Microsoft has patched the ‘product server’ trick for TPM check bypass

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The recently discovered setup.exe /product server command that one could use to skip TPM and CPU restrictions in Windows 11 no longer works. After the method gained attention in media, the company patched the Windows 11 setup program. So starting in Windows 11 Build 25977 (Canary), the option makes setup throw an error message.

The /product server switch was telling the Windows 11 installer that it installs a server edition of the operating system. Despite that, it was actually installing a client version, i.e. Pro or Home.

Windows Server doesn't have such strict limitation on the CPU model, and doesn't yet check the presence of TPM.

However, there is still a way to install Windows 11 Build 25977. Microsoft just forgot to update the tool that does in-place upgrade, setupprep.exe. If you pass the /product server switch to the tool, it will update your existing Windows 10 to Windows 11 without checking for TPM and CPU. So, launch it as follows: setupprep.exe /product server.

Note: The setupprep.exe file is in the sources folder.

I bet it won't take Microsoft long to "fix" this forgotten binary.


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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.

10 thoughts on “Microsoft has patched the ‘product server’ trick for TPM check bypass”

    1. yesterday i’ve installed the 24H2 freshly downloaden iso from MS on a I7 7500u Aliexpress nuc with setupprep command

  1. The released 24H2 update does indeed work with the setupprep.exe /Product Server “hack” – I personally think Microsoft has decided to leave this back door open after all.

  2. I just tried updating Win 11 21H2 in a virtualbox VM to Win 11 24H2 using the “setup /product server” command, and it still worked. This is at 2025/3/25!
    Didn’t have to try setupprep.exe as above.
    Was I lucky?? :-)

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