
Create Environment Variable in Windows 10

Environment variables in an operating system are values that contain information about the system environment, and the currently logged in user. They existed in OSes before Windows as well, such as MS-DOS. Applications or services can use the information defined by environment variables to determine various things about the OS, for example, to detect the number of processes, the currently logged in user's name, the folder path to the current user's profile or the temporary files directory. Today, we will review a number of methods you can use to create a new user and system environment variable in Windows 10.

Microsoft Open-Sources Windows Calculator

In Windows 10, Microsoft replaced the good old calculator with a new Modern app. Recently, the app got a revamped user interface with the Fluent Design bits applied. Today, Microsoft revealed that they have released Windows Calculator source code. It is now on GitHub under the MIT license.

Windows 10 Build 18850 (Skip Ahead)

Microsoft is releasing a new build from the development branch. Insiders who opted in to Skip Ahead are getting Windows 10 Build 18850. For a specific reason, this build is coming from the 20H1 development branch, and not from 19H2, as was expected. Let's see what's new in this release.

Add Secure Delete Recycle Bin Context Menu in Windows 10

Windows has a special location called Recycle Bin where deleted files and folders are stored
temporarily, so the user has a choice to restore accidentally deleted stuff or remove it permanently. However, files delete from the Recycle Bin can be easily recovered. Windows only marks the file as deleted, but physically the files stay on the hard drive until they are overwritten by new data. Here's how to add a special 'Secure Delete' context menu entry to the Recycle Bin right-click menu to securely erase its contents.

Update and Upgrade WSL Linux Distro in Windows 10

The ability to run Linux natively in Windows 10 is provided by the WSL feature. Windows 10 does not automatically update or upgrade the packages in a distro installed in WSL. This is a task that a WSL Linux user need to perform himself.

Add Secure Delete Context Menu in Windows 10

When you delete files in Windows, they can be easily recovered. Windows only marks the file as deleted, but physically the files stay on the hard drive until they are overwritten by new data. Although on an SSD, they are harder to recover than hard drives because of TRIM and garbage collection done by the SSD controller, all of the deleted data is not securely wiped by default. If you deleted some sensitive data and want to be sure that it cannot be recovered before you give your PC away temporarily for whatever reason, here is how to add a special 'Secure Delete' context menu entry.

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