
Winaero Tweaker is out

This release of my Winaero Tweaker app is dedicated to bugfixes and also features two new features for Windows 10 users. One is the ability to disable the login screen background image and the other one will help you to get a working Windows Photo Viewer app instead of the Metro app called "Photos".

In Winaero Tweaker, I fixed the following issues:

  1. In Boot Options, the "Reset defaults" button did nothing. Now it works properly.
  2. In Disable Lock Screen, the checkbox was not ticked even when the Lock screen was actually disabled. This is also fixed now.
  3. Windows Update settings will not crash the app any more in Windows 10 build 10240.

As for new features, the first one is the ability to disable the login screen background image in Windows 10.

Winaero Tweaker Login screen imageIf you are not happy to see the Hero image on the login screen, tick the checkbox. To get this feature working, you need to install all latest updates in Windows 10.

The second new option is the ability to restore the Photo Viewer in Windows 10. To enable Windows Photo Viewer in Windows 10, click the "Activate..." button and set it as the default app in the "Set Default Programs" window. Select "Windows Photo Viewer" and click the button "Choose defaults for this program" and set the file types you want.

Winaero Tweaker Photo ViewerThat's it. Thank you all for your support, bug reports and suggestions. You can download Winaero Tweaker here:
Download Winaero Tweaker | The list of Winaero Tweaker features | Winaero Tweaker FAQ

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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.

22 thoughts on “Winaero Tweaker is out”

  1. This is great. Now I patiently await an app like PinTo8 but PinTo10! There are those few apps I have enjoyed having pinned that I cannot otherwise! Keep up the good work!

          1. Glad to help, but there’s another bug/error. In my Control Panel, now I have blue background in labels. It’s related to user account because I created another account and problem don’t exist.

          2. It does not look related to Winaero Tweaker.
            More like some theme/vs bug.
            Which theme/vs you are using in that user account?

          3. I think this blue background start appear after enable coloring title bar. Anyway, can you provide any fix for now?

          4. Ok, custom accent seems to be fixed.
            About theme – check this screen, I’m using default theme

          5. Damn. I have no idea what it can be!
            Btw I released a fixed version of Winaero Tweaker. Use, it include a fix for custom accents.

  2. Hi,

    Is it possible to make window’s title bar coloured only when active, like windows 8, where the other windows fade to grey when they lose focus?

  3. Any way to disable and get rid of those dumb UAC shield overlay? It was easy on Windows 7 and Windows 8 but cant figure out on Windows 10.

    1. Sure it is not because of this app.
      Why you even think so?
      See the cause at Microsoft:

  4. Hi Sergey,

    I think now we can safely remove anything related to Technical Preview or experimental (eg. New Data Time interface) from the tweaker as Windows 10 is public. What say?

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