 Features a Time Zone Converter

As you may be aware, the Opera browser comes with a built-in currency converter. It was added to the stable branch of the app starting with Opera 42. Opera 48 extends this feature with a time zone converter.

The official blog post describes this change as follows.

Whenever you need to know what 14:33:24 CEST, 7:00 PM MST or 12:40 GMT time is on your local clock, just select the text and Opera will check your time.

This also works for a variety of written formats for dates. You can try out these examples here: 03-02-2009 9:12 PDT, or 30-06-2003 10:09 GMT.

Dev48 Time Zones 700x438

As of this writing, the time zone converter feature supports the following time zones.

  • PST / PDT: Pacific Standard / Daylight Time
  • MST / MDT: Mountain Standard / Daylight Time
  • CST / CDT: Central Standard / Daylight Time
  • EST / EDT: Eastern Standard / Daylight Time
  • AST / ADT: Atlantic Standard Time / Daylight Time
  • NST / NDT: Newfoundland Standard Time / Daylight Time
  • GMT: Greenwich Mean Time
  • BST: British Summer Time
  • MET: Middle Europe Time
  • CET / CEST: Central Europe Time / Daylight (Summer) Time
  • EET / EEST: Eastern Europe Time / Daylight (Summer) Time
  • WET / WEST: Western Europe Time / Daylight (Summer) Time
  • JST: Japan Standard Time
  • KST: Korean Standard Time
  • IST: Indian Standard Time
  • MSK: Moscow Standard Time

Your local time is determined by your system’s time settings.

To try out the time zone converter, you need to install Opera 48, which is in the development branch. Use the following links.

Source: Opera.

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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.

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