Microsoft: No, you won’t be able to remove Recall from Windows 11

Microsoft has clarified the situation around the recently spotted checkbox that allows removing Recall from Windows 11. According to a company representative, the checkbox is a bug and the Recall feature can only be disabled, not removed.

In a statement to TheVerge, Windows Insider Senior Program Manager Brandon LeBlanc said that this is a known bug that will be fixed in upcoming updates. In short, the company does not intend to provide an easy way to remove Recall, but users will be able to disable the feature if they do not plan to use it:

Microsoft is aware of an issue where Recall is incorrectly displayed as an option in the Windows Features dialog (optionalfeatures.exe). This will be fixed in an upcoming update.

Recall Is A Lie

If you aren't familiar with Recall, it automatically takes screenshots, analyzes content, and enables semantic search to find any information a user has ever seen on their computer. The announcement of the feature caused a mixed reaction among users. And experts who got access to the initial version of Windows Recall quickly discovered that the feature saves data in an unencrypted form.

The Windows Recall release, originally scheduled for June 18, 2024, has been delayed due to security issues. However, development of the feature continues. Microsoft promises that the first public builds of Windows 11 with Recall will be available to Windows Insiders in October 2024.

Thanks to thecommunity.

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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.

One thought on “Microsoft: No, you won’t be able to remove Recall from Windows 11”

  1. MS has spent far too much money to do so. It’s their big new thing that they’re going to nag for everyone to use. However, I will do everything to strip it away.

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