Dynamic Lock - Enable in Windows 10 Creators Update.
Use the provided Registry tweak to enable or disable the Dynamic Lock feature in Windows 10 Creators Update.
At the edge of tweaking
Dynamic Lock - Enable in Windows 10 Creators Update.
Use the provided Registry tweak to enable or disable the Dynamic Lock feature in Windows 10 Creators Update.
Add Uninstall A Program Context Menu.
Using these Registry files, you can add or remove the Uninstall a program entry from the Desktop context menu.
Scan Archive Files with Windows Defender in Windows 10.
You can enable scan of archive files with Windows Defender in Windows 10 for better security and protection. Use the provided Registry tweak.
Taskbar Clock Show Seconds in Windows 10.
Uisng the provided tweak, you can make the taskbar clock show seconds in Windows 10. By default, the Taskbar only shows time in hours and minutes.
Add Set Save Location to Context Menu of Library.
You can add Set save location and Set public save location commands to the context menu of a library in Windows 10. The command will appear in the right-click menu of libraries in File Explorer.
Change Icon of a Library Context Menu.
You can add Change Icon to the library's context menu in Windows 10. The Change Icon command in the right-click menu will allow you to change the icon of a library without having to open the library properties dialog. Here is how.
Optimize Library For Context Menu Command.
You can add Optimize Library For to the library context menu in Windows 10. You will be able to change the template of a library from the right-click menu in File Explorer. This will save your time, since you won't need to open the library's properties any more.
Add About Windows Context Menu.
Use these Registry files to add or remove the About Windows context menu in File Explorer.
Add Restore Settings Library Context Menu in File Explorer.
It is possible to add Restore Settings to the context menu of Libraries in File Explorer on Windows 10. You will be able to reset any Library's settings from the right click menu.
Tweak: Cleanup Drive context menu command for Windows 10.
You can add Cleanup to the context menu of drives in File Explorer on Windows 10. You will get Cleanup as a verb in the drive's right-click menu. This will save you time, since you won't need to open the drive's properties any more.