
Chrome 119 stable is now available with several improvements

Chrome 119 hits the stable channel with several improvements and fixes. It limits the life time of cookies to 400 days, allows searching through bookmark folders in the address bar, adds domain address auto-correction for URLs with a typo, and more.

Chrome 119 Image 001

 What's new in Chrome 119

  • With Chrome 119, Google shortens the release cycle. Now the period between the establishment of a new branch and the start of beta testing has been reduced by one week.
  • The button to "clear" the browsing data has got the new "Delete" name. According to Google, the former term was confusing users, who do not associate the "clear" operation with data removal.
  • URL autocompletion now takes into account any keyword previously used to search for a site, and not just words that match the beginning of the address. For example, autocompletion of the address "" will work not only when you enter the word "google", but also when you enter "flights".Chrome 119 URL autocompletion
  • Chrome 119 now performs automatic correction of typos when entering a site address. It also shows relevant hints based on sites you have previously opened. For example, typing "youuuutube" will prompt you to open auto-correction
  • You can now search in bookmark folders through the address bar. For example, you can add the name of a bookmarks folder as you type, and Chrome will suggest links from that section.Chrome 119 bookmark search
  • The browser now shows recommendations for popular sites, even if the user has not visited them before or made a mistake when entering the URL. For example, when, following someone's recommendation to open Google Earth, the user begins to type "googleear" without knowing the exact address, the browser will offer to go to website recommendations
  • Chrome for desktop has improved the address bar readability. Also, its interface is now more responsive. The search results are now displayed instantly once you start typing in the address bar.
  • Following the change to the Fetch API specification, the Authorization HTTP header is removed when redirecting to another domain (cross origin).
  • In the notification and location settings, an option has been added to enable the auto-suppression service for requests for confirmation of authority (Permission Suggestions Service). The following modes are available to choose from:
    • Always show permission requests for notifications and location access;
      automatically ignore spam requests for permissions using the Permission
    • Suggestions Service mechanism;
    • Always ignore all requests to display notifications;
    • Always block all requests for notification and location permissions.
  • Following the updated specification, Chrome doesn't allow certain characters in URLs instead of escaping them. For example, 'URL("http://exa(;")' previously returned ''. Now it will result in an "Invalid URL" error.

In addition to new features and bug fixes, the Chrome 119 closes 15 vulnerabilities. Many of the vulnerabilities were identified as a result of automated testing using the AddressSanitizer , MemorySanitizer , Control Flow Integrity , LibFuzzer and AFL tools . No critical problems have been identified that would allow one to bypass all levels of browser protection and execute code on the system outside the sandbox environment.


As part of the reward program (bug bounty), Google made 13 payments in the amount of 40.5 thousand US dollars (one award of $16,000, $11,000, $2,000 and $500, three awards of $3,000 and two awards of $1,000). The size of the 4 rewards has not yet been determined.

You can get Chrome 119 from its official website. Existing users will get the browser update automatically.

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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.

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