
Cortana no longer able to recognize music

On December 31, 2017, Microsoft killed its Groove Music Pass service. Also, the built-in Windows 10 appm Groove Music, lost the option to stream, purchase, and download music. Due to the shutdown of the Groove Music service, Cortana's music recognition functionality has been retired for now.

When you try to recognize a song using Cortana, it shows the following error.

Cortana Error Recognize Song

To make Cortana recognize a song, you could click on the music icon in Cortana's user interface while playing some music. The Groove service would try to identify the song from its own music library. This user interface feature is expected to be removed soon.

Another bad thing is that a third party app which supports similar functionality, Shazam, is no longer available to Windows 10 users. It is now owned by Apple, so Shazam was recently removed from the Microsoft Store, and it is unlikely that the app will return there.

Image credits: Twitter.
Source: via.

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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.

4 thoughts on “Cortana no longer able to recognize music”

  1. Why is Cortana dependent on Groove in the first place? It should be possible to configure Cortana to use the music app of your choice. Has Microsoft forgotten their anti-trust lawsuit so quickly?

    Also, Apple pulling Shazam from the Windows store is pretty strange. They haven’t pulled it from the Play store for Android devices, and surely Google is their most direct competitor.

  2. Instead of Shazam, try SoundHound! My 19year old son has been using it for many years(Nokia C6/N8 & iPhoneSE), and swears it’s faster and better than Shazam. I switched about a year ago, and have no complaints.

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