
Get Windows 7 games for Windows 10

Here's how to download Windows 7 games for Windows 10

Windows 7 had a set of nice, beautiful games including the classic card games with new shiny graphics and some great new games from Vista like Chess Titans, Mahjong Titans and Purble Place. For some reason, Microsoft decided to discontinue these games and offers bloated Modern games from the Store instead. For fans of the original Windows 7 games, here is a simple tutorial to revive them on Windows 10.

Windows 10 games from Windows 7

Update: this package now works in all Windows 10 version including Windows 10, including all recent builds:

Windows 10 build 14328 games

To get all games from Windows 7 working in Windows 10, you need to do the following:

  1. Get the ZIP archive with Games from the following website: Download Windows 7 Games for Windows 10, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1.
  2. Unpack and execute the Win7GamesForWin10-Setup.exe file.
    install win7 games in Windows 10
  3. Follow the installation wizard and select the desired games you want to get in Windows 10.
    select games to install

You are done! Go to the Start menu and play your favorite games now.
Windows 7 card games in Windows 10
That's it. Now you have games from Windows 7 in Windows 10.

If you are a fan of the internet games which used to come bundled with Windows, here's how to revive them: How to bring back Windows 7 classic internet games on Windows 8. If you want to find some nice games which are Metro apps, here are 40 free Store games, which includes new ones as well as all-time favorites.

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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.

506 thoughts on “Get Windows 7 games for Windows 10”

      1. Thank you! I had installed W7 games when i converted to W10 but the games stopped responding with the last W10 update. I appreciate being able to decompress from my day without being connected to Microsoft’s game manager or their gaming network.

          1. yes am able to play chess titans on Windows 10..thank you so much :) ..keep up the good work

          2. A Microsoft update just de-activated my chosen Win 7 games, and removed my desktop icons. I deleted the old download and re-downloaded from this site, but the application still will not run. When I double click on it or click on open or run as administrator, it just keeps bringing up the install wizard again and again

          3. 1. Follow the installation wizard and let it finish its job.
            2. Start games from the Start menu.

    1. So happy that I have my Classic solitaire back on my Windows 10! Windows killed it last night during an update, nowhere to be found! They seem to think they own my computer! So this is the second time I have managed to install it against all odds. Thanks!!

    2. Здравствуйте.
      Меня интересует существуют ли ключи для “тихой” инсталляции без вопросов пасьянсов и калькулятора?

  1. Many thanks!!! Always missed chess on Windows 8.1 and it is remarkable that Respect to you, Sergey works at Windows 10)))!!!

    I could only play these games at school because the computers were on WINDOWS 7.
    Now I can just play these on my laptop! Thanks alot!
    I’m gonna show this to my friends too!

  3. This says Windows 10 but the images show Windows 8.
    Will this work after I upgrade from Windows 7 to the free Windows 10? Thanks Please reply…

    1. I wouldn’t upgrade to 10 from 7. No need 7 is good at least until 2020. Your computer probably won’t last that long anyway. By 2020 they will have all the bugs out & maybe then you can understand it. If not install & then it will be easier to use.

  4. Oh man, I was kinda really upset that they started placing advertisements on their games (on windows 10) but thanks for this alternative!

    1. Are these comments about excessive number of ads aimed at Mediafire which clicking on the zip Archive with Games takes one to?

  5. Thank you so much for this. I can’t believe those greedy scumbags removed all the free games and made them all adware from their stupid app store, charging us a subscription to remove ads. They can take their app store and shove it.

  6. Hey there!

    I just upgrated from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 and sound effects are gone. On Win 8.1 everything was perfect. I tried to reinstall but it’s not working.

    Could anyone help?

  7. Awesome – I was going to have to try the method I used on win 8 that I got from “my digital life” a while back, but this is much simpler than I remember the mdl method being. Chess titans rules!. Ty ty ty


  8. Where can I find the games actually installed in folders/files in File Explorer on the hard drive in Windows 10? Thanks.

    1. Which games? The mentioned installer from the article will put them into Program Files\Microsoft Games

  9. AWESOME!! Sergey, “You Da Man!!” Nice job!! After installing Win 10 from Win 7 a couple of days ago I was real disappointed to lose all the built-in Win 7 games (especially Chess Titans). The chess games in the Windows crApp store are no match for it (I tried 3D chess and the A.I. actually made illegal moves!! so I uninstalled it – the ads weren’t too bad, just a crappy chess engine). Anyway, you have made me happy again!! Thanks for your efforts… Way to go!

    Keep up the good work!! :-)

  10. I just upgraded to Windows 10, and really felt lost when I saw that Solitaire was gone. I use it for a lot of things, including relaxation to music, and when waiting for internet things to load to make the time pass faster. Other Solitaire games I’ve downloaded either take up too much resources, don’t have enough parameters to alter, or are clumsy to use. Your Solitaire really hit the spot.

      1. Hello Sergey,

        Will the “Play Windows 7 Games on Windows 10” software work on Windows 11? I don’t want to upgrade if I am going to lose my Windows 7 card games.

        Thank you for all your great software.


  11. Downloaded games in zip file, extracted, won’t work, doesn’t come up as indicated to choose and doesn’t show in start area ??? What am I doing wrong?

  12. Thanks a bunch!! It is great to have folks like you to help those forgotten by MS. Why are they so out of touch with their users!

    1. They are not out of touch with their users. They are simply greedy, very greedy, and never miss a moment to squeeze every dollar from their users.

  13. Is anyone else having an issue where internet backgammon wipes your statistics every time the computer reboots?

  14. Thanks very much for the games that I lost after upgrading to Windows 10 Pro. I installed Spider Solitaire and it is exactly the same, including retrieving my history and win percentage. However, I have encountered a bug. Sometimes when using CTRL-Z to undo a move I get an error message: an unexpected null pointer has been encountered. When I click “OK” the game exits and I have no way to complete the game. This has happened several times. This never happened in Windows 7. I was able to undo all the way to the beginning of the game to play over, but I can never do that now. If I try to do it I will eventually get the null pointer error. I tried uninstalling and re-installing, but still get the same error. I do appreciate getting my game back, but it is frustrating to exit a game without winning it. I hate giving up.

    1. I tried it with a fresh start in case the file got corrupted in downloading. I uninstalled, deleted all installation files, and downloaded the .zip file again. After re-installing Spider Solitaire, I was able to use CTRL-Z to undo all the way from the last deal to the beginning without encountering the null pointer error. This may have fixed my problem. Until now, I had almost always encountered the error after a few undo’s.

        1. I have since managed to do it numerous times without crashing. I guessed it might have something to do with moving the pointer while using CTRL-Z, so I now move the pointer into the taskbar and take my hand off it while undoing.

    2. I solved the null pointer problem this way:
      find the real Microsoft games ( it located in program files on C in windows 7) copy it or download the pack from net.
      then rename it as Microsoft games2
      past it in program files windows 10 ( it will not work if you click on any icon)
      reinstall the windows 7 games foe windows 10
      and play.

    3. I am having the same problem on my laptop with Windows 10. Does not occur on my desktop with Windows 10. Have tried the various “fixes” below and elsewhere, and they still have not corrected the problem. Very frustrating. It would seem that there should be some solution.

      1. I have the same problem, when using CTR Z Spider works fine on my 2 Desktop Machines running w10, but on my Laptop, it will often crash with null pointer error, but not always!
        Look at the other posts I think think may be due to the touch pad, I am going to try disabling it see if that fixes the problem.

        1. Setting menus to left aligned fixed the issue for me:

          Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\MenuDropAligment 0

    4. While not a fix to the NULL Pointer problem I have found a work around. The problem never seems to occur when using the Games drop down menu to accomplish undo. This is OK for a single undo but cumbersome for multiple undos. To accomplish multiple undos make sure the first one uses the Game menu. You can then use CTRL-Z as often as desired including holding it to repeat.

      1. I’ve had the NULL pointer problem for months and I found the cause and solution, for me at least. The problem first occurred on a brand new laptop, but my desktop was fine. I was using a Logitech M535 Bluetooth mouse on the laptop, and then I got another one for my desktop, and the NULL pointer problem started occurring there too. On both machines I was using the mouse with the stock Microsoft driver. Then I installed “Logitech Options” on the desktop, and the problem went away. I later installed it on the laptop, and the problem went away there too.

        Anyone else notice this problem occurring with a Logitech or Bluetooth mouse?

        1. Thank you thank you thank you. Downloading the logitech driver/software (logitech setpoint for my M325 mouse) solved this error and made spider fun again.

  15. I just upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10 and immediately missed my games, especially Chess Titans and Spider Solitaire. I found your website and downloaded the zip file. Norton Software warned me against the file so I came back to your website and checked out the comments and reviews before installing the program. My goodness, it worked flawlessly and immediately right from the start! How easy that was! I got an extra bonus when my statistics for Spider Solitaire were not automatically deleted when I upgraded to Windows 10 and they reappeared the first game I played. So I was able to pick up where I left off without interruption. Thanks very much for your website. Love it!!!

  16. THANKS!!! I was bloody annoyed these games weren’t to be found after updating from Win 7. The alternatives are not as good!

  17. Thank you so much!!!!! Me and my kids love these games and were so disappointed to see they were gone. Thanks again! :)

  18. Thanks so much for this. The omission of the old games from Windows 10 is the main reason I haven’t upgraded to it yet. I couldn’t bear to be without them, now I won’t have to.

  19. Thank you so much for this. I love this games because I’ll do it while I’m waiting for something for example on Steam to download.

  20. Thank you so much for this. I have been so anti the whole Microsoft account/store thing and the advert laden rubbish forced onto you in Win 8/10 that I haven’t had any games at all on my PC. Not I have and it was painless!!!
    Very, very well done…Thanks again.

  21. I have click on the link Windows 7 games archive and it goes to another page Mega and starts downloading and gets about 79% and internet explorer stops?. I have google chrome and plenty of storage . The other link does not work. Can you help?

  22. Superb. So simple that it even worked for someone who is not a PC expert.

    May you rise above Bill Gates – you give us what we want, he doesn’t

  23. Brilliant! That’s just brilliant…I never thought I’d play these games again since moving from Windows 7! Thanks a milli…

  24. You’re a star – I loved these games and now they’re back thanks to you.
    Really grateful that you took the trouble to set this up.

  25. I’m stuck with the game explorer shortcut on the desktop .What can i do to remove it? It reappears after each refresh.

  26. Even on Windows 7, Minesweeper has had so much “chrome” added that its response time bites, and it’s impossible to get a decent score. Will an earlier version, say from Windows 98, work, and where can I get it?

  27. I downloaded the zip-file, but when I try to open it, it says “program cannot be found”. What can I do?

        1. Well, then let’s try to install this excellent free app:

          It supports a wide range of archives and should help to unpack ANY zip file without issues.

          1. Unfortunately windows will not let me choose 7-zip to unzip. If I double click on the winaero program, I get the message: the program cannot be found. If I right-click on the program, I can choose to unzip but only with winzip or express-zip.
            I can only find the winaero program in “recent downloads” but not if I go into “this computer – programs”. funny enough the program winzip seems to exist in “programs”.
            I have tried downloading the 7-zip first as 86, the as 64, but without result (did not know which one I should choose)

          2. Suddenly it worked. the 7-zip appeared when I right-clicked, and when I double-clicked on the 7-zip, I ended up on the page, where I could unpack. I have now installed solitaire, spider and hearts. Only hearts is a normal size. The two others are huge – fill the whole page which I do not seem to be able to reduce, but I will keep trying. Thank you for your help

  28. Sooo… this may be a stupid q, but will this work on a 32bit pc as well? I’ve been testing for a friend who misses her games since upgrading to 10… but my machine is 64 bit and I’m pretty certain hers is a 32bit machine… just don’t to get her hopes up…


  29. Okay, now what? I worry I’ve downloaded something not on the up and up. I clicked on the first link, the Windows 7 Games archive and got this MEGA download thing. And that’s it. Certainly no Windows 7 games. Have tried twice (incl. signing up for whatever this MEGA thing is). The MEGA thing is asking me to upload or drag anything to its cloud service. There has been no exe file to open, or at least no games.

    Tried the other route (the alt. link) and my anti-virus software prevents the download. Thanks.

    1. What is your antivirus software?
      What exactly it reported?
      The file is clean, you can check it with the VirusTotal service for example.

  30. Thank you. I do not see any comments relative to trojans, malware, bloatware, etc. Is this software free of the junk before I download?

  31. I was an addict of Freecell and the new version was simply NOT okay with me. this solution worked, and I am so happy. thank you!!

  32. It’s worth noting that the November Windows 10 update (build 10586) will delete these games, so you’ll have to reinstall them again after. This may be the first example of Microsoft using Windows 10 to remove “unauthorised” software, as per the Windows 10 EULA that got coverage on a number of news sites.

    1. xtcrefugee.
      I have had the same thing happen to me twice when I upgraded to the newer Builds of Windows 10 Preview.
      The only thing left on my drive for the games are empty directories except for the games names and a file ending in exe.mui. I did reinstall the games again and they are working again.

  33. Downloaded your file, but when I try to unzip, and /or run, Norton says has a Trojan: “High Severity, microsoft games patcher v1.2.exe (Trojan.Gen2) detecet by Auto-Protect, Blocked.” and in one case deletes the file(s) and in another attempt, changed the names of the exe files to *.exe.BAK and when i renamed them, removed them.

    Would love to have a clean copy to download and use.


    1. See that other anitiviruses report:

      This file is “patcher”, means it heavily modifies game’s exe files to make it run on Windows 10.
      Viruses have the same behavior, however, they usually inject their body into the file.
      This patcher just modifies the file header and increases the supported Windows version.
      That’s it. It is clean.
      If you are not happy with such behavior of the patcher, then do not install these games. There is not other way to get it working. There is no other “clean” version, it is not possible.

  34. Microsoft Windows Defender found the following Trojan in the Windows 7 games installer:
    HackTool:Win32/Fgdump is a tool used to write files to a remote computer, in a specified share or directory.
    Be sure to remove the Trojan before installing.

  35. Games worked well for months then for the past week or so I have been getting : “A network error occurred while communicating with game server. Error Code: 0x80041004”.
    On Windows 7, you waited a while or a few hours and it worked again. No such luck on Windows 10 so far.
    oh well!

  36. Thanks soooooooo much!!! This helped me to overcome my bordem while my online games are updating!!!! I can not thank you enough, my level of appreciation is unlimited!!! Thank you sooooo much!!!

  37. Since this recent update to windows 10, I’ve had to reinstall this. Now the games work, but don’t have any menus and hints don’t work. Neither does right clicking. I’ve tried several times to reinstall this.

  38. Just wanted to let you know that I upgraded to Windows 10 Build 10586, reinstalled program and it says Internet Spades blocked by parental controls. I have NO parental controls installed. However, I went back to Windows 10 build 10240 and games work fine. Curious if you tried on build 11082?

    1. I figured out why when you install a newer build to Win10 why games say blocked by parental control. Windows points the icons to C:\Windows.old\Program Files\Microsoft Games\ you just need to point the icons back to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\ and all is fine.

  39. My system is Windows Server 2012 R2 in Windows 8.1 user interface.
    I downloaded and installed the game, but nothing works.
    What’s the problem?

  40. I downloaded windows 10 to my windows 7 and lost the games like hearts, solitaire, etc and fond out through this website how to install it and it worked great. Thank you so much for your help….I find games “relaxing” before sleep :)

  41. I’m so proud of my 87 year old mom to have adjusted to all of the changes over the years: XP>Vista>Win7>Win10. But last night she called asking where to find Solitaire. THANK YOU for posting this solution. It passed the “mom” test, and she is again playing her familiar games.

  42. These games will not run in 11099. I wonder what the problem is. I have tried compatibility mode to no avail.

  43. We were getting the null pointer exception in Solitaire undo. Brand new Dell Inspiron i5559-4413SLV with 1033 Win installed prior to install of Games collection. On my old Dell that had the games already install, which was upgraded to win10 RTM, then upgraded to 1033, no issues whatsoever.

  44. thanks a million .I love chess titans but I also love CHESS FUSION in windows 10 But if I have to get it in Windows10 from the MICROSOFT STORE I HAVE TO TAKE ON ALL THESE OTHER APPS I DONT NEED .THESE OTHER APPS INTERFERE WITH THE SYSTEM and how I open up folders I use WINDOWS medie player or veiwer to veiw Documents or Pictures . Iuse ADOBE READER for PDF files .I use GOOGLE CHROME for the internet .Which is the fastest internet brouser in the world . Microsoft should have given away the internet explorer and the Bing bar years ago and done a deal with google chrome .I use AVAST for security the one that works in windows 10. BUT ANYWAY THANKS A MILLION

  45. Thank you SO MUCH for helping me get the Windows 7 games on the Windows 10. I play these games after a hectic day of being a care-giver. You are a life saver! A blessing on you. JT

  46. I installed this and it worked fine. Now I can play spider solitaire when the cat uses the keyboard as a bed!

    However, a little while ago a red ring appeared in the middle of the solitaire screen. It overlays the background and the cards. It also appears on the other games which I have tried. Any idea what this is?

      1. Try this:

        I tried uninstalling and reinstalling but it does not go away

  47. Try this:

    I’ve tried reinstalling but it doesn’t help
    (forgive me if this is a dup but I am having browser issues)

  48. Well, based entirely on the colour of the circle (red), I disabled and re-enabled my antivirus (Bullguard) and now the red ring has gone. I’ll go moan on the Bullguard forums and play spider while waiting for a reply.

    Thanks for the package!

  49. Oh thank goodness!!! My enjoyment of solitaire and chess on the new lappy had dropped to nil because of all the web based crapola involved. Now I can just play and relax. Whew!
    You kindness in sharing this alternative is greatly appreciated, many blessings to you, in whatever form you wish for them Sergei <3

  50. Bless you!
    My son thought it was stupid that I wanted Freecell until I made him play it just one time and he had to admit it was pretty cool.

  51. Microsoft might be striking back. Its latest updates are stopping your version of windows 7 games. I installed and played your zipped games successfully. They are disappearing – not starting when I click on them. The files are intact, they simply will not initiate. Free Cell went first, then Mahjong Titans and Purple Place, and now Minesweeper and Spider Solitaire. I noticed a MS update last night and Minesweeper was not working today. Is it safe to poke the giant?

  52. I am running windows 10 pro insider preview evaluation copy 14257.rs1 release.160131-1800 and the games do not run, MS are blocking them somehow, they channel you to their basic games then they want cash to upgrade pretty poor show in my opinion, no wonder the Pirates make a bundle.

  53. I am also running windows 10 pro insider preview evaluation copy — 14267.rs1 release.160213-0213 and the games do not run, MS is blocking them somehow. They install but will not open, however the last played data updates.

  54. Very kind of you to allow a download without gouging us to accept more than we wanted! Very scarce in today’s, take, take, take world!

  55. On windows 10.0.14279 i get the next error, maybe some hex edit can fix this?

      1. The game stops loading as soon as it tries to load the UXTHEME.DLL module. IDK what changed but someone with deeper knowledge of it might be able to figure something out.

  56. I would like to play Wall of Words and Solitaire Cruise but cannot i bought them when i had Windows 7
    How can i play them on Windows 10

  57. Will this also work on a brand new Dell with Windows 10 installed, I am a novice and really enjoyed the solitaire games which came with my previous Windows 7 and truly hate the collection which is available in the Micro Wave Store. But have to admit I am devious about trying this as it might foul up my new pc. Is there anywhere I can verify the safety of this program?

    Thank you, Nadine Bass

  58. the latest windows 10 update keeps popping up C:/windows/INSTALLER/564e60, “it keeps saying the feature is on a unavailable disk.

    Insert the ‘Microsoft games for Windows 8 x64’ disk and click OK”

  59. My husband has complained ever since switching to Windows 10, especially about losing Chess Titans. Thank you for making the transition bearable.

  60. Update: this package now works in all Windows 10 version including Windows 10 Anniversary Update (recent builds)

    1. Thank you very much for fixing this. Can you share what exactly did you have to do? Was it just another patch of the executable?

      1. Hi Max. A friend gave me a special dll file, slc.dll,which has functions missing in Redstone.

  61. This works great – thanks! I was hoping and then was surprised that my game stats were still there.

  62. Sergey,, Thank you for the help you have given all these people here. I am a computer engineer((retired) and understand the complexities involved in trying to make something work on a system that doesn’t already have it on it. I have learned one thing though. Windows 10 is a piece of SH*T and why Microsoft engineers every came up with it is beyond me. They’re making money hand over fist and still trying to gouge the little guy by taking aways games that everyone loved and putting in advertising as well…..OMG What the heck is going on? I got 10 installed on my computer from 7 and it caused so many problems it got frustrated and tried a rollback to 7. That didn’t work as it had deleted files that 7 needed but were not compatible with 10. I ended up having to re-install my system from scratch, but I always save all my files to an external 8TB drive from Seagate. I have never lost any files since getting that drive. Keep up the good work Sergey!!!!!


  63. Something so simple and easy but yet Microsoft removes what has been favourites to many people for over 20 years. You have done superb work here. I would expect Windows 10 to lose in popularity after when the free period is over and done with due to the inconsistencies in the OS. You just watch Windows 7 climb higher than what it is at the moment (46%)

  64. How to make them work on Windows 10 14371 ( Anniversary Update) insider preview, i am desperate to play games.

      1. doesn’t work in Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview Build 14371 rs1 for me , the last run ticker updates but the game does not start although the internet games work, as does Pinball and the windows vista games.

        1. Did you re-download the package after it was updated for Anniversary Update? Maybe MS got vindictive and broke it again on purpose.

  65. Ha! Just when I was celebrating the positive things about Windows 10 taking my games away (more sleep, less wasted time, more work done, more books read, etc.) I discovered your Win 7 games download and I couldn’t resist resuming my addiction to Spider Solitaire. Great download! Thanks !

  66. Thank you so much for giving my Freecell, etc. back to me. Shoulda known Microsoft would find a way to mess up a very good program.

  67. Many thanks for making it possible to have our favourite games back again. Strange that Microsoft didn’t attach the same importance to them. Well done!

  68. I just tried the installation, but the games don’t appear on my Win 10 start menu. Have searched around and can’t find any of them. The control panel lists the Winaero games and offers to uninstall them, but I can’t find them anywhere. Has Microsoft caught up to this install? :-(

  69. Great for the games, thanks. But why do a few simple games take 147 MB? What else is coming down with those games?

    1. You can always use XP versions of the games. And you’re lucky the Windows 7 versions are “only” 147 MB. The Windows 10 versions are insanely bloated as hell. Only Solitaire Suite was 200 MB or more last time I checked. And slow as hell and infested with ads too besides the dumbed down gameplay and removed options.

  70. Hi Sergey
    Having bought a Win 8.1 Laptop, I have been enjoying W7GFW8 for a couple of years. Thank you so much for supplying this work around to give us our favourite games back.

    I upgraded to Windows 10 Dual Boot just before the deadline and immediately hit the “Spider Null Pointer” issue.

    I uninstalled W8 and reinstalled the latest W10 version and all seemed fine for a few games – then the NP issue struck again. This really messes up our stats when the program aborts unexpectedly.

    Are you any nearer to a fix please?



  71. I had Tinker working great in Windows 7 Ultimate (the CAB version that did not need the whole GWL or Games for Windows Live crap installed). Unfortunately in Windows 10 Pro even with Vista SP2 compatibility mode it no longer works. Can you PLEASE get Tinker (non-GWL version) to work in Windows 10 somehow?

    1. Thank you Sergey, the update with the new dll file worked on the latest Insider Preview just released to the slow ring.

  72. Hey man, I installed this game package on my W10pro machine 64 bits and it was working perfectly until this week that I upgraded to the Anniversary Edition released last week. The games will simply not launch. After reinstalling, same issue, no execution whatsoever of the binaries. They don’t even show on the task manager or anything like that. Are you aware of this issue?

    Thanks a lot!

  73. Hello everybody. This version runs on windows 10 ver 1607 x 64. Idinstvenno previously stored statistics – cleared when you start the game

  74. the one thing I didn’t like about win 10 is they took my win 7 games away. this worked like a charm until the new anniversary update win 10 build 1607. even when reinstalled the game programs do not load. ms really don’t want us to play these games I guess. can you please tweak it so it will work again?

    many thanks!

    1. Please re-download the updated package which has support for Windows 10 Anniversary Update.
      The package you had downloaded early will not work.
      The updated one will do the trick.

  75. In Windows 10 Anniversary Update with language Spanish (Mexico), games are in English and not in Spanish, please fix it.

  76. My computer updated to Windows 10 Anniversary this morning and I found the previous package of games wouldn’t work anymore. Remembered this was the place I got previous version of these games and gratefully found an updated download. Works perfectly now, I just can’t survive without my Freecell. Major thanks to all of you who wrote the new software!!!

  77. The anniversary update [censored]ed my previous Chess Titans install, so god bless to all the guys that made this fix. Thanks.

  78. спасибо за карточные игры, а то десятая винда за первые недели уже задёргала

  79. Following the directions at I downloaded the Zip archive with Games today (9/04/2016) from I unpacked them. The unpacked file never appeared, but nevertheless, installation began and the screens looked just as shown in paragraph 1. and 2. I selected all the games, proceed, and when it was done I clicked “the “Finish” button. The problem is that none of the actual games are anywhere where I can find them.

    In “Program and Functions” there is “Windows 7 Games for Windows 10 and 8” but if I select my choices are to either uninstall or cancel. I see none of the games I expected to be installed anywhere in the list.

  80. I have been playing this in Windows 10 v1511 but after updating to Windows 10 v1607 Aug.2nd 2016, it is sadly not launching. Miss playing Chess Titan.

  81. Thanks for this, only one suggestion in locales like es-XX the installer install en-US as language, the installer must install es-ES as language in all es-XX locale (i.e. es-MX).

  82. I really loved having the old games in Win10 since I’m not into all the fancy games and I just like to play solitaire once in a while. However, the Win10 Anniversary edition just loaded itself onto my machine and now they don’t work again. Any suggestions?

    1. 1. Re-download the provided package. It was updated some time ago to support Anniversary Update.
      2. Re-install.
      3. Enjoy.

  83. Isn’t it a bad idea to replace SLC.dl? It’s to handle software licensing and i imagine it’s not just for keeping windows 7 apps from running. It looks like they completely gutted the functionality of it with some kind of bypass i’m assuming. Might want to find a cleaner way to get it working instead

  84. The most recent Win10 upgrade killed my Win 7 Games. I uninstalled and did a reinstall and it still doesn’t work.
    What can I do to get it working again?

  85. Hi, the games have stopped working after a recent update. I have re-installed, restarted the game couple of times but it does not work. On clicking the shortcut to the game (spider solitaire), nothing happens. No application launches. I have tried to run with compatibility settings of Windows 7 & Windows 8. I have also ran it with administrator privileges but the game just doesn’t start. Tried running the main exe and not the shortcut, same result, nothing happens. Please advice.

    OS Details:
    Windows 10 Professional
    Version: 1607
    OS Build 14393.187

    1. You need to re-download the updated package and re-install it, not re-install the outdated package.
      Re-download it, install and you are done.

  86. Regarding the windows 7 games on win 10
    After upgrading to win 10 ver 1607, the games has stopped working. I have tried to make it run as win 7 , as making win 10 use the 7 adjustments. but nothing seems to work. no reaction at all from the program when one double click it
    leif sund

    1. You need to re-download the updated package. Don’t install the old one you have, it won’t work.
      Download the updated one from here, install it and enjoy.

  87. Thanks so much for keeping this current. It looks to me like all the games I’m interested in playing work and the old scores are preserved.

  88. I’m so happy to have old spider back, thank you! It had vanished after the last automatic Windows update. Reinstalled it and my statistics were still there. Great!

  89. Just had to add one more voice of thanks. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve come back to this page to keep reinstalling the old games because Microsoft deletes them with every new install and upgrade. Really appreciate what you do.

  90. Hi,
    thank you for your work. I’ve been using it to play minesweeper for a long time now. But since the last windows 10 update it doesn’t work anymore for me :/ Will there be new versions that work again? I lost my 30k+ games minesweeper stats :(

  91. Здравствуйте,
    вчера Windows 10 обновился до второго юбилейного, Версия 1607 (Сборка ОС 14939.187). Обновление полностью снесло все старые игры, а после переустановки они перестали запускаться. Привык уже к ним. Можно помочь?
    С уважением, Александр

    1. Снова скачайте инсталлятор (он был обновлен) и установите новую версию. Всё будет работать.

  92. I downloaded this but, after I extract the zip file, and try to run the exe file, Norton flags it and deletes it. Any suggestions?

  93. okay, but not imo the ‘new freecell’.. game itself moving cards complete no-no for me.. previous versions didn’t do that

  94. you are a lifesaver (ok, not really, they are only computer card games, used primarily to kill time while on the phone ;) but seriously, THANK YOU for doing this! I hate when Microsoft & Windows unilaterally change & remove things.

  95. 11-7-16 — the latest update to Windows 10 seems to be pretty massive, and it seems to include protocols that make sure Win7 games won’t work. Is there anything I can do? Have you got a recently patched version in the works? I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled your download, but I haven’t touched the registry. The games seem to install but they won’t run. Thank you for your help.

  96. A big thank-you ! Get rid of the aggressive Win10 sound and visual effects that are imposed! It is good to regain calm and sobriety! Especially that the Win10 Updates uninstall these games! Once again thank you !

  97. I wonder if Apple make their customers suffer with every new release.
    I managed to get Freecell from XP to run on Win7, but from the foregoing it probably won’t work on Win10.

  98. Thanks for these games. The text at the bottom right of each game which is supposed to show the ‘score/number of moves/points taken this hand/etc.’ is too far to the right – it doesn’t show up on the window. In some cases, the information overlaps. For example, in Spider Solitaire I see “Score 50” and the rest of the score is covered up by “Mov”. The number of moves isn’t shown at all (it’s off the right of the window). I’ve tried resizing the window and full screen. Same results. I’ve also tried uninstalling and reinstalling. Any idea how I can fix this?

  99. After hours of trying to satisfy my wife Melinda’s request for a Hearts game with no intrusive ads or commercials, I fortunately discovered your program and it worked great. Melinda was very pleased, so many thanks for helping me maintain my status as the household computer-genius (slight exaggeration). And thanks also for the low price–I’m definitely going to make a donation.

  100. Your awesome, thank you so much. Just one question, this version of spider has different rules than my old spider solitaire. Anyone else find this, or is it just me?

  101. Bacgammon doesn’t work anymore on W10.1703.15063.RS2, to fix it needs an older ‘d3d9.dll’ in the folder ‘C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Multiplayer\Backgammon’. I used the d3d9.dll from W10.1607.143939.

    This probably also goes for the other w7 games .

  102. hi,

    with windows 10 1607 no problem. after updating to 1703 (creatoers update) all the icons in ste startmenu are broken. no picture and the name of the game is replaced with the app id.

    any chance for a new version?

      1. strange, i installed and removed it – no change. i downloaded the software and installed it again – no change.

        now i installed it a third time – and it worked. no idea what is going on but i am happy to play again.

        thx and have a nice weekend.

  103. Is there anyway to install this silently? With each new W10 version it appears that this needs to be reinstalled and I would love to automate this. Thanks.

  104. Excellent – but every update to Windows 10 uninstalls the pack. I re-install and all saved games are remembered. Any chance of an update so that the package ‘sticks’?

  105. just updated windows to 10.0.15063 and lost all the games I previously installed from winero.

    when this happened during the last update I just re downloaded from your website and reinstalled games, all worked good. Now will not work after latest download, Tried uninstall and hard remove all previous versions in all folders and re downloaded and reinstalled with no luck. keep getting error “no suitable graphics devices found” Any ideas on how to fix, I really miss these great games.


  106. I’ve tried this on multiple systems with the Windows 10 Creators Update installed and while they install none of the games will run…even tried with compatibility settings(run as administrator, tried as Win7, 8, Vista…none work.)

  107. I can’t install the games. When i run the installer, select the games i want and start the instalation, an error message appears. It says “error opening file for writing: C:\WINDOWS\system32\CardGames.dll”. I tried the compatibility mode and runing it as administrator, and the error still appears. Any solutions?

    1. Maybe you already have the C:\WINDOWS\system32\CardGames.dll file which is write protected?

  108. Has there been a solution to the “null pointer error” on spider solitaire…?
    I installed the pack but keep getting the error when undoing.

  109. I have tested this on Windows 10 Creators Update and it also works on that update. You should modify this page to say that.

  110. When i try to run the exe, i get the following error “Error opening file for writing C/WINDOWS/System32/CardGames.dll”
    Can you please let me know what to do? I checked and I don’t have this file on my computer but the directory appears to be read only and I can’t change it

  111. Hello:

    I just bought a new tablet, installed the games as before, and now NONE will work. They do send the Task Manager CPU figures off the Richter Scale. I’ve tried downloading the latest version (I’ve now got three identical copies), I’ve uninstalled & reinstalled, everything I can think of but nothing works!

    I’m running Win10 -X64 1703-15063.540!

    Please help ’cause I love these games!


  112. You guys ROCK! Yesterday I was miffed by Microsoft (again) with one of their automatic updates. The update took away all my offline Windows 7 games along with dumping a few of my other programs. After reloading, all the programs did come back except my Windows 7 games. Doing a little search on the Internet, I did find your site and downloaded the Win7Games4Win10. The games loaded easily and came back without a hitch, including my over 3000 win record statistic. You will find a PayPal donation from me later in the day. Thank you and keep up the good work!

  113. Thanks,After upgrading to Windows 10,I lost minesweeper so My GTX 1070ti was useless.
    But now my gtx is having some priblems(The game is too heavy for him)

  114. I don’t suppose there is any chance of the original clean and tidy advert free Windows 7 games ever being available on the App Store for use on the latest iMac? I like others I am sure would be prepared to pay a good price for such an option.

  115. I added up what I spend on drinks at Starbucks for one week and I am donating that amount to you. I encourage other people to do the same.

  116. THANK YOU for giving us all our beloved Windows 7 games back! Everything works perfectly except Vegas scoring (and also Vegas cumulative scoring) for Solitaire. All I see is the word “balance” at the bottom right corner, but no score. Adjusting the window size doesn’t work and all my options are set correctly. Any advice? Again, THANK YOU!

  117. March 2, 2018:
    I just got another Win 10 update and again, your games were gone. I have tried and tried to re-install as I have in the past, but this time it won’t work. It says it has installed but I can’t find it anywhere and what says “Spider Soliatire” simply wants to install again. I don’t know if the solitaire is yours or an old one. I Windows 10 Home edition, version 1709, build 16299.125. Thank you for any help you can give me.

  118. I have bad news! “shell:games” got removed on Windows 10 Spring Creators Update, so the games center won’t work anymore!
    The games themselves will still run though.

      1. There is an error in italian localization name folder.
        The old package, using switch “/lang=1040” create a folder named “GIOCHI” that was correct, this new releas create a folder in english named “GAMES” even if games are in italian, just folder name is wrong.

  119. I use win 8.1 and chess titans in the updated version 2 for windows 7, 8 and 10. But Chess Titans in level 10 freezes the PC after about 30 moves, only shut down is possible. (Level 1 is playing until the end = mate).

    I did try any ways without and with compatility modes down to win 7 and vista, but nothing helped. Now I will try DirectX 9 to install.

    What a pity I like this game very much and say thank you.

      1. too happy, it does not work. The chess game froze the pc again. DirectX 9 does not help with a parallel insallation.

  120. Love being able to play the Windows 7 games so thank you. I updated to Windows 10 1803 yesterday and though the games work as before, I can’t get the Games Explorer to load. There is a shortcut on the start menu but it doesn’t work.

  121. Been here several times to download those games and look around. Never commented here before. After I retired I got “challenged” to solve them and discovered there was a debug package that allowed saving the game before making any move. I then made a hobby of solving the games and put together a C# program to find the best moves. I recently put it at There is a 32 bit and a 64 bit executable or one can download the sources and build using VS2017. I can consistently solve over %85 with this help. At one time I thought all games were solvable but I don’t believe that any more. i have a collection of games I was unable to solve, some never had an open column.

    I was never able to trap that null pointer error in windows 10. I am looking at that as it might be possible to have the correct (older) dll that does not cause the problem installed and used but I am no expert on windows internals..

    The latest update (fall creator?) deleted the win7 spider solitare and put in windows 10 version but a re-install worked OK.

    I do not have bitcoins but if you put a GRC address up I can send you a few.

    Joseph “Beemer Biker” Stateson
    99′ R1100Rt

  122. Before W10 the 1803 version, I had already this games downloaded (play it every day) and I made a quick launch on my desktop (which I named: W7 games). Now the 1803 version is installed and off course all the games were disappeared.
    After downloading again from this site, the games work (ok for you and many thanks) but I only can start them up from the program bar (left, than to Games and than choose a game).
    I would like to have the same quick launch back, in with as the result was a square with all the games with there own logo. Nice view and easy to choose.
    How can I install such a quick launch again?

      1. Thanks for the quick response Sergey. Yeah, Microsoft dictates how we must use our computers and leaves no room for own pleasure. Shame and a pity for older people like me.
        Of course I now have made a quick launch button to the games folder on my desktop, but I miss the beautiful icons.

          1. I think you are right… I’ve just upgraded to Windows 10 1809 and the games run but there is no sound. Sound works in everything else on the PC, and the “Play sounds” is ticked in the games options but greyed out and there is no sound…

            Is there any pre-requisites for sound in these games (I vaguely recalling somehwhere someone said they installed WMP and it fixed the problem, but I haven’t tried that as I don’t want WMP on my systems.

  123. Looks like the new Win 10 update 1803 trashed it again. Did that last time and one day it just started working. I did the reinstall but no luck like the last time. Open a game, nothing happens.

    1. Figured it out. Your install doesn’t put the language file Solitaire.exe.mui in the EN folder. Folder was empty. Had to grab it from an old backup and now it’s back up and running.

  124. Thanks for the games Sergey.

    I never had any problems until Windows 10 build 1803 – Game Explorer no longer works even after re-install. Not a huge deal – just thought I would let you know.

  125. There was once such a great memory game from Microsoft where the cards were turned around. If you joined her the set would be great.

  126. Following Windows 10 Build 1803, the command “shell:Games” was the only 1 out of 100 or so shell commands specifically targeted by the arrogant folks at Micro$oft. The shell:Games command is what made the magic happen. Until somebody figures out how to make all the registry tweaks work, this is dead in the water.

  127. The newer versions from Microsoft are slow, use way more screen space, and drive you to log in, etc. The simple vast versions are way better and I’m pissed that MSoft broke this with an upgrade I couldn’t easily opt out of. But thanks for having made it available.

  128. Loaded per your instructions. When I try starting a game, it displays “Loading Resources…” at the top with the progress circle winding away endlessly… let it go almost ten minutes and nothing helped. Any idea?

  129. I have followed the instructions at least a dozen times and the screen captures don’t match and the instructions take me no place.

  130. Hey,
    The statistics of the internet games (spades, backgammon, checkers) are not working in 1803. Is it possible to fix it? All other games’ statistic work fine.

    1. Microsoft shut down the servers on their end. This cannot be fixed. The only way to get them back online would be to get Microsoft to turn the servers back on and that is impossible. They might even be using the servers for different purposes. The statement before this one may or may not be true. Just an FYI.

  131. Will this work on Windows 7? When my OS was reinstalled I had no games. My Dell is incompatible with Windows 10. Thanks,

  132. I get an unexpected nul pointer error when I use the CTRL and Z keys to undo a move in any of the games. I have to abort that game because there’s no other option. Do you know how to fix this. The ‘Undo’ instruction under the dropdown menu at top left still works and doesn’t cause this error. I’ve tried reinstalling and that hasn’t solved the problem. Other than that, thank you for making this available – I really missed these games.

  133. Hello, This has been asked many times here but I wanted to make sure there are no added malware/trojan or any viruses that come along with the download? 10/18/2018 Thanks.

    1. I have not added anything “extra” to this download. You can check yourself. The installer can be unpacked with 7-zip.

  134. Here’s an “easter egg” or trivia about FreeCell:
    For FreeCell, click on Game, then Select Game (or press F3) and then type in game number either -1 (minus one) or -2 (minus two) to see two games that are not solvable.
    I encourage everyone who enjoys these games to contribute even a small amount to this guy. I added up all of the money I spend on coffee for one week and I donated that amount.
    PayPal allowed me to send money to an email address. If you click on About and scroll down a bit, you will see the email address of

    1. I should have also said that you can use -3 (minus 3) and -4 (minus 4) to see the two other games that were used for testing during game development. Also, in FreeCell (and in SOLITAIRE) when you have won the game and the cards start to fall, if you RIGHT click on the four card positions in the upper right hand part of the window, you will see some unexpected behavior.

      1. Further experimenting revealed that a right-click on a card works anywhere on the screen (not just in the starting positions of the suits). What to expect when you right-click on a card as it falls: All of the cards of that suit will return to their starting position at the top of the screen. The king will appear squished down.

  135. I don’t know if it’s just the spanish version of Internet Backgammon, but the sound of the pieces moving is missing and some times the sound kinda lags. I’m using Windows 8.1

  136. Thanks for providing these, they are really great games. I was wandering though, if it would be possible to include ‘Inkball’ from Windows Vista in these?

  137. Many thanks!
    Is there any way to bring your game statistics with you from Windows 7 to Windows 10 after installing the “Anniversary edition and above” version??? Can’t find where game stat are stored on the old W7 machine or on the W10 machine to potentially replace them.
    Many thanks!

  138. I have been reading some of the postings and read the post about “shell:game” is gone. Would installing in C: users > nikki > saved games, work in its place? I was looking around and came upon this. Please don’t laugh too hard LOL, I am a novice at this and would like to install these games. OR After opening, let it install wherever it wants to on C: drive. I happen to have Win 10 – 1803 version.

  139. MS auto update installed Windows 10, version 1809 amd64 2019-03. I re-copied folder Microsoft Games to C:\Program Files and “replaced” any files with the same name. When I run C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Solitaire.exe, message says “Unable to find the file [CardGames.dll]. The game cannot continue.

      1. As of this latest Windows update, I did NOT find CardGames.dll on Windows 10. However, I DID find CardGames.dll on an old Windows 7 hard drive. Date modified is 7/13/2009. I copied CardGames.dll to C:\windows\system32 and now Solitaire and Free Cell work. Thanks!

  140. More about CardGames.dll found on Windows 7.
    Size: 5.92 MB ( 6,214,144 bytes)
    Modified: ‎Monday, ‎July ‎13, ‎2009, ‏‎6:25:22 PM

  141. I discovered that the Windows update stored old files and folders at C:\Windows.old
    I found the folder named Microsoft Games at C:\Windows.old\Program Files\Microsoft Games
    I found CardGames.dll at C:\Windows.old\WINDOWS\System32\CardGames.dll
    To fix any future problems, I made a copy of the Microsoft Games folder and a copy of the CardGames.dll file

  142. Thanks so much for making this W 7 to W 10 game transition possible. All the other work I’ve put in with this
    upgrade hasn’t bothered me like the loss of my favorite games. The best thing was the not losing the stats that I have years invested in. My favorite, Free Cell has almost 8500 games played with a 98% win record. I was really
    upset about not being able to continue to my goal of 99% maybe even 100 % someday. Anyway thanks again for your effort to make my life a little happier getting my games back I really appreciate what you did.

  143. Hi. I downloaded and installed as per the Wizard. However, I can’t find the files andwhere. No shortcuts or anything. Have I done something wrong?

  144. Excellent being able to play Windows 7 Games on Windows 10! Thank you!!! Quick question. How can I get the new games to honor and keep all my old statistics. I copied all of the scoring and config xml files for solitaire from my old windows 7 machine. On the first startup, the Windows 10 games read my statistics and winnings from the old machine, but as soon as I play a game, some of the statistics are forgotten – for example it will not add or subtract from my accumulated winnings. Solitaire sets them back to just the winnings or losses on the first game and begins to accumulate from there. Is there a way to fix this?

    1. Unfortunately, I don’t know. These games are not officially supported on Windows 10, so sometimes their behavior is unexpected.

  145. I’m having an issue with the animation for the games. They no longer seem to work and the option to show the animation is grayed out with a check marked box. This stopped working for me a little bit ago and was before I updated to 1903. I was using 1803.

    1. same issue here idk about the update thing but the animations wont work sadly they can help sometime in games like minesweeper maybe not that big of a deal but if someone can help that would be much appreciated .

  146. Internet Spades stopped working on
    Windows 10 Pro
    Version 1903
    Build 18362.267

    Error message:
    An error occurred
    The application closed because an error occurred. The error’s number is -2147467259 (0x80004005).

      1. Thanks for responding! It still works on other PC, so it may be an issue with my PC.

        I reset Windows 10 Pro 1903 firewall to default and it’s working now!

  147. Freecell, Hearts, Mahjong and Solitaire no longer working on Win 10 Pro 1903 (Build 18362.356). Chess however is still working fine.

  148. Can you add Inkball to the package? It is a retired Windows Vista game that was removed in Windows 7. I would appreciate if you added it.

  149. Like JB, I upgraded to Windows 10 version 2004 yesterday — and these games stopped working.

    I’m new to Windows 10; I stuck with Windows 7 until a few months ago. But my old computer was dying, so I got a new one with Win10.

    Do the developers fix the games so they work each time this happens? Or will they never work again?

    I find this frustrating. I *paid* for these games when I bought Windows 7!

  150. It’s a shame whoever coded Hearts put in so many cheats and non-random deals. The worst being the fact that the 2,3,4,5 of hearts are almost always dealt 1 of the 4 cards to each player. In other words, if you play the 5 of hearts once hearts have been broken, the other players will almost always have the 2,3,4 distributed equally among them. It happens roughly 80 percent of the time. No way it’s random. There are others, but this is the worst and most noticeable cheat. Ruins and makes worthless what would be an otherwise good game.

      1. Actually noticed this with Freecell…after so many games they are all hard. Gave up on Hearts completely…after about 300 games nothing but crap hands or opponents who get no points…Kinda stinks with the “cards stacked against you.”

  151. Been using these games for years, but with the windows 10 2004, the extraction programs are crashing, so can’t re-install. Just down loaded latest winzip with the same result (also tried Winrar and 7-zip). Any suggestions welcome

    1. My laptop managed to extract the file, so up and running again and very thankful.
      Thanks for all your good work

  152. the animations wont work sadly they can help sometime in games like minesweeper maybe not that big of a deal but if someone can help that would be much appreciated . and thanks for the games.

  153. Download working in 7/2020. Thank you so much, my grandchildren & I really missed our games from Windows 7. I’m not very computer literate but was able to download without any problems.

  154. 1809 here, unfortunately, none of the games open on my PC after installation. Are you aware of any requirements (dll?) that could be checked if they’re missing from my system?

    1. More information:
      Windows 10, 1903. Used to work until recently, but now every game process just silently exits immediately after I click it. Uninstall/reinstall does not help. No idea how to investigate it.

  155. RE: unwin7games.exe

    Tried to uninstall and reinstall and it disappeared.
    Went to your website, tried to download…nothing but chaos directing me to other products.
    Now I try to reinstall and all it wants to to is uninstall the new version that is nowhere to be found on my computer….not in apps and features, not in task manager, not in C drive…what gives???
    Got file off my laptop and now all I get is “welcome to the windows 7 games for windows 10 and 8 Unistall, etc.”
    Now I have nothing. Should have left it alone.
    The whole thing really stinks and is rotten. And now all I can do is leave a comment and get no assistance…ain’t it something!

    1. Sorry I’m so frustrated and upset, but Freecell is one of the few things that I do to relax all day. So is there any way to retrieve it?

    2. I apologize for the upset. I rely on Freecell to unwind during the day and am somewhat lost without it.
      If you can help in any way I appreciate it. I delete the games DLL file you suggested but didn’t help.

  156. Stopped working with feature update to Windows 10, version 2004. Tried re-download install and compatibility troubleshooting.

  157. Uninstall and reinstall got it working again. New install created Program files -> Microsoft games folder. The old (broken) install was in Program Files -> Windows.old. Sorry.

  158. Hello Sergey,

    I’ve been playing Hearts on Windows 10 for a few years without a problem. Thank you :)

    I’ve just upgraded from my PC to a new Laptop.
    The Hearts application is working fine on my Laptop. I would like to transfer over my game stat.s etc but haven’t been able to locate the saved game file on my PC.

    I would appreciate guidance on where the file is stored so I can transfer it over and complete my upgrade?


      1. Hello Sergey,

        Are you able to be specific, as it isn’t in Saved Games which is where I thought it would be?


  159. Thank You Sir! It’s because of people like you that we can still have our legacy games that Microsoft for no reason other than greed seems to actively strive to nerf. I have customers who have 100’s of hours into these games tracking each game they’ve beat and MS just decides…hmmm I think we don’t care about our customers and just want to find yet ANOTHER avenue to squeeze a few more bucks out of them.

  160. I have downloaded Windows 7 Games for windows 10 after every Windows update which wipes them out. But for the last one, the download just won’t work – it opens an unending number of new tabs until I exit the browser. Any ideas? Have MS finally wooked out a way to force us to play their rubbish W10 games?

      1. Thanks for the idea but no, same result – it opened 130 tabs while my back was turned! I’ve scanned for malware, of course. Any more thoughts? I’m so grateful

  161. Thank you. Asking about my browser gave me the clue I needed and I refreshed Firefox and have got the download OK> Thanks for being patient with me – I’m nearly 80 and don’t know WTF I’m doing, but delighted to have my games back. THANK YOU

  162. when the windows 7 solitaire game is basically won one needs to click or drag each card to the top row until all cards are transferred.

    This seems like a waste of time why not amend the game to transfer all cards to the top somewhat like what happens on free cell

  163. MS forced an OS upgrade on me earlier this month. Since then, Freecell stopped working. I downloaded, extracted and ran the executable. I only selected Freecell and Mine Sweeper. Mine Sweeper works but Freecell will not work; even if I try running it as administrator. I have tried rebooting. No difference. I uninstalled and reinstalled. No difference. The app and icon on there but nothing happens.

    I am running MS Windows 10 Home, version 10.0.19041 Build 19041.

    The properties for the app show the target as “C:\Windows.old\Program Files\Microsoft Games\FreeCell\FreeCell.exe”.

    The reinstall process has worked in the past. Any idea why it doesn’t work for freecell now and what I can do to get it to work?


      1. I posted on December 15 but no replies so far, so I am bumping this once in hope that somebody can help me.


  164. Having downloaded these games into Windows 10, it seems that Spider Solitaire will not play using 3 suits. Has anyone else found this and is there a fix to play with 3 suits? TIA.

  165. Any way to turn off the rumble feature when playing Minesweeper? I play with the mouse and never had this issue on Win7 but having just installed this pack on my Win10 set up I’m still playing with a mouse but my 360 controller in always attached to the PC (same with my Win7 set up) and it went absolutely ballistic when I clicked a bomb. It never did that before.

  166. Thank you so much for this!!!!

    But a question. Would you know if it’s possible to get the offline help from those games working again? Windows 10 sends me to Microsoft website which, of course, doesn’t have the help for these games anymore. If there would be a way to activate F1 to offline help again…. If you know some way, would be cool.

    Thanks again in any case already for this!

  167. When you Install these games I’ve noted they all are using an english GUI. Is there a way to install these games in a foreign language? e. g. spanish interface. I’m not talking about the installer itself but installing these games on spanish by example so the Minesweeper game would be named “Buscaminas” instead and the game GUI as well. Just like if you could find them on Windows 7 on Spanish Language… I’m from Mexico, my friend…

      1. Hmm… I’m pretty sure that is my OS the fault somehow… My version of Windows is: Windows 10 Home Single Language. Version: 20H2 OS Compilation: 19042.804 Experience: Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.551.0 and all the user GUI is on spanish, that’s OK but installing the games result on English… perhaps my Windows copy eh… I don’t wanna tell it but… may be is a “pirate copy” That i am dreading.

  168. Many thanks to all who finessed this collection.
    But it may have become necessary for someone to update the “Windows 7 games for Windows 10” package, because the “20H2” Windows update seems to have killed it — at least on my Win-10 Pro x64 system. That major OS features update (which we cannot decline) takes quite a while, and when it is done all of these games have been shoved down into a Windows_Old folder, along with a whole lot of other stuff. The game shortcuts remain wherever you left them, in my case in a Games folder on the desktop, but they no longer work. I tried copying their files back into equivalent location folders under the new \Windows tree, but this mostly has not worked. (I was able to get FreeCell working again though, which involved copying the Cardgames.dll file back into the new \Windows\System32 folder. It seems not to have lost track of my scores record.) However, the others seem to be a loss, so far. I would at least like to get Minesweeper and a couple of the other games functional again, if someone knows how to accomplish this.

  169. When I downloaded and installed this game, I was SO happy to get Windows 7 games (especially Freecell) back. I was slightly disappointed at the resolution. As I dragged the window corner, the cards got more distorted, so I stopped expanding it. Great games but I was just a LITTLE disappointed that the resolution wasn’t what I remember. Fast forward a couple of days and when exiting the game, I accidentally hit the ‘maximize’ square instead of the red-x to close. I was astounded at how good it looks on my 48-inch monitor (1920 x 1080 resolution). I found out by accident that the game looks best when maximized (at least on my system). Forget being happy, I’m ecstatic! The Win7 game find is 10 stars out of 10, A+!

  170. After upgrading to Windows 10 20H2 the text at the bottom right of Hearts, Solitaire, and FreeCell is truncated.
    This happens in both full screen and windowed modes on all three of my monitors.
    EG: Instead of “Points taken this hand nn” I get “Points taken this h”
    Have tried changing resolutions and scaling, running in compatability mode, but nothing helps.

  171. @Jim Watson,

    After 20H2, how did you get regular and Spider Solitaires working again ? (See my post from April 7, above.) They are kaput on my system, without even any surviving trace of the necessary executables — just a MUI file. I have since managed restoring Minesweeper to working though.

  172. Yes, I agree with @Ariel Adar! I, too, would like to see a new version of this awesome pack! Even Win10 ver 20H2 does not play nice with this great pack – it frequently locks up for minutes long stretches of “Not Responding”.

    I and many others would be happy to pitch in a few bucks to a GoFundMe for this to get an updated version that plays nice with newer versions of Windows.

  173. Hi, thanks for this nice package and all the games play well. But do have one problem and that’s with the stats which keep resetting. There’s been no pattern to it, the games keep track of the stats for a week or so and then disappear and have to start from scratch. This keeps happening and is there a way to prevent the stats from resetting? Thanks if anyone can help.

  174. The games do not open in windows 10 1803, I click and nothing happens, I have reinstalled it and it remains the same, can this be solved?

  175. Hi Sergey,
    This game developed a strange habit over the time with Win 10 updates.

    The habit is: when I try dragging and dropping the cards like they have their own minds jumping all over the place, while putting them up in the reserve and bringing them down work all correctly together with all other functions.
    Reinstalling the latest version (Windows7Games_for_Windows_11_10_8) was no help.

    Any idea(s) how to solve this?

  176. Does it contain a virus? I have not tried it yet but I need to know…
    Please Tell ME D: I am on the latest version of windows 10.

  177. Hey there! Thanks for this! Was hoping to have the good ol’ games back since Microsoft just riddles their games with ads. Super happy now. I am trying to recall though if Pyramid Solitaire was on Windows 7 or if I am recalling XP or what. Any chance this is something you have available anywhere?

  178. Strange! I only receive Arabic and Persian Language Copy of this download! How can I get English Copy? Please advise

    1. I see, thank you.
      First of all, do you have the English language installed as a display language in Windows 10? Installing and switching it to it may help.
      Finally, the games use English as a fallback language.
      You may try to remove Arabic and Persian from the C:\Program files\Microsoft Games folder, and keep there only en_US. This must switch them to English.

  179. Many thanks sir. I downloaded as it is and selected Arabic. It worked as all games are in English Language! that’s fine!
    My default language is English and the other one is Arabic.
    Sorry sir to disturb you and once again have to say: Thank you for your help

  180. Hey there! Thanks for bringing Windows 7 games to later Windows releases =)

    However, they seem to behave erratically. When any of the games are open, the left arrow key keeps being pressed repeatedly by itself. Toolbar options are also weird, and every other window (options, about, confirm exit application to save/not save, etc) do not respond to mouse click and also the problem of the left key being pressed a thousand times a second by itself persists there.

    This makes the games almost unplayable with stuff moving to the left constantly.

    I’ve already tried to reinstall the application, but no sucess at fixing it =(

    Using Windows 10 64-bits, latest version and updates (including preview) installed!

  181. After the latest Win 11 Pro upgrade, Solitaire, the only game I use, would not start.
    After a reboot and additional tries I decided to download the latest release.
    Before installing I used Crystal to remove all traces of of the previous install.

    During the installation of the latest release the following error message appeared:
    Error opening file for writing:
    Dell-evo, Inspiron 13
    Win 11 Pro, fully updated
    Intel I5-11320H
    16 G Ram
    513 G NVMe SSD

  182. funny how everyone is here for mostly solitaire & minesweeper, but im the only one here that wants to play purble place

  183. Sergey, I am reluctant to upgrade to Win 11 and will absolutely not do it unless your wonder game package will run!! Will Solitaire run after I upgrade from Win 10 on an LG laptop? If not, can I download the current version and get Solitaire again? It seems so after reading this thread, but I would appreciate your confirmation of the best path. Thanks again for your wonderful work to keep Solitaire alive. I’m an 87 year old recent widower to covid and Solitaire is important to keep my present life in some level of quality.

    Thx, pjl

  184. The animations are suddenly not working. Had been working on my computer, but had to create a new Windows profile due to separate Microsoft issues. Now the Play Animations checkbox is grayed out. Thoughts on what that could be related to?
    Also, I appreciate that you have uploaded this. Have been using it for a year or so now and loving it when work gets slow!

  185. Nobody is asking about the animations of these games???
    They don’t play anymore and have lost some of it’s charm…does anybody know how to solve this issue???????

  186. Yo where is the link from this site?

    the only link for actual downloading is from

    That is suspicious as all hell my friend.

  187. I accidently saved a solitaire game. How can I delete the saved game so it stops asking me to open it?
    I have searched everywhere and cannot find what used to be a saved games folder or file.
    I also went back and completed the game, but it won’t delete it after finishing it.

  188. More info – I uninstalled and reinstalled the newest version for W11, but it doesn’t clear out old saved games with a reinstall either.

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