
Microsoft Adds 4K Themes for Windows 10 to the Microsoft Store

Starting with Windows 7, Microsoft invented a new theme format - themepack. It was created so all the theme resources would be packed inside a single file and sharing of such themes would be easy. In Windows 8, the file format was revised to deskthemepack, and supported specifying if the window color would be automatically set based on the dominant color of the desktop background. Windows 10 supports both themepack and deskthemepack formats.

Rock Formations Theme for Windows 10, 8, and 7

Rock Formations theme for Windows is a panoramic theme created to fill your dual monitor Desktop with impressive views of rocks. This beautiful themepack was initially created for Windows 8, but you can use it in Windows 10, Windows 7 and Windows 8.

Panoramas of Europe theme for Windows 10, 8, and 7

The Panoramas of Europe theme for Windows is a panoramic theme created to fill your dual monitor Desktop with gorgeous landscape views. This beautiful themepack was initially created for Windows 8, but you can use it in Windows 10, Windows 7 and Windows 8.

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