Edge introduces a new style for the Extension menu

Extension Icon

Following Collections, Favorites and Downloads, the Extension menu received some love in the Edge browser. It now matches the overall look, and its design follows Microsoft's Fluent Design guidelines. Traditionally for such novelties in Edge, it is under the controlled roll-out and is hidden for many. But, it is easy to enable it.

You may be familiar with the Extension menu in Google Chrome that can host all extension buttons from the toolbar. Well, Edge has the similar feature, but it is disabled by default.

The following screenshot shows it in action.

Edge Extension Menu

It looks similar to what Chrome has and doesn't go well with the stylish appearance of Microsoft Edge. This can be the reason for that we don't have it enabled by default in the browser. Microsoft is about to change this.

The new "Extension Hub" menu

The new menu style, known as "Extension Hub" changes the look and features of the Extensions button.  It still lists the extension as it supposed to do, and also has a direct action to show or hide the button for each installed extension.

The toolbar button itself is also customizable. You can show or hide it from the context menu or in Settings > Appearance > Customize toolbar.

It is unknown yet when these changes will land in the stable branch. But you can already enable both the button and the new menu look by following these tutorials.

In short, all you need to do is to add the --enable-features=msExtensionsHub after the msedge.exe portion in the Edge Canary shortcut properties. Also, you can combine this option with other options to have multiple Edge features enabled by following this tutorial.

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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.

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