Microsoft to release WebView2-based Teams in March as a preview

Next month Microsoft will start public testing of the new Teams client. It  has been developed for several years as 'Microsoft Teams 2.0' or and 'Microsoft Teams 2.1'. The new version is built from scratch, will consume 50% less memory and be more power efficient than the current app.

Windows 11 Build 22000.132 Teams Call

As you may know, the current version is built using Electron, i.e. it is a Chromium engine-based software. The developers decided move from it to their own WebView2 technology. The new app will also use React. All of these changes should result in significant performance and usability improvements.

Former head of Microsoft Teams engineering Rish Tandon said in 2021 that Edge's WebView2 and its architecture will open the door for new features ad capabilities.

“This architecture will help us add support for multiple accounts, work life scenarios, release predictability, and scale up for the client. It will be a journey but with Windows 11 we have taken key first steps.”

Some parts of this project will be ported to the 'consumer' version of Microsoft Teams bundled in Windows 11. So it will also benefit from the new technology stack.

During testing customers will be able to return to the old version of the app on demand. The company is committed to making the transition to the new Microsoft Teams as smooth as possible.

Via TheVerge

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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.

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