
Make WSL look like Ubuntu Terminal in Windows 10

There is an ability to run Linux natively in Windows 10. It is provided by the WSL feature. WSL stands for Windows Subsystem for Linux, which initially, was limited to Ubuntu only. Starting with Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, the WSL feature received many improvements, including the ability to install various Linux distros from the Store. Here is how to make the WSL console look like a native Ubuntu terminal with appropriate colors and fonts.


In Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, Windows Subsystem for Linux is finally out of beta. Not only can you install and run multiple Linux distros, but also for your convenience, they are available right in the Microsoft Store (formerly known as the Windows Store). As of this writing, you can install openSUSE Leap, SUSE Linux Enterprise, and Ubuntu.

Windows 10 Multiple Linux Distors

Every time you open a new Bash console in Windows 10, it preserves the appearance of the command prompt (cmd.exe).  However, it is possible to apply Ubuntu's fonts and colors to the bash window, so it will look like a regular Ubuntu terminal. Let's see how it can be done.

How to make WSL look like the Ubuntu terminal in Windows 10

Step 1: Go to the following GitHub page and download the contents as a ZIP archive.

Step 2: Unpack the contents of the ZIP archive to any folder you want.

Step 3: Double-click the install.vbs file. This will install the Ubuntu font and the appropriate color scheme for the command prompt console.

That's it.

Now, open Bash on Ubuntu (or any other Linux distro you have installed in WSL). You will get something like this:

Ubuntu Console Appearance For Bash In Windows 10 Original

The package includes the following fonts:

  • “UbuntuMono-B.ttf” — the Ubuntu Mono font’s bold variant,
  • “UbuntuMono-BI.ttf” — the Ubuntu Mono font’s bold and italicized variant,
  • “UbuntuMono-R.ttf” — the Ubuntu Mono font’s regular variant;
  • “UbuntuMono-RI.ttf” — the Ubuntu Mono font’s italicized variant.

The color scheme comes with the following presets:

Slot 1: Red: 48, Green: 10, Blue: 36
Slot 2: Red: 52, Green: 101, Blue: 164
Slot 3: Red: 78, Green: 154, Blue: 6
Slot 4: Red: 6, Green: 152, Blue: 154
Slot 5: Red: 204, Green: 0, Blue: 0
Slot 6: Red: 117, Green: 80, Blue: 123
Slot 7: Red: 196, Green: 160, Blue: 0
Slot 8: Red: 211, Green: 215, Blue: 207
Slot 9: Red: 85, Green: 87, Blue: 83
Slot 10: Red: 114, Green: 159, Blue: 207
Slot 11: Red: 138, Green: 226, Blue: 52
Slot 12: Red: 52, Green: 226, Blue: 226
Slot 13: Red: 239, Green: 41, Blue: 41
Slot 14: Red: 173, Green: 127, Blue: 168
Slot 15: Red: 252, Green: 233, Blue: 79
Slot 16: Red: 238, Green: 238, Blue: 238

See these articles:

That's it.

Credits: James Garijo-Garde and Markus Estee.

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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.

6 thoughts on “Make WSL look like Ubuntu Terminal in Windows 10”

  1. First, ensure you have changed some console setting (open ubuntu shell > system-menu > Properties > change something, like font size)

    Then, execute the script.

  2. Is there a way this (the color scheme) can be saved so that I don’t have to repeatedly enter it every time it changes back to default settings (e.g. from wsl.exe –update or a do-release-upgrade)?

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