
The complete list of the keyboard shortcuts of the Mail app in Windows 8.1

Windows 8.1 comes with a modern application, Mail, which serves as the replacement for the good old Outlook Express, Windows Mail and Windows Live Mail. This new Mail app was designed to be used on touch screen devices, but many Windows 8.1 users are classic desktop PC users who do not have a touch screen. Those users may want to control the Mail app with keyboard shortcuts. In this article, I would like to share the complete list of keyboard shortcuts for the Mail app in Windows 8.1.


Compose shortcuts

Alt + T - Move the focus to the 'To' text field
Alt + B - Browse for the 'BCC' contact
Alt + C - Browse for the 'CC' contact
Alt + I - Insert an attachment
Alt + S - Send the current letter
Ctrl + O - Open the current message in the split area
Ctrl + A - Select all text
Ctrl + C - Copy
Ctrl + X - Cut
Ctrl + V - Paste
Ctrl + S - Save draft
Ctrl + Y - Redo
Ctrl + Z - Undo
F6 - Set focus to the send button

Text formatting shortcuts

Ctrl + B - Make text bold
Ctrl + I - Make text italic
Ctrl + U - Underline the text
Ctrl + Shift + F - Select a font
Ctrl + Shift + E - Start a numbered list
Ctrl + Shift + L - Bullets
Ctrl + [ - Decrease font size one point
Ctrl + ] - Increase font size one point
Ctrl + Shift + . - Increase font size
Ctrl + Shift + , - Decrease font size
Ctrl + Spacebar - Clear formatting
Ctrl + L - Align text to left
Ctrl + R - Align text to right
Ctrl + E - Align text to center
Ctrl + K - Add a link
Ctrl + M - Increase the text indent
Ctrl + Shift+ M - Decrease the text indent

Other shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + A - Show all messages
Ctrl + Shift + E - Show Folder options
Ctrl + Q - Mark the message as read
Ctrl + U - Mark as unread

Ctrl + Shift + U - Show only unread messages
Ctrl + A - Select all messages
Ctrl + R - Reply to the selected messages

Ctrl + Shift + R - Reply to all recipients
Ctrl + F - Forward the message
Ctrl + J - Toggle between marking a message as junk or not junk
Ctrl + M - Move the message to a different folder

Alt + Ctrl + Shift + 1 - Inverted exclamation mark
Alt + Ctrl + Shift + / - Inverted question mark
Ctrl + Shift + ; - Diaeresis accent
Alt + C - Accept
Alt + D - Decline
Alt + T - Tentative
Ctrl + ' - Acute accent
Ctrl + , - Cedilla accent
Ctrl + ` - Grave accent
Ctrl + Shift + ` - Tilde accent
Ctrl + / - Slash accent
Ctrl + Shift + 2 - Ring accent
Ctrl + Shift + 6 - Circumflex accent
Ctrl + Shift + 7 - Ligature accent
Ctrl + Alt + S - Allows you to delete one or all messages from a sender
Ctrl + Shift + S - Sweep
Alt + V - Open the invitation in Calendar
F4 - Redo
F5 - Sync
Insert - Toggle between Flag and Remove flag for messages
Tab or Shift+Tab - Indent/outdent when text is selected or when focus is in a list
Shift+Tab - When focus is not in a list, cycle through tabs in reverse order

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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.

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