
Microsoft uses malware-like pop-ups to promote Bing in Windows 11

Some Windows 11 users have reported that a pop-up message is appearing on top of all apps, asking them to switch their default search engine to Microsoft Bing in Chrome. The notification appears suddenly and randomly, leading some users to believe it was a malicious application. Upon investigation, it was found that the pop-up was sent by a special executable file that Microsoft added to Windows 11. The file appeared in the C:\Windows\temp\mubstemp folder and was digitally signed by Microsoft.

Bing Popup Above All Apps

The notification tries to convince users that Bing is better than other search engines and better integrated with other Microsoft products.

Bing popup in a game

Microsoft claims that users received the notification in error, but admits that promoting products is being considered.

“We are aware of these reports and have paused this notification while we investigate and take appropriate action to address this unintended behavior,” says Caitlin Roulston.

The methods Microsoft is using to promote its software and services may look too aggressive even for loyal Edge users and Bing fans. Such notifications are too intrusive, and they feel like the infamous GWX thing.


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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.

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